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    Profile and message details


    Male Posts : 6923
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    In progress Profile and message details

    Post by TheCrow November 26th 2013, 8:27 pm

    How can i take the name to the center in message profile and make the number of the message a link?

    Profile and message details NuytCh3
    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by Ange Tuteur November 26th 2013, 10:05 pm

    Hello Marios94,

    To center your name you first need to remove position:absolute off of this in your CSS:
    .pun .user-ident .username {
    color: rgb(2, 28, 112);
    display: block;
    font-size: 1.2em;
    font-weight: 700;
    position: absolute;
    text-decoration: none;
    top: 0px;
    For turning the post number into a link I believe would require template editing. Most likely, the viewtopic_body. There was something similar on the French support for phpbb2.

    PunBB should already have a title wrapped with something similar to this:
    <a href="#{postrow.displayed.U_POST_ID}">{postrow.displayed.POST_SUBJECT}</a>
    All you need to do is find it, and then wrap the post number with that for it to become a link.

    Male Posts : 6923
    Reputation : 795
    Language : Greek, English

    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by TheCrow November 28th 2013, 9:04 pm

    Τhe link you say i cannot find it..

    Profile and message details Thecro10
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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by TheCrow December 3rd 2013, 2:24 pm


    Profile and message details Thecro10
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    Male Posts : 262
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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by Legolas December 5th 2013, 7:56 pm

    Can you post your viewtopic_body ? Thanks!

    Male Posts : 6923
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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by TheCrow December 6th 2013, 12:10 am

    Now the only thing i want is to make the number, a link.. just that?! but unfortunately its not a link as it is...
    This is fixed! I manage to fix it, but it appears to have a problem!
    I dont know if i made the code with something wrong, look what i did:
    i found this {postrow.displayed.COUNT_POSTS}
    and i replaced it with this: <a href="{postrow.displayed.POST_URL}">{postrow.displayed.COUNT_POSTS}</a>

    but know, it doesnt show me the link to the post, but it just takes me to the post.. The link, it appears on the top but not on the screen where users can see it...

    Note that this code: <a href="{postrow.displayed.POST_URL}">, i wrote it and it might be wrong.. I am not taking risks in the forum again! I want if possible when you click on the number to show you the link..

    Can it happen?

    Reminding that forum version: punbb
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    Male Posts : 6923
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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by TheCrow December 7th 2013, 4:36 am


    Profile and message details Thecro10
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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by Legolas December 7th 2013, 12:21 pm

    {postrow.displayed.POST_URL} is already a link. You can't make a sub-link, or something like that. Can you explain again what are you trying to do ?

    Male Posts : 6923
    Reputation : 795
    Language : Greek, English

    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by TheCrow December 9th 2013, 3:15 am

    what i want is this: if someone clicks the link of the post, somehow to appear the link in a box or something so they can copy it..

    Profile and message details Thecro10
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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by Guest December 9th 2013, 8:31 am

    Marios94 wrote:what i want is this: if someone clicks the link of the post, somehow to appear the link in a box or something so they can copy it..
    If i'm right that's the private code developed by JScript (João Carlos) for link pop-up box.

    Male Posts : 262
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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by Legolas December 9th 2013, 2:38 pm

    Can you post your viewtopic_body ? I'll try to make this for you. Smile

    Male Posts : 6923
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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by TheCrow December 9th 2013, 3:07 pm

    View topic body:

    Profile and message details Thecro10
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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by Legolas December 9th 2013, 4:30 pm

    Replace it with:

