Creating link for other things Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    Creating link for other things

    Mr. Eddster
    Mr. Eddster

    Male Posts : 382
    Reputation : 7
    Language : English

    Creating link for other things Empty Creating link for other things

    Post by Mr. Eddster February 11th 2013, 8:48 pm

    I've got a problem where it may be difficult to explain... ill try my best!
    I want to create an archives section for my site... like create a new html link, that has the EXACT same background/setup as my front page
    When I go to Modules=>HTML Pages Management=> Create a new HTML Page... that just does not work for me. Not what I want at all
    I want it to be simple. If I create an archives topic/header, and the members click on it, I want it to have the list of all the archives on the site

    Im sorry I cannot explain this better as its confusing. But all adivce would be helpful!
    Mr. Eddster
    Mr. Eddster

    Male Posts : 382
    Reputation : 7
    Language : English

    Creating link for other things Empty Re: Creating link for other things

    Post by Mr. Eddster February 12th 2013, 10:41 pm

    Rideem3 wrote:What do you mean by archives section? Archives forum?
    Or do you mean a custom HTML page where you write what you want?

    I don't fully understand what you're asking for.
    Custom HTML Page Very Happy

    Posts : 375
    Reputation : 7
    Language : EN

    Creating link for other things Empty Re: Creating link for other things

    Post by RPM February 12th 2013, 11:38 pm

    You mean like this?

    Creating link for other things Untitl10
    I`m not sure how. If you can get the code, all you need to do is this:
    ACP > Modules > HTML page management > Create new > Paste this


    > delete the word example and paste the code given to you. > Do you wish to use forum header and footer? > yes > Use as homepage > No