Forum on my email which i never made + problems with recovering a forum Hitskin_logo

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    Forum on my email which i never made + problems with recovering a forum


    Posts : 44
    Reputation : 1
    Language : Dutch

    In progress Forum on my email which i never made + problems with recovering a forum

    Post by Pixielisje April 8th 2014, 6:23 pm

    Hello everyone!

    So I got two emails and two forums and two problems.

    On the first email, there is a forum which I never made. But I got access to the utilities stuff. It's like a basic forum, nothing on it really but I can't get access to the admin account either. It says that it's on my email address but when i try to recover the password it says that it isn't that same email that is used. Anyone care to help? The forumlink is:

    Second problem. On another email I got this old forum which I want to recover. I got access to the utilities and i'm sure that it's mine but everytime i click on recovering, nothing happens. I really want this forum back! Anyone care to help? The url is 

    thank you!

    Posts : 44
    Reputation : 1
    Language : Dutch

    In progress Re: Forum on my email which i never made + problems with recovering a forum

    Post by Pixielisje April 8th 2014, 6:29 pm

    sorry for another post but with the second problem, i do notice that when i click to restore the forum there are no dates when it says "restore the forum such as it was:" no dates, only the option to select .. Sad

    Male Posts : 16217
    Reputation : 1832
    Language : French, English

    In progress Re: Forum on my email which i never made + problems with recovering a forum

    Post by Shadow April 9th 2014, 11:06 am


    First forum:

    Please send me a private message with the url of your forum and the foundation email

    Second forum:

    Dates don't appear on backup tool because, on your forum, you have exactly the same data to day that 3 months ago. So, it is normal Wink