    <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
    var multiquote_img_off = '{JS_MULTIQUOTE_IMG_OFF}', multiquote_img_on = '{JS_MULTIQUOTE_IMG_ON}', _atr = '{JS_DIR}addthis/', _ati = '{PATH_IMG_FA}addthis/'{ADDTHIS_LANG}, addthis_localize = { share_caption: "{L_SHARE_CAPTION}", email: "{L_EMAIL}", email_caption: "{L_EMAIL_CAPTION}", favorites: "{L_SHARE_BOOKMARKS}", print: "{L_PRINT}", more: "{L_MORE}" };
      _atc.cwait = 0;
          if ($('#at15s').css('display') == 'block') {

    var hiddenMsgLabel = { visible:'{JS_HIDE_HIDDEN_MESSAGE}', hidden:'{JS_SHOW_HIDDEN_MESSAGE}' };
    showHiddenMessage = function(id)
            var regId = parseInt(id, 10);
            if( isNaN(regId) ) { regId = 0; }
            if( regId > 0)
                $('.post--' + id).toggle(0, function()
                if( $(this).is(":visible") )
                  $('#hidden-title--' + id).html(hiddenMsgLabel.visible);
                  $('#hidden-title--' + id).html(hiddenMsgLabel.hidden);
        catch(e) { }
      return false;


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            <!-- END switch_user_authreply -->
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            {L_MESSAGE} [{PAGE_NUMBER}]

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                                                        <br />{postrow.displayed.POST_DATE_NEW}</center> <strong><div class="arithmisiminimaton"><a href="{postrow.displayed.POST_URL}" title="To link για την απάντηση αυτή, εμφανίζεται στον ιστότοπο πάνω"> {postrow.displayed.COUNT_POSTS}</a></div></strong>

                  </div><div class="postbody"{postrow.displayed.THANK_BGCOLOR}>
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                                        <center><div class="onomaxristi">{postrow.displayed.POSTER_NAME}</div></center><br />
                                        <div class="profileinfo"><center><i>Πληροφορίες Μέλους</i></center></div>
                                      <br />      <div class="vathmida"><center>{postrow.displayed.POSTER_RANK_NEW}</center></div><br />
                                                                <center><div class="tgeavatar">{postrow.displayed.ONLINE_IMG}</div><span class="avatartge">{postrow.displayed.POSTER_AVATAR}</span></center><br />
                            <!-- BEGIN profile_field -->
                            <div class="tgeplaisio">                            {postrow.displayed.profile_field.LABEL}{postrow.displayed.profile_field.CONTENT}{postrow.displayed.profile_field.SEPARATOR}
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                      <div class="post-entry">
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                            <!-- BEGIN switch_vote_active -->
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                              <!-- BEGIN switch_vote -->
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                              <!-- END switch_vote -->

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                              <div class="vote-bar" title="{postrow.displayed.switch_vote_active.L_VOTE_TITLE}">
                                  <!-- BEGIN switch_vote_plus -->
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                                  <!-- END switch_vote_plus -->

                                  <!-- BEGIN switch_vote_minus -->
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                              <div title="{postrow.displayed.switch_vote_active.L_VOTE_TITLE}" class="vote-no-bar">----</div>
                              <!-- END switch_no_bar -->

                              <!-- BEGIN switch_vote -->
                              <div class="vote-button"><a href="{postrow.displayed.switch_vote_active.switch_vote.U_VOTE_MINUS}">-</a></div>
                              <!-- END switch_vote -->
                            <!-- END switch_vote_active -->
                                                                      <br />
                              <!-- BEGIN switch_attachments -->
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                                          <!-- END switch_dl_att -->

                                          <!-- BEGIN switch_no_dl_att -->
                                          {postrow.displayed.switch_attachments.switch_post_attachments.switch_no_dl_att.ATTACHMENT} {postrow.displayed.switch_attachments.switch_post_attachments.switch_no_dl_att.ATTACHMENT_DEL}
                                          <!-- END switch_no_dl_att -->

                                        <!-- BEGIN switch_no_comment -->
                                        <!-- END switch_no_comment -->

                                        <!-- BEGIN switch_no_dl_att -->
                                        <!-- END switch_no_dl_att -->

                                        <dd>({postrow.displayed.switch_attachments.switch_post_attachments.FILE_SIZE}) {postrow.displayed.switch_attachments.switch_post_attachments.NB_DL}</dd>
                                    <!-- END switch_post_attachments -->
                              <!-- END switch_attachments -->
                              <div class="clear"></div>

