by middo2 October 5th 2013, 3:40 am
SethC1995 wrote:Hello middo2,
You can apply a background image to your forum by navigating to..
Administration Panel > Display > Pictures and color > Pics management > Advanced
Find 'Background picture (page)' paste the image you want for your background and save.
Alternatively you can use a CSS code to apply a background image as well.
This is a fixed semi-transparent background image which repeats horizontally; the background color influences the lightness of the gradient.
- Code:
body {
Hi Seth,
I tried the code, and it changed the background, however, it removed the blue lines that were on the side. It also removed the white that was going through the middle of the page.
If you take a look, you'll understand what I mean: the forum feels sluggish when scrolling down now.
EDIT: I tried the first method too (changing via Pics management), but it replaced the middle white, while leaving the blue in tact.