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    Add "Go to last page" for each topic, for mobile version


    Add "Go to last page" for each topic, for mobile version

    [ 1 ]
    Add "Go to last page" for each topic, for mobile version  Bar_left100%Add "Go to last page" for each topic, for mobile version  Bar_right [100%] 
    [ 0 ]
    Add "Go to last page" for each topic, for mobile version  Bar_left0%Add "Go to last page" for each topic, for mobile version  Bar_right [0%] 

    Total Votes: 1
    Poll closed
    New Member

    Posts : 12
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    Language : English

    Add "Go to last page" for each topic, for mobile version  Empty Add "Go to last page" for each topic, for mobile version

    Post by Grei April 9th 2014, 2:34 pm

    I think there should be "Go to last page" for each topic, for mobile version 
    (it's pain to go one-by-one "next page" on mobile, specially for popular topics)

    Last edited by Grei on April 9th 2014, 2:54 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Adding poll)

    Male Posts : 17924
    Reputation : 836
    Language : English
    Location : Somewhere

    Add "Go to last page" for each topic, for mobile version  Empty Re: Add "Go to last page" for each topic, for mobile version

    Post by Jophy April 9th 2014, 2:42 pm


    Please add a poll for your suggestion.

    (Note: In case there is already a suggestion about this, this topic will be locked and may be continued on the other thread).

    Male Posts : 17924
    Reputation : 836
    Language : English
    Location : Somewhere

    Add "Go to last page" for each topic, for mobile version  Empty Re: Add "Go to last page" for each topic, for mobile version

    Post by Jophy May 17th 2014, 8:35 am

    Suggestion clean up.