HTML Variable script isnt working *Please Help* Hitskin_logo

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3 posters

    HTML Variable script isnt working *Please Help*


    Male Posts : 252
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    Language : English
    Location : Flying

    HTML Variable script isnt working *Please Help* Empty HTML Variable script isnt working *Please Help*

    Post by +Fusion- July 2nd 2012, 10:17 am

    Ok so im trying to put my forum (categories and forums) into a widget so i can put it on my portal page, (new design im making) , anyways heres what i have:


    <script type="text/javascript">$(function() {
      var x=document.getElementById('variables').getElementsByTagName('span');
      for (i=0;i<x.length;i++) {    $('.'+x[i].id).html(x[i].innerHTML);  }
    <div id="variables" style="display:none">
    <span id="USERNAME">Using php in posts is called being a smart [Language]... Stop it</span>
    <span id="USERLINK">{USERLINK}</span>
    <span id="LASTVISITDATE">{LAST_VISIT_DATE}</span>
    <span id="CURRENTTIME">{CURRENT_TIME}</span>
    <span id="UINDEX">{U_INDEX}</span>
    <span id="LINDEX">{L_INDEX}</span>
    <span id="NAVCATDESC">{NAV_CAT_DESC}</span>
    <span id="INCSPAN">{catrow.tablehead.INC_SPAN}</span>
    <span id="LFORUM">{catrow.tablehead.L_FORUM}</span>
    <span id="LPOSTS">{L_POSTS}</span>
    <span id="LLASTPOST">{L_LASTPOST}</span>
    <span id="INCCLASS">{}</span>
    <span id="SPACER">{SPACER}</span>
    <span id="CLASSCAT">{catrow.cathead.CLASS_CAT}</span>
    <span id="CATHEADINCSPAN">{catrow.cathead.INC_SPAN}</span>
    <span id="CATHEADLEVEL">{catrow.cathead.LEVEL}</span>
    <span id="CATDESC">{catrow.cathead.CAT_DESC}</span>
    <span id="VIEWCAT">{catrow.cathead.U_VIEWCAT}</span>
    <span id="CATTITLE">{catrow.cathead.CAT_TITLE}</span>
    <span id="CATLEVEL">{catrow.cathead.LEVEL}</span>
    <span id="CLASSROWPIC">{catrow.cathead.CLASS_ROWPIC}</span>
    <span id="FORUMINCCLASS">{}</span>
    <span id="FORUMCLASS">{catrow.forumrow.INC_CLASS}</span>
    <span id="FORUMFOLDER">{catrow.forumrow.L_FORUM_FOLDER_ALT}</span>
    <span id="FORUMFOLDERIMG">{catrow.forumrow.FORUM_FOLDER_IMG}</span>
    <span id="FORUMINCSPAN">{catrow.forumrow.INC_SPAN}</span>
    <span id="FORUMLEVEL">{catrow.forumrow.LEVEL}</span>
    <span id="VIEWFORUM">{catrow.forumrow.U_VIEWFORUM}</span>
    <span id="FORUMFORUMNAME">{catrow.forumrow.FORUM_NAME}</span>
    <span id="FORUMDESC">{catrow.forumrow.FORUM_DESC}</span>
    <span id="LMOD">{catrow.forumrow.switch_moderators_links.L_MODERATOR}</span>
    <span id="LINKSMOD">{catrow.forumrow.switch_moderators_links.MODERATORS}</span>
    <span id="LLINKS">{catrow.forumrow.L_LINKS}</span>
    <span id="LINKS">{catrow.forumrow.LINKS}</span>
    <span id="FORUMROWTOPICS">{catrow.forumrow.TOPICS}</span>
    <span id="FORUMROWPOSTS">{catrow.forumrow.POSTS}</span>
    <span id="FORUMLASTPOST">{catrow.forumrow.LAST_POST}</span>
    <span id="CATFOOTCLASS">{}</span>
    <span id="CATFOOT">{catrow.catfoot.INC_SPAN}</span>

