Temporary theme - Can't activate the theme? Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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    Temporary theme - Can't activate the theme?


    Male Posts : 147
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    Temporary theme - Can't activate the theme? Empty Temporary theme - Can't activate the theme?

    Post by Ridder7 February 21st 2008, 9:14 pm

    Hi! I am working with a theme (vBulletin), and i try to activate the theme to my forum ( www.programguiden.forumotion.com ) but i get the message "can't activate the theme" or something like that. Can any admin check this for me? I think its only on my forum, because i have tested this on other forums.

    - Thanks
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    Temporary theme - Can't activate the theme? Empty Re: Temporary theme - Can't activate the theme?

    Post by zakir321 February 21st 2008, 11:15 pm

    well, vBulletin is something different than phpBB. How do you try to "activate" the theme exactly? In case you are trying to import a file, note that it has to be in .bbtheme format - otherwise it wont be accepted.

    Male Posts : 147
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    Language : Norwegian, English

    Temporary theme - Can't activate the theme? Empty Re: Temporary theme - Can't activate the theme?

    Post by Ridder7 February 21st 2008, 11:18 pm

    I am making a theme in temporary themes with the images from vbulletin, and i click on Temporary theme - Can't activate the theme? Icon_sync to activate the theme.
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    Temporary theme - Can't activate the theme? Empty Re: Temporary theme - Can't activate the theme?

    Post by zakir321 February 21st 2008, 11:27 pm

    huh, thats true. i cant use this button as well in my test forum! strange... but probably will be fixed with the update...

    anyway, i could manage to apply the temporary theme, by changing the version of the current theme (Stlyes / Change version) to the same version as in the temporary theme that you want to apply. Then i clicked the temporary version (Temporary theme - Can't activate the theme? Editer instead of Temporary theme - Can't activate the theme? Icon_sync) then click "apply this theme to forum".

    Male Posts : 147
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    Language : Norwegian, English

    Temporary theme - Can't activate the theme? Empty Re: Temporary theme - Can't activate the theme?

    Post by Ridder7 February 21st 2008, 11:31 pm

    Now i did it as you say, this is the result:

    My forum dont look so pretty now Laughing
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    Temporary theme - Can't activate the theme? Empty Re: Temporary theme - Can't activate the theme?

    Post by zakir321 February 22nd 2008, 12:00 am

    as said, it might not be entirely fixed yet - i can't see the update news on the admin panel main page yet at least...

    so... anyway, didn't it apply the images that you set in your temp theme?

    Male Posts : 147
    Reputation : 0
    Language : Norwegian, English

    Temporary theme - Can't activate the theme? Empty Re: Temporary theme - Can't activate the theme?

    Post by Ridder7 February 22nd 2008, 1:15 am

    No, it just break the forum.. but no problem, i have backup Very Happy