Hello Masters! <bows>
We've had a problem now for the past weeks and ignoring it hoping it would improve on its own doesn't seem to help so here goes:
ads.contextweb.com are freezing our browsers. (chrome, Firefox and explorer by our members reports). Is there any way to disable the ads or change which ads are shown/used for out forum?
Or what do we do? ideas very appreciated. Adblocker doesnt seem to work either as it somehow loads in the background anyway and freezes. As it is now, it's about 50% chance that the browser freezes everytime the forum refreshes due to a action (change of thread, reply, clicking anything etc etc).... almost imbarable.
Help us please!
We've had a problem now for the past weeks and ignoring it hoping it would improve on its own doesn't seem to help so here goes:
ads.contextweb.com are freezing our browsers. (chrome, Firefox and explorer by our members reports). Is there any way to disable the ads or change which ads are shown/used for out forum?
Or what do we do? ideas very appreciated. Adblocker doesnt seem to work either as it somehow loads in the background anyway and freezes. As it is now, it's about 50% chance that the browser freezes everytime the forum refreshes due to a action (change of thread, reply, clicking anything etc etc).... almost imbarable.
Help us please!
Last edited by Fozboz on March 24th 2014, 6:34 pm; edited 1 time in total