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4 posters

    Future upgrades


    should we have the choice of which compulsory "upgrades" to install?

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    Total Votes: 9

    Future upgrades Empty Future upgrades

    Post by Guest February 8th 2008, 8:36 pm

    When the next batch of upgrades is approved could we be given the choice of whether we want them or not?
    What may be a relevant upgrade voted on and passed in the French forums may not be what we on the English forums want or need.
    So my suggestion is a set of buttons in the admin panel with the latest upgrades and a choice as to install or not to install.
    The reason I am suggesting this is since the latest batch of "upgrades" my forum has run badly from the dire to the annoying.
    New Member

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    Future upgrades Empty Re: Future upgrades

    Post by 17volt February 8th 2008, 10:26 pm

    I agree with you. Some upgrades actually made stuff more bad than good. Like my quick reply box, which is pretty much screwed up somehow...

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    Future upgrades Empty Re: Future upgrades

    Post by hitesh February 9th 2008, 1:34 pm

    I think this will disclose all the things and surprises.

    Moreover all upgrades are option and can set no in the admin panel. I am noting in any how right now. If you are thinking that i dont understand the question tell me. After that i will want so that my vote does not go wrong!

    Future upgrades Empty Re: Future upgrades

    Post by Guest February 9th 2008, 8:41 pm

    Some upgrades are put on by the techs and the first thing you know about them is when your forum starts to run badly (or a week later when there is a post about them).
    I think the ability to say no would give us a little more control over our forums.

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    Future upgrades Empty Re: Future upgrades

    Post by zinex February 9th 2008, 8:48 pm

    it is not a week later when a post is made about them badger, they are made the same day or the very next day about upgrades in announcements. I have been on many free forums in my time and forumotion is the only one i know that regulary updates and adds new features.

    I vote no. We have the option to turn off what we dont want. I would hate to choose not to install an update, then six months down the line, when its all working, suddenly decide i want it and cant have it anymore as i very much doubt they will be able to keep each new update open for downloading as they ae constantly providing newer ones.

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    Future upgrades Empty Re: Future upgrades

    Post by Jophy March 16th 2013, 10:26 am

    This is impractical be to be implemented.
