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    The Social Networking Forum

    New Member

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    The Social Networking Forum Empty The Social Networking Forum

    Post by funnytim July 11th 2012, 7:25 am

    Choice of the category: Computers & Internet

    Choice of a title: The Social Networking Forum

    Forum address:

    Main language: English

    Forum description: At our friendly community forum, you will be able to share, discuss and comment on any and all social networks. We also provide volunteer based, unofficial support for the big social networks. These include, but are not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus.

    Be sure to check us out! We look forward to chatting with you.
    New Member

    Posts : 12
    Reputation : 1
    Language : qwerty

    The Social Networking Forum Empty Re: The Social Networking Forum

    Post by funnytim July 13th 2012, 7:31 am

    The Social Networking Forum

    Hi all,

    The Social Networking Forum is currently searching for a graphics designer for our site. The graphic designer will be primarily responsible for designing, well, graphics, as well as images for our forum. Ideally, the graphic designer should have experience with photo editing software such as Photoshop, and possess solid graphic skills.

    In addition to getting to join our robust and friendly team, this is a great opportunity for graphic designers to showcase their work, as well as be part of a growing online community.

    For details on how to apply, please click here. Thanks for reading!

    The Social Networking Forum Team