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3 posters

    We have a spammer

    New Member

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    We have a spammer Empty We have a spammer

    Post by jefgold August 28th 2012, 6:22 am

    One of our new members - the gold explorer - has just ripped off $5000 from another member where he advertised a new gold detector sale. He has reported this to the police who are following it up. The scammer also went under the name of Johhny 12.

    Can Admin follow up any of his posts and give us the ID of his computer and its location?



    Male Posts : 10112
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    Location : USA

    We have a spammer Empty Re: We have a spammer

    Post by brandon_g August 28th 2012, 7:09 pm

    Hi, the way you can do this is go into your acp and look through the ip addresses, what i would do is look at the date of registerstation than look for a ip address that went to the registerstation page on that date. give that to the police.

    P.S I would also ban the ip. if you need help doing this than please let me know
    New Member

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    We have a spammer Empty Re: We have a spammer

    Post by jefgold August 30th 2012, 12:35 pm

    ok How do I obtain an IP address from a post. Johnny12 deleted his original and only one on 19 Aug but posted another under 'the gold seeker' on 23 Aug.

    I looked on his profile and couldn't see his IP address so need help with this

    New Member

    Male Posts : 23
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    We have a spammer Empty Re: We have a spammer

    Post by jefgold August 30th 2012, 12:43 pm


    Found his IP Address and location


    Male Posts : 51548
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    Location : United States

    We have a spammer Empty Re: We have a spammer

    Post by SLGray August 30th 2012, 8:30 pm

    jefgold wrote:ok How do I obtain an IP address from a post. Johnny12 deleted his original and only one on 19 Aug but posted another under 'the gold seeker' on 23 Aug.

    I looked on his profile and couldn't see his IP address so need help with this


    jefgold wrote:Thanks

    Found his IP Address and location


    Please don't double/triple post. Your post need to be separated by 24 hours before bumping, replying or adding more information. Please use the edit button instead!

    We have a spammer Slgray10

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