how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)? Hitskin_logo

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3 posters

    how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)?


    Posts : 41
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    how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)? Empty how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)?

    Post by iwanabetobin February 24th 2008, 6:45 pm

    it makes it look untide when the writing is to the left.
    so how do i make everybodys deafult text be centered?
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    how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)? Empty Re: how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)?

    Post by zakir321 February 24th 2008, 7:43 pm

    you want to make all posts centered? hm.. i guess you can do that with a CSS code (put the code in "styles / colors / css stylesheet" - in the text area and click submit).

    .postbody {text-align: center}

    Posts : 41
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    how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)? Empty Re: how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)?

    Post by iwanabetobin February 24th 2008, 9:01 pm

    when i do that, i get an error
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    how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)? Empty Re: how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)?

    Post by zakir321 February 24th 2008, 9:12 pm

    but that code works for sure - its even independant from the phpBB version. So... are you sure you copied the entire code? (beginning with "." and ending with "}"?

    or you probably have other code in your CSS already that is corrupted?

    Posts : 41
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    how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)? Empty Re: how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)?

    Post by iwanabetobin February 24th 2008, 9:32 pm

    when i click CTRL and F
    i find the code already in there,
    how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)? 2001644728963543474_fs

    and when i click "submit" i get thsi error

    how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)? 2001211382812856710_fs

    how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)? Empty Re: how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)?

    Post by Guest February 24th 2008, 11:11 pm

    i cant see the writing in the css
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    how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)? Empty Re: how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)?

    Post by zakir321 February 24th 2008, 11:16 pm

    yes, its way too small to detect any error... how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)? Sherlo10

    however, do you actually need all the other code? is it used or did you just copy the forums basic css in there? (what you would not need to at all)

    anyway, the error message means that you are missing a { or a } somewhere.

    Posts : 41
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    how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)? Empty Re: how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)?

    Post by iwanabetobin February 24th 2008, 11:44 pm

    theres a huge problem with my internet company at the minute
    and websites arnt working. thats why i didnt use imageshak to upload th picture.

    this is the code that i have on my stylesheet...

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    how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)? Empty Re: how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)?

    Post by zakir321 February 25th 2008, 12:25 am

    there you go, you have one } too much at the place of the code that i gave you:

    .postbody {text-align: center}

    Posts : 41
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    how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)? Empty Re: how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)?

    Post by iwanabetobin February 25th 2008, 2:51 am

    ive done that. but it still doesnt center my text.
    Lost Uchiha
    Lost Uchiha

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    how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)? Empty Re: how do i make everybodys writing center! (instead of left)?

    Post by Lost Uchiha February 29th 2008, 4:09 am

    iwanabetobin wrote:ive done that. but it still doesnt center my text.

    Are you using phpbb2 or phpbb3? I am not completely sure, but I don't think that code will work for phpbb2. I've tried the code on both kinds of forums, and it only appears to work on phpbb3.

    Correct me if I am wrong please.