Still issues hacking - a possible glitch? Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    Still issues hacking - a possible glitch?


    Posts : 31
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Still issues hacking - a possible glitch? Empty Still issues hacking - a possible glitch?

    Post by Wallflower August 2nd 2012, 9:45 am

    I posted this yesterday and thought it solved:

    I'm an admin on a forum. Last night we had one user post under another user's (an admin no less) username. Very quickly the post disappeared but not before we had noticed. The poster then said they had had error messages etc and then connection issues when other users also realised the post was written by the 'wrong' user. We believe that the admin's account was hacked somehow by the user but we would like to rule out a technical glitch. Is it possible that a technical glitch could have resulted in one user's post appearing as though another user had typed it? Is there any way at all that this could have happened? We think it's a long shot but would like to be sure.

    However I need to know if a glitch would ever occur between two posters. Would another's post ever glitch and appear to be written by someone else's log in? The IPs of the two posters were the same and I really need to be 100% sure that it isn't down to a glitch. The accused poster states she got an error message "you do not have permission to post on this thread" which we have never has before. Is such a glitch ever possible?!

    Male Posts : 48766
    Reputation : 2830
    Language : English
    Location : Mumbai

    Still issues hacking - a possible glitch? Empty Re: Still issues hacking - a possible glitch?

    Post by Sanket August 3rd 2012, 9:23 am

    A glitch is something that neither me or anyone else here could confirm. But, such kind of a glitch is never heard of on Forumotion as on date.