Exeption from auto-resize image  Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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    Exeption from auto-resize image

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    Exeption from auto-resize image  Empty Exeption from auto-resize image

    Post by SugarDream February 24th 2013, 11:05 pm

    My option in "Messages and e-mails" is set for auto image resize to certain height and wight. All images put in Exeption from auto-resize image  Image_url in the user posts are displayed resized.

    My question is: Is there any code that can be put in a post that can prevent a certain image to be resized (like an exception for only that one post).
    I want only some pictures to be resized and other to stay at their original size.

    My forum is phpBB3 (prosilver) version.
    Sir Chivas™
    Sir Chivas™

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    Exeption from auto-resize image  Empty Re: Exeption from auto-resize image

    Post by Sir Chivas™ February 24th 2013, 11:17 pm

    Hmm, I don't really think its possible, I may be wrong. Maybe JavaScript might do the trick, but I'm a beginner in JS, so yeah. Sorry, wait for someone else to reply. I may be wrong.
    New Member

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    Exeption from auto-resize image  Empty Re: Exeption from auto-resize image

    Post by SugarDream February 25th 2013, 11:04 am

    OK, thank you! I will wait for someone else who knows JS Smile

    Anyone else who can help me?