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6 posters

    Profile Rank Title Alignment


    Male Posts : 2537
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    Solved Profile Rank Title Alignment

    Post by runawayhorses September 30th 2013, 3:41 pm

    Hi, in this screenshot below is my profile page showing the avatar and rank. The rank "Admin" is actually an image and I would like it to align evenly with the word Rank: like a table tr td would do. I was able to do it with html table coding using the firefox extension "firebug" but I don't see the html anywhere in the templates, so I'm hoping someone knows how to align the word "Rank:" and the image "Admin" so they are side by side evenly. As you can see from the screenshot the image "Admin" is higher than the word "Rank:" and I want them even side by side like you can do with table coding. Of course I want this to apply to all the ranks on the forum not just the Admin.

    thanks, my forum version is punbb.

    Forum url:

    Profile Rank Title Alignment Y46L2

    Last edited by runawayhorses on September 30th 2013, 9:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Male Posts : 747
    Reputation : 19
    Language : english

    Solved Re: Profile Rank Title Alignment

    Post by mist3r0us_b0y September 30th 2013, 5:30 pm

    may b this can help ?

    text-align:center !important;
    box-shadow:1px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0, 0.5);

    Male Posts : 2537
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    Solved Re: Profile Rank Title Alignment

    Post by runawayhorses September 30th 2013, 5:39 pm

    Nope that didn't do it. Sad 

    Male Posts : 747
    Reputation : 19
    Language : english

    Solved Re: Profile Rank Title Alignment

    Post by mist3r0us_b0y September 30th 2013, 6:00 pm

    .postprofile dd, .postprofile dt {
    line-height: 1.2em;
    margin-left: 8px;
    text-align: center;
    Sir. Mayo
    Sir. Mayo

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    Location : you can also reach me on snoonet's irc server. I idle in #Techsupport Username is Vault108

    Solved Re: Profile Rank Title Alignment

    Post by Sir. Mayo September 30th 2013, 6:07 pm

    mist3r0us_b0y wrote:quite simple like em

    héhé Good work
    Thank you!

    runawayhorses wrote:Ok great thanks! Very Happy
    Your welcome here it is:
    Profile Rank Title Alignment Vet_zps597d5980

    For some reason Servimg is not working for me?? SO i had to use photobucket!

    Please don't use this i posted the wrong message in the wrong topic!

    Last edited by Sir. Mayo on September 30th 2013, 7:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Male Posts : 2537
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    Location : United States

    Solved Re: Profile Rank Title Alignment

    Post by runawayhorses September 30th 2013, 6:34 pm

    Thanks so much Sir. Mayo that looks great! Yeah I noticed serving is not working correctly right now I tried to upload an image a few minutes ago and the image was a blank image, in other words it didn't really upload. grrr

    thanks again! Smile


    Opps wrong topic, whatever:

    The last code didn't work.

    This is a code I used with firebug and it worked. I added table coding to the already existing code, but I can't find the html in the templates to apply it:

      <div class="main-content clearfix center"><img alt="" src=""><br><br><table><tr><td>Rank:</td><td> <img src=""></div></td></tr></table>

    Notice the text "Rank:" and the image "Admin" are even:

    Profile Rank Title Alignment OLSTj
    Sir. Mayo
    Sir. Mayo

    Male Posts : 978
    Reputation : 90
    Language : English, Some french.
    Location : you can also reach me on snoonet's irc server. I idle in #Techsupport Username is Vault108

    Solved Re: Profile Rank Title Alignment

    Post by Sir. Mayo September 30th 2013, 6:57 pm

    LOL, Sorry, posted it in the wrong topic! My bad!

    For the code you created goto View_topic body and find this line:
    {postrow.displayed.POSTER_NAME}<br /> {postrow.displayed.POSTER_AVATAR} <br /> {postrow.displayed.RANK_IMAGE}
    Delete it and replace it with your code this could work I'm not sure! but give it a try!

