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    Hogwarts Lives

    New Member

    Posts : 6
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    Language : English

    Hogwarts Lives Empty Hogwarts Lives

    Post by Xan. Wed 9 Apr 2014 - 4:00

    Hogwarts Lives

    Choice of Title:  Hogwarts Lives
    Choice of Category: Games & RPG
    Language: English
    Forum's Purpose:  To host a collaborative writing roleplay experience based on Hogwarts.
    Link: http://hogwartslives.forumotion.com/

    Administrator:  Xan


    General information forums, such as rules, announcements, site lore, etc
    Character Central
    Character development forums
    England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales
    Roleplay forums for the UK areas
    Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry
    Roleplay forums for Hogwarts Castle
    Hogwarts School Grounds
    Roleplay forums for the grounds and Forbidden Forest


    Hogwarts Lives 2welb10

    Forum Overview

    Hogwarts Lives 4ruxr4