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    Forumotion and the old mobile version


    Do you want to have a better version of Forumotion on your mobile phone?

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    Total Votes: 18
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    Forumotion and the old mobile version Empty Forumotion and the old mobile version

    Post by Niko August 1st 2012, 4:50 pm


    "Short version":

    If you can remember it was the 23rd Feb and Typlo (now Leeloo) announced that the mobile version was only on this announcement.
    On that post you can read:
    3. Your forum on your Mobile phone : Now, your forums are fully optimized for browsing via mobile devices and smartphones. The principle is very simple, the forum will automatically detect the visitors who access it from a mobile device or smartphone, and it automatically displays a version optimized for this type of navigation.
    Of course, the visitor who does not wish to use the mobile version will be available to him the possibility to return to normal view forum.
    This feature is still in beta, you will only be able to browse the forum as a guest. No posting yet.

    I can't remember where, but an administrator of Forumotion (maybe The godfather) replied to a member, that asked if the mobile version was finished, that it was just a test, a beta version.
    In a few words... I'd like to "ask" to the technicians if they can improve the mobile version with some new features, as the posting page, etc...

    And what about an app for android and apple just for Forumotion? thumleft

    Hope you will help me to pass this suggestion to the technicians voting yes!

    Thank you!

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    Forumotion and the old mobile version Empty Re: Forumotion and the old mobile version

    Post by Marvin August 2nd 2012, 11:16 am


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    Forumotion and the old mobile version Empty Re: Forumotion and the old mobile version

    Post by Niko August 2nd 2012, 5:38 pm

    BUMP! bye

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    Forumotion and the old mobile version Empty Re: Forumotion and the old mobile version

    Post by Niko August 3rd 2012, 6:06 pm

    Niko! wrote:BUMP! bye
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    Forumotion and the old mobile version Empty Re: Forumotion and the old mobile version

    Post by Amakam August 9th 2012, 9:18 pm

    Mobile version where a member can register, create thread or make reply
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    Forumotion and the old mobile version Empty Re: Forumotion and the old mobile version

    Post by Ramenhaus August 22nd 2012, 4:20 am

    It obviously isn't easy to fix the mobile version, and it has lots of problems. At least give us the option to disable it, so my users (almost all access through mobile phones) don't have to keep hitting "classic version". It's quite confusing for new users.

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    Forumotion and the old mobile version Empty Re: Forumotion and the old mobile version

    Post by mclechelle September 13th 2012, 7:30 am

    it is taking too long for this to be done or is it that your technicians are incapable of programming?

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    Forumotion and the old mobile version Empty Re: Forumotion and the old mobile version

    Post by SLGray September 13th 2012, 7:55 am

    mclechelle wrote:it is taking too long for this to be done or is it that your technicians are incapable of programming?

    Remember this is not the only thing that they have to work on - bugs, glitches, updates, etc.

    Forumotion and the old mobile version Slgray10

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    Forumotion and the old mobile version Empty Re: Forumotion and the old mobile version

    Post by mclechelle September 13th 2012, 10:11 am

    slg wrote:
    mclechelle wrote:it is taking too long for this to be done or is it that your technicians are incapable of programming?

    Remember this is not the only thing that they have to work on - bugs, glitches, updates, etc.
    then more staff should be employed. What we really need is just for us to be able to comment and post on mobile version. And also for recent post to be display as well. Remember, almost 95% of people access internet these days through mobile phone and not pc so i personally think you should work on mobile version.

    Male Posts : 3115
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    Forumotion and the old mobile version Empty Re: Forumotion and the old mobile version

    Post by Niko December 25th 2012, 2:31 pm


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    Forumotion and the old mobile version Empty Re: Forumotion and the old mobile version

    Post by KingOfSpades December 25th 2012, 4:06 pm

    Hmm... i`m going with yes.
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    Forumotion and the old mobile version Empty Re: Forumotion and the old mobile version

    Post by !_NICK_! December 26th 2012, 10:29 am

    Well, I have even a better suggestion for this. It'd be nice if we could have a mobile template to work with.

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    Forumotion and the old mobile version Empty Re: Forumotion and the old mobile version

    Post by Ape December 26th 2012, 2:46 pm

    mclechelle wrote:
    then more staff should be employed. What we really need is just for us to be able to comment and post on mobile version. And also for recent post to be display as well. Remember, almost 95% of people access internet these days through mobile phone and not pc so i personally think you should work on mobile version.

    Ha ha now come on it's a free host and free forums they just don't make that sort of money to just get more staff the tech's we have now are doing the best they can last year some time we had lots of problems with a server change over and thanks to IBM i think it was we lost lots of time there and all our forums was messed up for some time.

    You have to stop and think just a sec.
    1. Do most members here pay to use there forum.... NO

    2. Would they pay to have this update..... NO (Don't thinks so as it will come free one day)

    3. Once this is out would any one want to pay for this each year instead of having it for free when the works done..... NO

    4. Would anyone be happy with all the bugs that would come out if the codes was not 100% right and it was to come out before its time ?? HELL NO

    **89%** of the members get all upset when we have a little problem so i can't see anyone being happy about big bugs on this system before its been tested.

    That is just 4 i have listed for why i say No you can't rush the guys there doing as good as they can right now.


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    Forumotion and the old mobile version Empty Re: Forumotion and the old mobile version

    Post by S-t-e-v-e- January 2nd 2013, 2:53 pm

    Ape I'm losing members all the time because more and more of my users are using mobile instead of PC's, laptop's and so on so this need sorting out quick if i am losing member because of it, i wonder how much money forumotion are losing to facebook and twitter because they working on other things they bought out the mobile beta nearly 2 year ago come on how long does it take to fix this problem they only need to install Tapatalk and job is a good one!!

    if you dont believe me NEW UPDATE : Mobile forums, Footer edit, and more inside! Post by Leeloo on February 23rd 2011, 4:19 pm it's joke we have to wait neatly 2 years without any sign of it getting sorted when everyone is using mobile these day, we all are losing member to facebook and twitter!!

    here a couple of message from my member over the past 2 year i have had 1000's about moblies.

    Oswald wrote:Just wondering if this forum is connected to the tapatalk forum app? I did a quick search and I think it is a no just wanted to double check Very Happy

    jnjones wrote:
    Wendy and Mark wrote:Dont think it has. If it had when you log in it would ask if you want to download tapatalk Smile

    Would it? no other forum I've used has done that with me. I thought as long as the BB template allowed it thatadmin could just turn it on

    Either way I would love to be able to use tapatak with this forum. tbh its the one thing that stops me from being active here.

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    Forumotion and the old mobile version Empty Re: Forumotion and the old mobile version

    Post by Jophy April 1st 2014, 4:41 am

    Hello, the mobile version is already fully working. Wink

    I'll close this topic now.