Here are some of his messages quoted
Toomuch wrote:"Anybody worth banning will evade it."
- z33
Anyways, Brianman is a humorless [Language] who felt like banning me. I'm trying to get Slowloris to work, but it's written in Perl (*gag*). If there's an option to change the HTTP header message, I'll be sure to set it to "Your extra-large Dead [Language] has arrived. That will be $5."
Just for you guys.
Toomuch wrote:Slowloris is the best denial-of-service tool of all time. Back before I left 4chan, I actually managed to convince all of /b/ to use it in place of LOIC and HOIC in Op9gore.
Slowloris is fantastic because as long as the attacking machine is still kicking, it will be holding sockets from valid users. My server can whore about 300 sockets before it runs out of memory. The defending server will put up a fight, but Slowloris will slowly and surely win.
HTTP headers are the head part of an HTTP packet. When Slowloris is stopped, it sends as many 200 OK headers as sockets it has absorbed.
I need to make sure this guys doesn't hack my forum. Can anyone here help me. Also, I have his IP address, the one he originally used, and have his ISP and other stuff from it. Should I report this guy?