    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" align="center">
          <td valign="bottom">
             <!-- BEGIN switch_user_logged_in -->
             <span class="gensmall"><span class="LASTVISITDATE"></span><br /><span class="CURRENTTIME"></span><br />
             <!-- END switch_user_logged_in -->
             <div class="nav"><a class="nav" href="<span class="">UINDEX</span>"><span class="LINDEX"></span></a><span class="NAVCATDESC"></span></div>
          <td class="gensmall" align="right" valign="bottom">
             <!-- BEGIN switch_user_logged_in -->
             <a class="gensmall" href="{U_SEARCH_NEW}">{L_SEARCH_NEW}</a><br />
             <a class="gensmall" href="{U_SEARCH_SELF}">{L_SEARCH_SELF}</a><br />
             <!-- END switch_user_logged_in -->
             <a class="gensmall" href="{U_SEARCH_UNANSWERED}">{L_SEARCH_UNANSWERED}</a>
    <!-- BEGIN catrow --><!-- BEGIN tablehead --><table class="forumline" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">
          <th colspan="<span class="INCSPAN"></span>" nowrap="nowrap" width="100%" class="secondarytitle"> <span class="">LFORUM</span> </th>
              <th nowrap="nowrap" width="100">Threads/Posts</th>
    <!-- <th nowrap="nowrap" width="50"><span class="LPOSTS"></span></th> -->
    <th nowrap="nowrap" width="150"><div style="width:150px;"><span class="LLASTPOST"></span></div></th>
       <!-- END tablehead -->
       <!-- BEGIN cathead -->
          <!-- BEGIN inc -->
          <td class="<span class="INCCLASS"></span>" width="46"><img src="<span class="SPACER"></span>" height="0" width="46" /></td>
          <!-- END inc -->
          <td class="<span class="CLASSCAT"></span>" colspan="<span class="CATHEADINCSPAN"></span>" width="100%">
             <h<span class="CATHEADLEVEL"></span> class="hierarchy">
                <span class="cattitle">
                   <a class="cattitle" title="<span class="CATDESC"></span>" href="<span class="VIEWCAT"></span>"><span class="CATTITLE"></span></a>
             </h<span class="CATLEVEL"></span>>
          <td class="<span class="CLASSROWPIC"></span>" colspan="3" align="right"> </td>
       <!-- END cathead -->
       <!-- BEGIN forumrow -->
          <!-- BEGIN inc -->
          <td class="<span class="FORUMINCCLASS"></span>" width="46"><img src="<span class="SPACER"></span>" height="0" width="46" alt="." /></td>
          <!-- END inc -->
          <td class="<span class="FORUMCLASS"></span>" align="center" valign="middle">
             <img title="<span class="FORUMFOLDER"></span>" src="<span class=FORUMFOLDERIMG""></span>" alt="<span class="FORUMFOLDER"></span>" />
          <td class="row1 over" colspan="<span class="FORUMINCSPAN"></span>" valign="top" width="100%" height="50">
             <h<span class="FORUMLEVEL"></span> class="hierarchy">
                <span class="forumlink">
                   <a class="forumlink" href="<span class="VIEWFORUM"></span>"><span class="FORUMFORUMNAME"></span></a><br />
             </h<span class="FORUMLEVEL"></span>>
             <span class="genmed"><span class="FORUMDESC"></span></span>
             <span class="gensmall">
                <!-- BEGIN switch_moderators_links -->
                <span class="LMOD"></span><span class="LINKSMOD"></span>
                <!-- END switch_moderators_links -->
                <span class="LLINKS"></span><span class="LINKS"></span>
          <td class="row3" align="center" valign="middle" height="50">
      <span class="gensmall">Threads: <span class="FORUMROWTOPICS"></span><br />Posts: <span class="FORUMROWPOSTS"></span></span>
    <!-- <td class="row2" align="center" valign="middle" height="50">
      <span class="gensmall"><span class="FORUMROWPOSTS"></span></span>
    </td> -->
          <td class="row3 over" align="center" valign="middle" height="50">
             <span class="gensmall"><span class="FORUMLASTPOST"></span></span>
       <!-- END forumrow -->
       <!-- BEGIN catfoot -->
          <!-- BEGIN inc -->
          <td class="<span class="CATFOOTCLASS"></span>" width="46"><img src="<span class="SPACER"></span>" height="0" width="46" /></td>
          <!-- END inc -->
          <td class="spaceRow" colspan="<span class="CATFOOT"></span>" height="1"><img src="<span class="<span class="SPACER"></span>"></span>" alt="" height="1" width="1" /></td>
       <!-- END catfoot -->
       <!-- BEGIN tablefoot -->
    </table><img src="{SPACER}" alt="" height="5" width="1" /><!-- END tablefoot --><!-- END catrow -->

    Anyways im using LGForum's variable on an html page tutorial to put the variables into the widgets, for some reason, though im doing everything correct it still ends up like this:
    HTML Variable script isnt working *Please Help* Catego10

    Any sugestions, codes, or help? i really want the forum on my portal, if not then how can i display the top posters and recent topics above forum and next to eachother on main forum page.
    genji watanabe
    genji watanabe

    Male Posts : 241
    Reputation : 20
    Language : overflow: hidden;
    Location : Asian

    HTML Variable script isnt working *Please Help* Empty Re: HTML Variable script isnt working *Please Help*

    Post by genji watanabe July 2nd 2012, 11:59 am


    Male Posts : 2265
    Reputation : 264
    Language : English
    Location : UK

    HTML Variable script isnt working *Please Help* Empty Re: HTML Variable script isnt working *Please Help*

    Post by LGforum July 2nd 2012, 12:53 pm

    There's a number of reasons why it's not working, and it's down to the variables your using, I'd have to explain how a template engine works to explain why properly, but basically most of the variables your using are only swapped for their equivalent values on certain pages. An {catrow.blabla} will only work between the BEGIN catrow and END catrow loop.

    You'd need to use a bit JavaScript to move those widgets on phpbb2.
    I can't imagine it being too differcult, and iddefinitely utilise the announcement area to get it.

    Male Posts : 252
    Reputation : 4
    Language : English
    Location : Flying

    HTML Variable script isnt working *Please Help* Empty Re: HTML Variable script isnt working *Please Help*

    Post by +Fusion- July 2nd 2012, 6:11 pm

    Sounds good, except i have no knowledge when it comes to javascript, I guess ill try something, if u can help me with by providing a code for me that would be great