My members can't register with their mobile phones Hitskin_logo

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    My members can't register with their mobile phones

    New Member

    Posts : 5
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    Language : English

    My members can't register with their mobile phones Empty My members can't register with their mobile phones

    Post by lheyhe May 21st 2013, 1:59 am

    Please Admin I need your help on this, there are some people that heard about my forum site and are trying to register using their mobile phones, but all they get while trying to fill the fields and trying to save is that the site will return them back to their previous page and asked them to Fill the required fields in* which they have done but it will still be bringing the same page out. Please I need your help urgently because I don't know what next to do. This is the address to my forum site

    Male Posts : 11037
    Reputation : 653
    Language : English,Vulcan,Klingon, Romulan,& Gorn

    My members can't register with their mobile phones Empty Re: My members can't register with their mobile phones

    Post by kirk May 21st 2013, 2:16 am

    lheyhe wrote:Please Admin I need your help on this, there are some people that heard about my forum site and are trying to register using their mobile phones, but all they get while trying to fill the fields and trying to save is that the site will return them back to their previous page and asked them to Fill the required fields in* which they have done but it will still be bringing the same page out. Please I need your help urgently because I don't know what next to do. This is the address to my forum site

    Please refrain from creating multi topics of the same problem or questions in other sections of the forum. You may continue your inquiry in this thread here.