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3 posters

    Quick reply without page refresh!!!


    Male Posts : 626
    Reputation : 9
    Language : English
    Location : Sri Lanka

    Quick reply without page refresh!!! Empty Quick reply without page refresh!!!

    Post by udarsha45 September 26th 2014, 10:31 am


    When you click the reply button in a particular post in a topic, immediately a quick reply box pops out where we can type our post. Also by doing so and clicking send the page itself does not refresh.

    Is their a code for that?

    Male Posts : 2431
    Reputation : 116
    Language : English, Greek

    Quick reply without page refresh!!! Empty Re: Quick reply without page refresh!!!

    Post by Van-Helsing September 26th 2014, 12:09 pm

    Hello Udarsha45,
    Please check it here http://www.avacweb.com/t1333-quick-reply-without-page-refresh or here http://www.avacweb.com/t659-instant-reply-quick-reply-with-no-page-change-punbb but I think it needs modification for phpbbb2 which is your forum version as I can see.

    Male Posts : 626
    Reputation : 9
    Language : English
    Location : Sri Lanka

    Quick reply without page refresh!!! Empty Re: Quick reply without page refresh!!!

    Post by udarsha45 September 26th 2014, 12:50 pm

    Black-Shadow wrote:Hello Udarsha45,
    Please check it here http://www.avacweb.com/t1333-quick-reply-without-page-refresh or here http://www.avacweb.com/t659-instant-reply-quick-reply-with-no-page-change-punbb but I think it needs modification for phpbbb2 which is your forum version as I can see.

    Actually, my site is Punbb.

    Anyways thanks but the thing remains that I would like to know a way to have a button called "reply" in each post that let's you reply to it. That's when the editor pop-ups. Which also works when quoting posts.

    Male Posts : 312
    Reputation : 80
    Language : Estonian, English, Russian
    Location : Estonia

    Quick reply without page refresh!!! Empty Re: Quick reply without page refresh!!!

    Post by Tonight September 26th 2014, 1:32 pm

    I'm afraid you would have to pay for it. For example, LGforum sells it.

    Male Posts : 2431
    Reputation : 116
    Language : English, Greek

    Quick reply without page refresh!!! Empty Re: Quick reply without page refresh!!!

    Post by Van-Helsing September 26th 2014, 9:46 pm

    Do you want to change the editor too?

    Male Posts : 626
    Reputation : 9
    Language : English
    Location : Sri Lanka

    Quick reply without page refresh!!! Empty Re: Quick reply without page refresh!!!

    Post by udarsha45 September 27th 2014, 4:28 am

    Black-Shadow wrote:Hello,
    Do you want to change the editor too?

    What do you mean?

    Male Posts : 2431
    Reputation : 116
    Language : English, Greek

    Quick reply without page refresh!!! Empty Re: Quick reply without page refresh!!!

    Post by Van-Helsing September 27th 2014, 4:47 pm

    udarsha45 wrote:
    Black-Shadow wrote:Hello,
    Do you want to change the editor too?

    What do you mean?
    Hello Udarsha45,
    I am asking if you want modify and your default sceditor too, like zEditor, GoEditor etc? I am thinking the reply with no page refresh is depending from the editor's type.

    Male Posts : 626
    Reputation : 9
    Language : English
    Location : Sri Lanka

    Quick reply without page refresh!!! Empty Re: Quick reply without page refresh!!!

    Post by udarsha45 October 3rd 2014, 1:30 pm

    Black-Shadow wrote:
    udarsha45 wrote:
    Black-Shadow wrote:Hello,
    Do you want to change the editor too?

    What do you mean?
    Hello Udarsha45,
    I am asking if you want modify and your default sceditor too, like zEditor, GoEditor etc? I am thinking the reply with no page refresh is depending from the editor's type.

    Yes, I would mate. Smile

    Male Posts : 2431
    Reputation : 116
    Language : English, Greek

    Quick reply without page refresh!!! Empty Re: Quick reply without page refresh!!!

    Post by Van-Helsing October 3rd 2014, 5:54 pm

    If you want to install zEditor follow the installation instruction here.

