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Making the "show/hide widget" script faster

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hide - Making the "show/hide widget" script faster Empty Making the "show/hide widget" script faster

Post by Guest April 19th 2013, 1:56 pm

I want to make it faster. I followed the tutorial by lucky and it seems slow sometimes on my site. Especially when it is set to hide the widgets. Any suggestions from the coding pros??

<div id="forum-widget" style="cursor: pointer; height: 13px; width: 16px; border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; position: relative; bottom: -15px; float: right; background: #f5ebf7 url( no-repeat 0 -13px;" onClick="jQuery('#right').animate({width:'toggle',height:'toggle',opacity:'toggle'},1000); if(my_getcookie('forum-widget')=='0') { my_setcookie('forum-widget','1',0,0); jQuery('#forum-widget').css('background-position','0 -13px'); jQuery('#content-container div#content').css('margin-right','189px');} else { my_setcookie('forum-widget','0',1,0); jQuery('#forum-widget').css('background-position','0 0px'); jQuery('#content-container div#content').css('margin-right','0px'); }"></div>

<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery('#forum-widget').insertBefore('#right'); if(my_getcookie('forum-widget')=='0') {jQuery('#right').animate({width:'toggle',height:'toggle',opacity:'toggle'},0); jQuery('#forum-widget').css('background-position','0 0px'); jQuery('#content-container div#content').css('margin-right','0px');} </script>

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hide - Making the "show/hide widget" script faster Empty Re: Making the "show/hide widget" script faster

Post by E-Mark April 19th 2013, 2:05 pm

It's indeed working fine with me. I check your forum and tested in many times.
The problem could be indeed with your pc bye
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