Customizing the Portal Hitskin_logo

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3 posters

    Customizing the Portal


    Male Posts : 134
    Reputation : 7
    Language : English, Spanish

    In progress Customizing the Portal

    Post by Bingoo March 24th 2013, 4:39 pm

    Wow haven't asked a question in a while o.o. Anyhow, I'm looking for some tips on making the portal better >_>. Already have Sliders, so no need to suggest those. Any suggestions appreciated!

    Btw, forum version= phpbb2.

    Last edited by Bingoo on March 24th 2013, 5:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Male Posts : 188
    Reputation : 6
    Language : German, English, Latin, 1337, HTML, CSS, BBCode, Wikitext
    Location : Mushroom Kingdom

    In progress Re: Customizing the Portal

    Post by Mariofan13 March 24th 2013, 4:45 pm

    Hello Wink
    You canmodify the template portal_body to make a portal like the onein my forum: link removed
    I added a table with some subforums/categories at the end of the template and made some personal portal boxes, and I edited the template of the "last topics" box.
    I can give you the codes, if you want Wink

    This is consider as advertising your forum. The forum isn't Forumotion, either way. ~ Sir Chivas™️

    Male Posts : 134
    Reputation : 7
    Language : English, Spanish

    In progress Re: Customizing the Portal

    Post by Bingoo March 24th 2013, 5:04 pm

    Sure, that would be helpful Wink

    Male Posts : 188
    Reputation : 6
    Language : German, English, Latin, 1337, HTML, CSS, BBCode, Wikitext
    Location : Mushroom Kingdom

    In progress Re: Customizing the Portal

    Post by Mariofan13 March 24th 2013, 5:48 pm

    @Staff: please delete this post, because it contained wrong codes Wink

    Last edited by Mariofan13 on April 5th 2013, 11:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Male Posts : 188
    Reputation : 6
    Language : German, English, Latin, 1337, HTML, CSS, BBCode, Wikitext
    Location : Mushroom Kingdom

    In progress Re: Customizing the Portal

    Post by Mariofan13 March 24th 2013, 5:57 pm

    Note: I won't correct the code in my posting before, because I reported a bug (look here), and I want, that the support staff can see the errors Wink
    Sir Chivas™
    Sir Chivas™

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    In progress Re: Customizing the Portal

    Post by Sir Chivas™ March 24th 2013, 9:37 pm

    Please don't double/triple post. Your post need to be separated by 24 hours before bumping, replying or adding more information. Please use the edit button instead!

    Third Reminder, you've received a warning.
    Please don't use bold or color. Please keep to the default text. This is reserved for the staff for moderation.

    I believe that the codes aren't going to even work, since the forum itself isn't Forumotion..

    Male Posts : 188
    Reputation : 6
    Language : German, English, Latin, 1337, HTML, CSS, BBCode, Wikitext
    Location : Mushroom Kingdom

    In progress Re: Customizing the Portal

    Post by Mariofan13 March 24th 2013, 9:41 pm

    What? Shocked
    This is the second reminder, not the third!
    And this doubel posting makes sense - i want, that the techs can see the destroyed posting, maybe thishelps for fixing the bug.
    But I also wanted to say, why I have not corrected the posting.
    And how to mark important parts of a CSS or html code, if I am not allowed to make text bold?
    Sorry, I didn't get any forum address from the TO. So I was not able to know, that his/her forum is not forumotion.
    The posted template works on my forumotion forum 8phpBB2) fine. But the posted code is destroyed by the forum, so it cannot work on any forum.
    Sir Chivas™
    Sir Chivas™

    Male Posts : 6983
    Reputation : 457
    Language : EN, FR, ES
    Location : || CSS || HTML || Graphics Designs || Support ||

    In progress Re: Customizing the Portal

    Post by Sir Chivas™ March 24th 2013, 9:48 pm

    They will see the other thread, no need to bump it up. This isn't something serious for the technicians to see.

    This is your third, since SLG had give you the first reminder. Wink

    This doesn't require a response, if you have any issues feel free to PM me.