Suggestions for the next chatbox update!(Please read) Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    Suggestions for the next chatbox update!(Please read)


    Suggestions for the next chatbox update!(Please read) Empty Suggestions for the next chatbox update!(Please read)

    Post by Guest January 30th 2008, 4:32 am

    I think for the next update! They should let you create/make channels for the chatbox! Also let you pick OP of a channel that you pick. They should also let your register a channel for your chatbox only!

    Review: I think they should update the chatbox with:
    1. Create/make different channel for your chatbox only
    2. Let you pick OP(members) for a channel
    3. register a channel in your own chatbox service

    These are my suggestions for a update of a chatbox!

    Male Posts : 988
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English, Indian Languages
    Location : No Support by PM. I dont love that

    Suggestions for the next chatbox update!(Please read) Empty Re: Suggestions for the next chatbox update!(Please read)

    Post by hitesh January 30th 2008, 6:48 am

    i would like that there should be private rooms also. It will maintain privacy.

    Female Posts : 2804
    Reputation : 93
    Language : scotch och aye!
    Location : Whats harder than a rock?!

    Suggestions for the next chatbox update!(Please read) Empty Re: Suggestions for the next chatbox update!(Please read)

    Post by zinex January 30th 2008, 8:28 am

    this has already been asked so i will lock. Please add a poll with any future features Wink