by Ange Tuteur Sat Mar 22, 2014 6:37 pm
I've converted it to a character counter, it is a bit difficult to count the Arabic words since they are not recognized as a word character.
Try this :
- Code:
var MinNumberOfChars = 50;
var ico_compl = "";
var ico_incompl = "";
if($("#text_editor_textarea").length != 0){
$("input[type='submit'][name='post']").attr("disabled", true).css("opacity", "0.5");
$(".sceditor-container").after("<br/><div id='div_minchars' align='center'><div id='div_minchars_header'> Minimum characters to send a message: " + MinNumberOfChars + " </div><div id='div_minchars_info'></div></div>");
var sceditor = $("#text_editor_textarea").sceditor("instance");
var str = sceditor.val();
var str_len = str.length;
if(str_len >= MinNumberOfChars) $("input[type='submit'][name='post']").attr("disabled", false).css("opacity", "1");
sceditor.keyUp(function(e) {
str = sceditor.val();
str_len = str.length;
if(str_len >= MinNumberOfChars) {
$("#div_minchars_info").html("You've written <span style='color:green'>" + str_len + "</span> character(s). You can now send the message <img src='" + ico_compl + "' />");
$("input[type='submit'][name='post']").attr("disabled", false).css("opacity", "1");
$("#div_minchars_info").html("You've written <span style='color:red'>" + str_len + "</span> character(s). You need " + (MinNumberOfChars - str_len) + " character(s) to send this message <img src='" + ico_incompl + "' />");
$("input[type='submit'][name='post']").attr("disabled", true).css("opacity", "0.5");
To change the minimum number of characters modify the value of MinNumberOfChars.