how to remove text 'wrote' on quote and change BG color of post? Hitskin_logo

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    how to remove text 'wrote' on quote and change BG color of post?

    New Member

    Male Posts : 9
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    how to remove text 'wrote' on quote and change BG color of post? Empty how to remove text 'wrote' on quote and change BG color of post?

    Post by archemist January 23rd 2013, 10:01 pm

    when i quote someone post, there always been text 'wrote' after name user
    like this one how to remove text 'wrote' on quote and change BG color of post? 9TiWEzn

    it is possible to remove it?? (or edit the text at least) an add icon before name user
    this what i want how to remove text 'wrote' on quote and change BG color of post? ZDFQWSh

    for add the icon, i try using this code
        <img src="">
    got that code from here >> Re: How do i get a quote box with icon on corner?
    but not work.

    one another problem.
    how to change backgroun color of post??
    in my forum there are 2 BG color,
    how to remove text 'wrote' on quote and change BG color of post? MBthhEE

    how to make BG color same for post 1 and post 2

    i use phpBB2
    my forum >>
    Sir Chivas™
    Sir Chivas™

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    how to remove text 'wrote' on quote and change BG color of post? Empty Re: how to remove text 'wrote' on quote and change BG color of post?

    Post by Sir Chivas™ February 4th 2013, 4:28 pm

    To change the background color for the post look/search for this inside your CSS:
    td.row1, td.row3.over:hover {
    background-color: #efefef;

    td.row1.over:hover, td.row2 {
    background-color: #dee3e7;
    If not add this, and change the background color to whatever you wish, hope this helps. mwii