how do i add a dropdown menu on new latest topics to display the number of topics shown Hitskin_logo

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    how do i add a dropdown menu on new latest topics to display the number of topics shown


    Male Posts : 252
    Reputation : 4
    Language : English
    Location : Flying

    how do i add a dropdown menu on new latest topics to display the number of topics shown Empty how do i add a dropdown menu on new latest topics to display the number of topics shown

    Post by +Fusion- June 10th 2012, 7:57 am

    Hello there! and welcome to my "i need help" thread.

    So anyways see this:
    how do i add a dropdown menu on new latest topics to display the number of topics shown Post_c10

    I want my latest topics to have a dropdown menu too, to allow my members to display the number of recent topics they want to. 10 20 30 50.

    Here's what my latest topics looks like:
    how do i add a dropdown menu on new latest topics to display the number of topics shown Myforu10

    Here's the script im using for my recent_topics template:
    <!-- Coded by ReMad , Edited by Fusion -->
    div.title {
    font-size: 12px;
    font-weight: bold;
    text-decoration: none;
    color: #000;

                <option value="155" selected="selected">10</option>
                <option value="235">15</option>
                <option value="315">20</option>

    <!-- BEGIN classical_row -->
    <table class="forumline" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" align="center"><tbody>
    <td style="padding: 0px; Background: url( repeat scroll 100% 100%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous;" width="100%">
    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" colspan="2" width="100%">
     <tr><td class="catHead" colspan="3" width="70%">
    <div class="title"><font color="white">Topic</font></div>
     <td class="catHead" colspan="1" width="30%">
    <div class="title"><font color="white">Last post</font></div>

    <tr valign="top">
    <td colspan="1" style="border-top: 0px none; padding: 0px; background: transparent url( no-repeat scroll center top; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous;" width="24"><img src="" width="24" border="0"></td><td style="border-top: 0px none; padding: 0px; line-height: 20px; background-repeat: repeat;" align="left" background="" width="70%">
    <!-- BEGIN recent_topic_row -->
      <a href="{classical_row.recent_topic_row.U_TITLE}"><b><font style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 10px">{classical_row.recent_topic_row.L_TITLE}</font></b></a><br>

    <!-- END recent_topic_row -->
    <td style="border-top: 0px none; padding: 0px; line-height: 16.5px; background-repeat: repeat;" align="center" background="" width="15%">
    <span class="gensmall">
    <!-- BEGIN recent_topic_row -->
    <br><!-- END recent_topic_row -->
    <td style="border-top: 0px none; padding: 0px; line-height: 20px; background-repeat: repeat;" align="left" background="" width="15%">
    <!-- BEGIN switch_poster -->
    <a href="{classical_row.recent_topic_row.switch_poster.U_POSTER}">{classical_row.recent_topic_row.switch_poster.S_POSTER}</a>
    <!-- END switch_poster -->
    <!-- BEGIN switch_poster_guest -->
    <!-- END switch_poster_guest -->
    <!-- BEGIN recent_topic_row -->
      <!--<img src="">-->
    <a href="{classical_row.recent_topic_row.switch_poster.U_POSTER}"><font style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 12px">{classical_row.recent_topic_row.switch_poster.S_POSTER}</font></a>
    <br><!-- END recent_topic_row -->
    <!-- END classical_row -->

    so could this be done with javascript or Css? cause i really want to do this, but im intermediate and cant code Java yet. Thanks, i would VERY Appreciate it, if i could recieve help on this and get this solved.

    Thanks for reading my "i need help" thread