We need more advance and professional themes. Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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3 posters

    We need more advance and professional themes.


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    We need more advance and professional themes. Empty We need more advance and professional themes.

    Post by JazeonX June 15th 2013, 7:36 pm

    Please Forumotion, It has been years already that I've been hoping to see a theme that is being constructed creatively and released on Hitskin, ever since those professional designers such as Jalokim started to be inactive in Forumotion. The themes that are being released on Hitskin now a days are either a clone to another theme or a mere PHBB theme that contains graphical design to blend in depending on the genre and no advance css or codings.

    I'm request you guys to please put more efforts and emphasis on offering free themes that are being graphically polished and coded professionally. And be reminded that I've never in mind made this post to offend people on Hitskin.
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    We need more advance and professional themes. Empty Re: We need more advance and professional themes.

    Post by DeniseNuel June 22nd 2013, 8:57 am

    Which theme are you using at present?

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    We need more advance and professional themes. Empty Re: We need more advance and professional themes.

    Post by Jophy June 22nd 2013, 9:21 am


    We are always reminding that themes are to be made and to be submitted on hitskin voluntarily, unfortunately, there were only a few people who has the time to make it, since it takes a lot of effort and time to make a theme.

    I'll have to close this thread since I already answered about this.

    You are of course free to make a suggestion about this. Wink

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