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How do I hide forum to guest?

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hide - How do I hide forum to guest? Empty How do I hide forum to guest?

Post by Darkstar631 January 21st 2013, 9:01 pm

I've been looking for this everywhere and I have no idea how to do this. Is there a way to force a log in when visiting your forum so that not just anyone can see? I have been searching the admin panel and I can't find it at all.
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hide - How do I hide forum to guest? Empty Re: How do I hide forum to guest?

Post by JennyorAlice January 21st 2013, 9:13 pm

If you are talking about hiding topics on your forum from guests, then the answer is yes.

Go to admin panel and click on the tab 'general' (top left corner of the screen)

Then look under 'forum' and click on 'categories and forums'. This will bring up all the different categories on your forum that are being discussed.

Then you will click on each category/forum and towards the top of the screen, you will see where it says 'modify' and 'permissions'. Click on 'permissions' and this will allow you to decided who can or can't see that part of the forum.

You will have to do this for each category of your forum.
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