how to create a poll and top posters category Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    how to create a poll and top posters category


    Posts : 119
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    Language : english

    how to create a poll and top posters category Empty how to create a poll and top posters category

    Post by oopsvissu March 9th 2008, 1:03 pm

    hello can any body temme how to create poll and top posters category as like in the site as mentioned in the below link

    he has a top posters and poll categories in the leftside of the portal how to do that any code?

    Male Posts : 6106
    Reputation : 264
    Language : Romanian, English
    Location : Bucharest, Romania

    how to create a poll and top posters category Empty Re: how to create a poll and top posters category

    Post by Luky March 9th 2008, 1:43 pm

    You don't need any code for this. Go to admin panel=>Modules=>Portal & calendar=>Configuration and look for this section "Poll module options" and choose a poll you would like to appear.Note that you can only select polls from various topics which you already made on your forum so if you don't have any topics with polls no option will appear and you will have to make a topic with the poll that you want. Then go to Portal pages management and click the "structure" button. There look for this section "Addition of existing modules" and choose "Poll" from the Modules menu. To add it on the left side choose "Column 1" from the "Location" menu and then click the "Add the module" button.

    To add the top posters go to portal Structure again and from the "Addition of existing modules" section choose "Top posters" and then click the "Add the module" button.