    Best Regards,

    Male Posts : 626
    Reputation : 9
    Language : English
    Location : Sri Lanka

    Quick reply without page refresh!!! Empty Re: Quick reply without page refresh!!!

    Post by udarsha45 October 4th 2014, 12:11 pm

    Black-Shadow wrote:Hello,
    If you want to install zEditor follow the installation instruction here.

    Best Regards,

    Thanks alot!

    Btw, by any chance do you have the code for the latest.js? Because when I download the file, and open it, it doesn't work. Actually, I can't open the file.

    Male Posts : 2431
    Reputation : 116
    Language : English, Greek

    Quick reply without page refresh!!! Empty Re: Quick reply without page refresh!!!

    Post by Van-Helsing October 5th 2014, 1:31 am

    Here it is the code of file latest.js

    [spoiler="Latest.js file"]

    var zeditor = {
    version: 'punbb', // punbb or phpbb3 or invision
    lang: {
    reply: "Mode: Reply",
    pm: "Mode: Private Message",
    edit: "Mode: Edit",
    quote: "Mode: Quote",
    preview: "Mode: Preview",
    loading: "Loading...",
    flood_message: "You cannot send 2 posts at the same. Please wait",
    error_message: "An unexpected error has occurred. Please refresh the page",
    no_message: "Please etner your message",
    notify_message: "Would you like to notify",
    quote_message: "at Post",
    tag_message_title: "You've been tagged in",
    tag_message_error: "zEditor can\'t find the name of the user whom you want to tag",
    pm_message_title: "A message from a topic named",
    pm_message_error: "zEditor can't find the name of the user whom you want to send a private message to",
    reply_button: "Reply",
    pm_button: "PM",
    preview_button: "Preview",
    advance_button: "Advanced",
    close_button: "Close",
    bold_button: "Bold",
    italic_button: "Italic",
    strike_button: "Strike",
    underline_button: "Underline",
    color_button: "Color",
    smiley_button: "Smilies",
    image_button: "Image",
    upload_button: "Upload",
    tag_button: "Tag",
    imgur_placeholder1: "Choose file(s)",
    imgur_placeholder2: "External URL",
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    post_dom: '.post',
    message_dom: '.zeditor-message',
    button_dom: '.zeditor-buttons',
    preview_dom: 0,
    editor: 0,
    mode: 0,
    url: 0,
    textarea: 0,
    ready: function () {
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    zeditor.preview_dom = '.post-entry';
    zeditor.button_dom = '.posting-icons'
    $('.h3:contains("Quick reply:")').remove();
    if (!window.jQuery) { // Check if jQuery is loaded
    alert('JQuery is required to run this. Visit http://www.jquery.com/ for more details');
    } else { // Executes these main functions if jQuery is loaded
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    alert('Please put back the copyright "?" button to use zEditor');
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    quote: function (a) {
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    zeditor.subject.value = $(data).find('input[name="subject"]').val();
    button: function (where) {
    $(where).each(function () {
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    "message": zeditor.textarea.value,
    "preview": "Preview",
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    if (zeditor.url) {
    if (zeditor.textarea.value == 0) {
    } else {
    $.post(zeditor.url, {
    'post': 'Send',
    'message': zeditor.textarea.value,
    'subject': zeditor.subject.value
    }, function (data) {
    var en = "Your message has been entered successfully",
    vi = "Bài của bạn đã được chuyển";
    b = (data.indexOf(en) < 0) ? vi : en;
    index = data.indexOf(b);
    if (data.indexOf("Flood control") > 0) {
    } else if (data.indexOf('A new message') > 0) {
    $.post('/post', $(data).find("form[name='post']").serialize() + '&post=1', function (c) {
    (index < 0) ? alert(zeditor.lang.error_message) : zeditor.newPost($(c).find('p:contains("' + b + '") a:first').attr('href'));zeditor.closePreview('#ze-preview')
    } else {
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    newPost: function (a) {
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    'subject': subject,
    'message': message,
    'post': 'Send',
    'folder': 'inbox'
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