Get "Custom Topic Icons" & "Default Icons" to display in same forum table cell, substituting one for the other Hitskin_logo

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    Get "Custom Topic Icons" & "Default Icons" to display in same forum table cell, substituting one for the other


    Posts : 81
    Reputation : 4
    Language : English

    Get "Custom Topic Icons" & "Default Icons" to display in same forum table cell, substituting one for the other Empty Get "Custom Topic Icons" & "Default Icons" to display in same forum table cell, substituting one for the other

    Post by 19CenturyWBTS August 7th 2013, 1:04 pm

    Greetings everyone!

    I've a phpbb2 forum and would like to edit the "topics_list_box" template in order to be able to display any uploaded custom topic icons in the same forum table cell as the default icons (Announcement, Sticky and Normal), substituting one for the other.

    So far I've been able to identify the part of the code currently responsible for the default icons (the one marked with "AAAAAA") and the custom icons (the one marked "BBBBBB"):

          <!-- END single_selection -->
          <td class="{topics_list_box.row.ROW_FOLDER_CLASS}" align="center" valign="middle" width="20">AAAAAA<img title="{topics_list_box.row.L_TOPIC_FOLDER_ALT}" src="{topics_list_box.row.TOPIC_FOLDER_IMG}" alt="{topics_list_box.row.L_TOPIC_FOLDER_ALT}" /></td>
          <!-- BEGIN icon -->
          <td class="{topics_list_box.row.ROW_CLASS}" align="center" valign="middle" width="20">BBBBBB{topics_list_box.row.ICON}</td>
          <!-- END icon -->

    Below you can see how it currently looks (again the markings "AAAAAA" and "BBBBBB" just have been inserted to make things easier to spot and will be removed eventually):

    Get "Custom Topic Icons" & "Default Icons" to display in same forum table cell, substituting one for the other 6iya

    One can easily see on the screenshot that the "standard icons" and the "custom icons" use a different cell to be displayed, meaning if you add a custom icon you end up with both (!) icons being displayed.

    Now what I want to achieve is to have both "standard icons" and "custom topic icons" being displayed in the same box (the first one) and - in case you select any uploaded "custom topic icon" - that it only displays the selected custom one (substituting the default one for it).

    The problem is I have no clue if it's possible at all or how to get this done code-wise. I would appreciate any help on the matter.

    Thanks! Smile

    (BTW. not sure if this question/problem belongs in the "Forum Design & Appearance Help" section or the "Scripts (Coding) Problems" section; please move if I happen to have posted in the wrong one)