    Male Posts : 2537
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    Language : English
    Location : United States

    Solved Re: Profile Rank Title Alignment

    Post by runawayhorses September 30th 2013, 7:21 pm

    No it didn't work.. Sad 
    Sir. Mayo
    Sir. Mayo

    Male Posts : 978
    Reputation : 90
    Language : English, Some french.
    Location : you can also reach me on snoonet's irc server. I idle in #Techsupport Username is Vault108

    Solved Re: Profile Rank Title Alignment

    Post by Sir. Mayo September 30th 2013, 8:23 pm

    Humm weird let me look into it once i have free time!
    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

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    Solved Re: Profile Rank Title Alignment

    Post by Ange Tuteur September 30th 2013, 8:51 pm

    Hi runawayhorses,

    Try going to Templates > Profile > profile_view_body

    Find these variables and apply your changes:
    I think for poster rank, since its in a data cell you could try putting..<td valign="middle"> if not you could try your setup you made.

    Male Posts : 2631
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    Location : Romania

    Solved Re: Profile Rank Title Alignment

    Post by levy September 30th 2013, 8:54 pm

    Try this :

    .module .main-content{
    If you gave me an testing account will be better.

    Male Posts : 2537
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    Solved Re: Profile Rank Title Alignment

    Post by runawayhorses September 30th 2013, 9:22 pm

    Thanks Seth and candy_fear I tried both your suggestions and neither one worked..grrr

    I'll copy my profile_view_body template and maybe you can figure out how to add this.

    This is what I tried and it didn't work, I added table codes like this:


    This below is the complete template unedited:

    <!-- BEGIN switch_user_logged_in -->
    <div id="pun-visit" class="clearfix">
     <li><a href="{U_SEARCH_NEW}">{L_SEARCH_NEW}</a></li>
     <li><a href="{U_SEARCH_SELF}">{L_SEARCH_SELF}</a></li>
     <p>{LOGGED_AS}. {LAST_VISIT_DATE}</p>
    <!-- END switch_user_logged_in -->
    <!-- BEGIN switch_user_logged_out -->
    <div id="pun-visit">
    <!-- END switch_user_logged_out -->

    <div class="main">
     <div class="main-head">
     <h1 class="page-title">{L_VIEWING_PROFILE}</h1>

     <div class="main-content clearfix">
     <fieldset class="frm-set left profile-view">
     <!-- BEGIN switch_show_status -->
     <!-- END switch_show_status -->
     <!-- BEGIN switch_allow_friendsfoes -->
     <!-- END switch_allow_friendsfoes -->
     <!-- BEGIN switch_auth_user -->
     <!-- END switch_auth_user -->
     <!-- BEGIN profile_field -->
     <dl id="field_id{profile_field.ID}" class="left-box details" style="width: 80%;">
     <dt>{profile_field.LABEL}</dt> <dd>{profile_field.CONTENT}<!-- BEGIN profil_type_user_posts --> [{POST_PERCENT_STATS} / {POST_DAY_STATS}]
     <br /><a rel="nofollow" href="/st/{PUSERNAME}">{L_SEARCH_USER_POSTS} :</a>
     <br /> - <a rel="nofollow" href="/sta/{PUSERNAME}">{L_TOPICS}</a>
     <br /> - <a rel="nofollow" href="/spa/{PUSERNAME}">{L_POSTS}</a><!-- END profil_type_user_posts --></dd>
     <!-- END profile_field -->

     <fieldset class="frm-set right profile-view">
     <div class="sub-head"><h2>{L_CONTACT} {USERNAME}</h2></div>
     <form action="{S_PROFILE_ACTION}" method="post" name="post">
     <!-- BEGIN contact_field -->
     <dl id="field_id{contact_field.ID}">
     <dt>{contact_field.LABEL}</dt> <dd>{contact_field.CONTENT}</dd>
     <!-- END contact_field -->

     <!-- BEGIN switch_admin_user_comment_active -->
     <dt>{L_COMMENTS} :<br /><span class="italic">{L_MODS_AND_ADMINS}</span></dt>
     <dd><textarea name="admin_user_comment_text" rows="8" cols="30">{ADMIN_USER_COMMENT}</textarea></dd>
     <dl class="frm-buttons clearfix">
     <dt> </dt>
     <dd><input type="hidden" value="update_admin_user_comment" name="mode" />
     <input type="hidden" value="{USER_ID}" name="userid" />
     <input type="submit" name="user_comment_maj" value="{L_UPDATE}" /></dd>
     <!-- END switch_admin_user_comment_active -->

