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phpbb : Aggregate double posts

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Tutorial phpbb : Aggregate double posts

Post by Ange Tuteur October 31st 2014, 7:50 pm

phpbb : Aggregate double posts

This tutorial will allow you to group the posts of members who post twice or more in a row, automatically. This is applicable to versions phpbb2 and phpbb3.

double - phpbb : Aggregate double posts Captu197

Installing JavaScript

Go to Administration Panel > Modules > JavaScript codes management and create a new script.

Title : Your choice
Placement : In the topics
Paste the script below that corresponds to your forum version :

phpbb2 :
$(function() {
  var c = "", a, d = 0, b = 0;
  $("").each(function() {
    var e = $("> td:first", this).text();
    e != c ? (d++, b++, a = $(this), b % 2 != d % 2 && $("> td", a).add($("> td","row1 row2"), c = e) : (b++, $(a).find("div.signature_div").remove(), $("> td:last", a).append($("> td:last > table ", this).addClass("doublepost").attr("id", $(this).attr("id").replace(/^p([0-9]+)$/, "$1"))), $(this).next().remove(), $(this).remove())
  var f = location.hash;
  location.hash = "";
  location.hash = f

phpbb3 :
$(function() {
  var c = "", a, d = 0, b = 0;
  $("").each(function() {
    var e = $(".postprofile dt", this).text();
    e != c ? (d++, b++, a = $(this), b % 2 != d % 2 && a.toggleClass("row1 row2"), c = e) : (b++, $(a).find("div.signature_div").remove(), $("div.postbody", a).append($("div.postbody", this).attr("class", "doublepost").attr("id", $(this).attr("id").replace(/^p([0-9]+)$/, "$1"))), $(this).remove())
  var f = location.hash;
  location.hash = "";
  location.hash = f

Modifying the CSS

The double posts are applied with the classname doublepost.

For example, we can add a style ( Administration Panel > Display > Colors > CSS stylesheet ) like this :
.doublepost { border-top:1px solid #888 }
To put a gray( #888 ) border of 1 pixel above the double posts.

Ange Tuteur
Ange Tuteur

Male Posts : 13207
Reputation : 3001
Language : English & 日本語
Location : Pennsylvania

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