Hello! How can i move a code from footer in header?
I mean that Facebook icon, up in header where's the logo , in right.Im using a JS code , but i have "after" , what to put to be in header?
// Why always i'm helped late? Because i'm romanian?
// Solved by myself. I replaced "after" with "before" and then added to the CSS:
Hello! How can i move a code from footer in header?
I mean that Facebook icon, up in header where's the logo , in right.Im using a JS code , but i have "after" , what to put to be in header?
// Why always i'm helped late? Because i'm romanian?
// Solved by myself. I replaced "after" with "before" and then added to the CSS:
- Code:
.nth-social {
margin-right: 20px;
margin-top: 15px;
float: right;}
.nth-social a {margin-left: 10px;}