question on bandwidth on my forum Hitskin_logo

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3 posters

    question on bandwidth on my forum


    Male Posts : 45
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    Language : english

    question on bandwidth on my forum Empty question on bandwidth on my forum

    Post by lukecalladine March 1st 2008, 4:02 pm

    how much bandwidth can my forum have, is it possible to have how many html pages i want? thanks,
    New Member

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    question on bandwidth on my forum Empty Re: question on bandwidth on my forum

    Post by zakir321 March 1st 2008, 4:21 pm

    as far as i know the bandwith is unlimited, the only limits are those mentioned [here]. >>> 127 html pages are the maximum Smile

    Male Posts : 45
    Reputation : 0
    Language : english

    question on bandwidth on my forum Empty Re: question on bandwidth on my forum

    Post by lukecalladine March 1st 2008, 4:35 pm

    if i buy my own domain name, and have my address at .com at the end, would i be able to have how many html pages i want. thanks,

    Male Posts : 6106
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    Location : Bucharest, Romania

    question on bandwidth on my forum Empty Re: question on bandwidth on my forum

    Post by Luky March 1st 2008, 6:18 pm

    lukecalladine wrote:if i buy my own domain name, and have my address at .com at the end, would i be able to have how many html pages i want. thanks,
    No. The limit is of HTML pages is 127. It doesn't matter if you have a personalized domain name.