Button with drop-down list for the new editor Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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2 posters

    Button with drop-down list for the new editor


    Posts : 172
    Reputation : 1
    Language : french

     Button with drop-down list for the new editor Empty Button with drop-down list for the new editor

    Post by fascicularia Fri 28 Jun 2013 - 12:28

    Hello everyone,
    I am trying to install two buttons with drop-down list on the new editor. A tag for moderation (so invisible for members) and one for my members.
    I managed to get by for simple buttons but buttons with drop-down list, I confess to have some difficulties.
    Here is the script for a button.


    $(' <a class="sceditor-button" unselectable="on" title="Name button"><div unselectable="on" style="background-image:url(Link image)">Name button</div></a>').insertBefore('.sceditor-button-emoticon').click(function(){
    $('#text_editor_textarea').sceditor("instance").insertText("[your bbcode]","[/your bbcode]");


    Do you have an idea to solve this trouble??
    Thanks in advance for the attention you bring to it

    Posts : 71
    Reputation : 9

     Button with drop-down list for the new editor Empty Re: Button with drop-down list for the new editor

    Post by Mr.EasyBB Fri 12 Jul 2013 - 5:01

    You can view a small tutorial and plugin written by yours truly here http://www.avacweb.com/t1444-easybb-the-sceditor-plugin it offers many things such as

    • Adding Buttons
    • Removing Buttons
    • Removing Groups
    • Removing the WYSIWYG mode
    • Rearranging the button order
    • Assigning ID's to certain buttons
    • DropDown Functionality