by Fierce Star August 10th 2014, 3:27 am
Are you trying to change a member's post color to match their group color? If so, it might take some time depending on how many groups you have. But if that's what your aiming for, start by going to User and Groups -> Ranks -> Rank administration -> If you have ranks assigned to the users from each group, click the edit
button and then put
- Code:
<span class="group1">
Before the rank and then
- Code:
after it.
Next, go to Modules -> HTML and Javascript -> Javascript codes management -> Create a new Javascript -> paste this code:
- Code:
$(function() {
place in all pages.
Then go to Display -> Pictures and Colors -> Colors -> CSS Stylesheet -> Paste this code
- Code:
.group1style .postbody div {
And to do it for all your other groups, repeat the same routine and change all the "
1"s in every bit of the code to 2s, then 3s, and so on until you're done.
- (example):
User and Groups -> Ranks -> Rank administration -> If you have ranks assigned to the users from each group, click the edit
button and then put
- Code:
<span class="group2">
Before the rank and then
- Code:
after it.
Next, go to Modules -> HTML and Javascript -> Javascript codes management -> Create a new Javascript -> add after the code I just gave you
- Code:
$(function() {
press submit
Then go to Display -> Pictures and Colors -> Colors -> CSS Stylesheet -> Paste this code
- Code:
.group2style .postbody div {
(This code was designed for phpBB2 forums, assuming this is your forum version since your profile says it is)