     <div class="main-head">
     <div class="subtitle">{L_STATS}</div>

     <div class="main-content">
     <fieldset class="frm-set profile-view">
     <dl><dt>{L_LAST_VISITED}:</dt> <dd>{LAST_VISIT_TIME}</dd></dl>
     <!-- BEGIN switch_dhow_mp -->
     <dl><dt>{L_PRIVATE_MSG}:</dt> <dd>{PRIVATE_MSG}</dd></dl>
     <!-- END switch_dhow_mp -->

     <!-- BEGIN switch_rpg -->
     <div class="main-head">
     <div class="subtitle">{L_VIEWING_RPG}</div>

     <div class="main-content frm clearfix">
     <fieldset class="frm-set multi">
     <dd> </dd>

     <fieldset class="frm-set left rpg">
     <!-- BEGIN rpg_fields_left -->
     <dt>{switch_rpg.rpg_fields_left.F_NAME} :</dt>
     <!-- END rpg_fields_left -->

     <fieldset class="frm-set right rpg">
     <!-- BEGIN rpg_fields -->
     <dt>{switch_rpg.rpg_fields.F_NAME} :</dt>
     <!-- END rpg_fields -->
     <br class="clear" />
     <fieldset class="frm-set clearfix">
     <div class="frm-buttons">
     <br />
     <!-- END switch_rpg -->
    <script src="{JS_DIR}jquery/json/jquery.json-1.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
     if ( $(this).find('.field_editable').is('span, div') )
     if( $(this).find('.field_editable.invisible').is('span, div') )
     $(this).find('.field_editable').prev().addClass('ajax-profil_hover').parent().addClass('ajax-profil_parent').append('<div class="ajax-profil_edit"><img src="{AJAX_EDIT_IMG}" /></div>');
     alt: "{L_FIELD_EDIT_VALUE}",
     title: "{L_FIELD_EDIT_VALUE}"
     $(this).prev().prev().removeClass('ajax-profil_hover').addClass('invisible').next().removeClass('invisible').append('<img src="{AJAX_VALID_IMG}" class="ajax-profil_valid" />').find('input,select');
     alt: "{L_VALIDATE}",
     title: "{L_VALIDATE}"
     var content = new Array();
     var type_special = $(this).is('input[type=radio],input[type=checkbox]');
     if ( (type_special && $(this).is(':checked')) || !type_special )
     content.push(new Array($(this).attr('name'), $(this).attr('value')));
     var id_name = $(this).parents('[id^=field_id]').attr('id');
     var id = id_name.substring(8, id_name.length);
     $.each(data, function(i, item){
     $('[id=field_id' + i + ']').find('.field_uneditable').html(item).end().find('.ajax-profil_valid').remove().end().find('.field_editable').addClass('invisible').end().find('.field_uneditable').removeClass('invisible');
     if( $(this).find('.field_editable.invisible').is('span, div') )
    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

    Male Posts : 13207
    Reputation : 3000
    Language : English & 日本語
    Location : Pennsylvania

    Solved Re: Profile Rank Title Alignment

    Post by Ange Tuteur September 30th 2013, 9:40 pm

    Hmm I've tested edits on my pun board, but I believe that is only for "Simple Profiles" rather advanced. I did however, setup a CSS code for vertical alignment of an image.

    If it will work I am not completely sure, but if it does not can you allow us temporary access to viewing profiles on your forum?

    Code: > img:nth-child(4){

    Male Posts : 2537
    Reputation : 166
    Language : English
    Location : United States

    Solved Re: Profile Rank Title Alignment

    Post by runawayhorses September 30th 2013, 9:52 pm

    Yes absolutely I would allow access to view the profiles but your css code worked! Very Happy  Thanks a lot. I like this method much better than editing the template if I can help it, and it worked fine.

    Thanks again Seth and to everyone else that posted in this topic trying to help, I really appreciate it.. Very Happy
    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

    Male Posts : 13207
    Reputation : 3000
    Language : English & 日本語
    Location : Pennsylvania

    Solved Re: Profile Rank Title Alignment

    Post by Ange Tuteur September 30th 2013, 9:57 pm

    You're welcome, I'm glad that it worked out for you. Smile

    Male Posts : 51496
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    Language : English
    Location : United States

    Solved Re: Profile Rank Title Alignment

    Post by SLGray October 1st 2013, 3:43 am

    Topic Solved & Locked

    Profile Rank Title Alignment Slgray10

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