                  <!-- BEGIN switch_signature -->
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                  <!-- END switch_signature -->

                  <div class="postfoot">
                      <div class="user-contact profile_{postrow.displayed.PROFILE_POSITION}">
                        {postrow.displayed.PROFILE_IMG} {postrow.displayed.PM_IMG} {postrow.displayed.EMAIL_IMG}<!-- BEGIN contact_field --> {postrow.displayed.contact_field.CONTENT}<!-- END contact_field -->
                      <div class="post-options profile_{postrow.displayed.PROFILE_POSITION}">
                        {postrow.displayed.THANK_IMG} {postrow.displayed.MULTIQUOTE_IMG} {postrow.displayed.QUOTE_IMG} {postrow.displayed.EDIT_IMG} {postrow.displayed.DELETE_IMG} {postrow.displayed.IP_IMG} {postrow.displayed.REPORT_IMG}
                      <div style="clear:both;"></div>
            <!-- END displayed -->
          <!-- END postrow -->

      <div class="main-foot clearfix">
          <p class="h2">
            <a href="{U_VIEW_OLDER_TOPIC}">{L_VIEW_PREVIOUS_TOPIC}</a> <a href="{U_VIEW_NEWER_TOPIC}">{L_VIEW_NEXT_TOPIC}</a> <a href="#top">{L_BACK_TO_TOP}</a> 
            {L_MESSAGE} [{PAGE_NUMBER}]
          <p class="options">
            <input type="hidden" name="t" value="{TOPIC_ID}" />

            <!-- <input type="hidden" name="sid" value="{S_SID}" /> -->
            <input type="hidden" name="{SECURE_ID_NAME}" value="{SECURE_ID_VALUE}" />

            <!-- BEGIN viewtopic_bottom -->
            <!-- END viewtopic_bottom -->

      <a name="bottomtitle"></a>

      <div class="paged-foot clearfix">
          <!-- BEGIN topicpagination -->
          <p class="paging">{PAGINATION}</p>
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            <!-- END switch_user_authpost -->

            <!-- BEGIN switch_user_authreply -->
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            <!-- END switch_user_authreply -->


    <div class="pun-crumbs">
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          <!-- BEGIN link -->
          » <a href="{}" target="_blank" title="{}">{}</a><br />
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          <p class="h2">{L_FORUM_RULES}</p>
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            <td class="rules entry-content">
    <!-- END switch_forum_rules -->

    <!-- BEGIN switch_user_logged_in -->
    <a name="quickreply"></a>
    <!-- END switch_user_logged_in -->

    <div id="pun-info" class="main">
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            <p>{L_TABS_PERMISSIONS} <br />{S_AUTH_LIST}</p>

    <!-- BEGIN switch_image_resize -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(resize_images({ 'selector' : '.post-entry .entry-content', 'max_width' : {switch_image_resize.IMG_RESIZE_WIDTH}, 'max_height' : {switch_image_resize.IMG_RESIZE_HEIGHT} }));
    <!-- END switch_image_resize -->

    <script src="{JS_DIR}addthis/addthis_widget.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    Male Posts : 6923
    Reputation : 795
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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by TheCrow December 9th 2013, 9:14 pm

    this appears this:
    but if i move up and down it stays in the center and it goes up and down!!

    Edit: and also, the link stays the same despite the fact that i press an other number

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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by SLGray December 10th 2013, 12:44 am

    Do you have music player on your forum?  If you do, then it could be not letting the browser links to change.

    Profile and message details Slgray10

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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by Legolas December 10th 2013, 2:44 pm

    Yes, it say with the same number because you asked the topic link, not the post link. By the way, i don't think it's possible on Forumotion to detect what post ID you hovered..

    Male Posts : 6923
    Reputation : 795
    Language : Greek, English

    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by TheCrow December 11th 2013, 1:38 pm

    I don't have a music player on the forum. But i badly need this code to show up the link of each post in a thread!

