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    What is classified as Inappropriate?


    Male Posts : 8755
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    Location : Scotland, United Kingdom

    What is classified as Inappropriate?  Empty What is classified as Inappropriate?

    Post by Derri June 1st 2012, 9:54 pm

    Well my friend is thinking of creating a health forum which will contain a lot of body talk and other such things relating to person health and development.

    Now I obviously know that pornographic images are inappropriate and zero images will be posted on the forum.

    So what is classified as Inappropriate?

    Would a health forum be okay?

    Anyway thanks for the replies.

    Male Posts : 113
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    What is classified as Inappropriate?  Empty Re: What is classified as Inappropriate?

    Post by MotorCookie June 2nd 2012, 1:58 am

    Yes, I think a health forum would be alright.

    Terms of Service say:

    Forums that does welcome or promote warez, piracy, hacking, cracking,
    spamming, attacks against networks or servers, pornography, racial
    hatred, crimes against humanity, inappropriate activities on the
    servers, or any other actions which violate any applicable laws, aren't
    allowed. Any forum which contains texts, links, pictures, animations,
    videos or any other content recognized as Illegal will be deleted
    without notice or warning. Forumotion.com reserves the right to delete
    any accounts or forums considered not conform to the rules quoted here
    or specified in Forumotion.com or in the international website rules
    according to the international internet law. Any Illegal content or act
    and will be reported to the concerned services and prosecuted.


    Male Posts : 2537
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    What is classified as Inappropriate?  Empty Re: What is classified as Inappropriate?

    Post by runawayhorses June 2nd 2012, 4:20 am

    I see no problem with it as long as medical terms are used to describe the body parts and bodily functions, and be as professional about it as possible.

    But that's just my opinion, what the server TOS says about it I don't know, you'd have to check it out with them.

    I'm just covering my 'buttocks' by saying that.. lol!

    Male Posts : 8755
    Reputation : 638
    Language : English & Basic French
    Location : Scotland, United Kingdom

    What is classified as Inappropriate?  Empty Re: What is classified as Inappropriate?

    Post by Derri June 3rd 2012, 4:21 pm

    runawayhorses wrote:I see no problem with it as long as medical terms are used to describe the body parts and bodily functions, and be as professional about it as possible.

    But that's just my opinion, what the server TOS says about it I don't know, you'd have to check it out with them.

    I'm just covering my 'buttocks' by saying that.. lol!

    It is ran by teenagers aged 13-19 so not always the appreciate medical terms are used by all. However it shall be moderated well. While we don't intend to moderate the language out anything inappropriate will be locked and archived.

    Male Posts : 11853
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    What is classified as Inappropriate?  Empty Re: What is classified as Inappropriate?

    Post by Darren1 June 3rd 2012, 9:13 pm


    In addition;
    There have been cases where forums that encourage persons to not eat, thus cause Anorexia have been closed down without notice previously.
    When posting photo's, please keep a record of where they are -- The line is very fine and has never been very clear when it comes to posting photo's with a female wearing a bikini, some forums have been closed over it, other times, they were left alone.

    P.S. Should've been in the support section Razz

    Male Posts : 48766
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    Language : English
    Location : Mumbai

    What is classified as Inappropriate?  Empty Re: What is classified as Inappropriate?

    Post by Sanket June 5th 2012, 10:21 am

    Moved to Other Problems from Forum Discussions.