    Can it be possible in some way?

    Profile and message details Thecro10
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    Male Posts : 6923
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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by TheCrow December 15th 2013, 6:44 pm


    Male Posts : 262
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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by Legolas December 15th 2013, 9:32 pm

    Legolas wrote:Yes, it say with the same number because you asked the topic link, not the post link. By the way, i don't think it's possible on Forumotion to detect what post ID you are hovering..
    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by Ange Tuteur December 15th 2013, 11:21 pm

    Hello Marios94,

    I do not exactly understand what you want(this topic feels all overProfile and message details 466793to me), but do you want something like this to display on posts ?

    Profile and message details Captur14

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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by TheCrow December 15th 2013, 11:38 pm

    Yes. I want the link of the post to appear exactly where you posted it but appear in a box so members and i can copy it.
    I managed to make the numbers links but i cannot make the box to appear like that. The template if needed is the first one i pasted! Thank you Seth.. If u need further informations, please tell me to explain exactly what i want with new pictures.

    Profile and message details Thecro10
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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by Ange Tuteur December 15th 2013, 11:42 pm

    I have a demo for you to test :
    Administration Panel > Modules > Javascript codes management > create a new script

    Name : What you wish
    Placement : In the subjects
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        jQuery('.pun .post').hover(function() {
        var SujetURL = document.URL.replace(/#[0-9]+/,'').replace(/#top/,'').replace(/#bottom/,'');
        var PID = jQuery(this).children('a:eq(0)').attr('id');
        jQuery(this).css('position','relative').append('<div id="PID" style="color:#fff;background-color:rgba(0,0,0, 0.5);border-radius:4px;padding:3px;position:absolute;bottom:0;right:0;">'+SujetURL+'#'+PID+'</div>');
        }, function() {

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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by TheCrow December 16th 2013, 9:14 pm

    This code, appears to do nothing because i already changed the template to the one i am showing on a previous post. I added it but it just takes me to the post link i select. The link doesn't appear anywhere... Sad

    Profile and message details Thecro10
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    Ange Tuteur

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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by Ange Tuteur December 16th 2013, 9:27 pm

    On hover of a users post it should display the message link and number of the post. An example has been set here :

    Profile and message details Captu237

    You have placed it in the topics only ?

    Male Posts : 6923
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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by TheCrow December 16th 2013, 9:35 pm

    that appears at the bottom of the post. (i haven't noticed that) Can you make it appear as the shown one? Mine is like this now:

    Profile and message details Thecro10
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    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by Ange Tuteur December 16th 2013, 9:40 pm

    Replace the script with this :
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        jQuery('.pun .post').hover(function() {
        var SujetURL = document.URL.replace(/#[0-9]+/,'').replace(/#top/,'').replace(/#bottom/,'');
        var PID = jQuery(this).children('a:eq(0)').attr('id');
        jQuery(this).css('position','relative').append('<div id="PID" style="color:#fff;background-color:rgba(0,0,0, 0.5);border-radius:4px;padding:3px;position:absolute;top:48px;right:3px;">'+SujetURL+'#'+PID+'</div>');
        }, function() {

    It should display here :
    Profile and message details Captu238

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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by TheCrow December 16th 2013, 9:50 pm

    of course as always it works but the position of it is wrong. can it go before the line?
    Check this:

    Before it was my post and the like button did not appear..

    Profile and message details Thecro10
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    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by Ange Tuteur December 16th 2013, 9:55 pm

    I cannot see that topic.

    You can change the positioning here (its inline) :

    or you can also try CSS :
    #PID {
    top:50px !important;
    right:5px !important;

    Male Posts : 6923
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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by TheCrow December 16th 2013, 9:57 pm

    Profile and message details Thecro10
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    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

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    In progress Re: Profile and message details

    Post by Ange Tuteur December 16th 2013, 10:29 pm

    I don't see what you mean ?  scratch 

    Like I said above this CSS should help you adjust the positioning with ease :
    #PID {
    top:50px !important;
    right:5px !important;