Hello, I tried to install the theme picker via the javascript code management.
I have Javascript enabled and this code is set to "all pages"
Here is the link to the forum:
Here is the code I am using:
I have a modified "Overall_header" however I rest it to "default" to see if the code would work and it did not so it's currently set to what I normally use.
Do I need to do something else?
I have Javascript enabled and this code is set to "all pages"
Here is the link to the forum:
Here is the code I am using:
- Code:
$(function() {
// disable the default stylesheet for better compatibility with themes
// if you have modified templates styled with CSS it is better to choose : false
var disable_default_stylesheet = true;
// add new themes by writing : addTheme('theme_name', 'theme_url');
// default themes below are for phpbb3, you can remove or modify them for other versions
addTheme('Friendship Dark','http://gcftester.forumotion.com/forum?theme_id=205891');
addTheme('Friendship Light','http://gcftester.forumotion.com/forum?theme_id=205892');
var c = document.cookie.split(';'), dds = disable_default_stylesheet, s;
for (i=0;i<c.length;i++) {
if (/newtheme=\/\d+-ltr\.css/.test(c[i])) {
var theme = c[i].replace(/newtheme=(\/\d+-ltr.css)/,'$1').replace(/\s/g,'');
if (window.localStorage) { $('#themeStyle').html(localStorage.selectedTheme); cleanStyle() }
else $('#themeStyle').load(theme,function(){cleanStyle()});
$('#themePicker option[value="'+theme+'"]').attr('selected','true');
function addTheme(name, theme) {
if (!document.getElementById('themePicker')) {
var n = document.createElement('DIV'), d = document.createElement('OPTION');
s = document.createElement('SELECT');
n.innerHTML = '<span style="font-weight:bold;font-size:12px;vertical-align:middle;">Select theme : </span>';
s.id = 'themePicker';
d.value = $('head link[href$="-ltr.css"]').attr('href') + '(default)';
d.innerHTML = 'Default';
$('#page-footer, #pun-about, #gfooter').append(n);
var o = document.createElement('OPTION');
o.value = theme.replace(/.*?(\d+)/,'/$1-ltr.css');
o.innerHTML = name;
s.onchange = function() {
var date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (365*24*60*60*1000));
if (!document.getElementById('themeStyle')) newSheet();
if (/\(default\)/.test(s.value)) {var v='default'; if ($('#themeStyle').html().length > 0 && dds==true) $('#themeStyle').load(s.value.replace(/\(default\)/,'')); else $('#themeStyle').html('')}
else {var v=s.value; $('#themeStyle').load(s.value,function(){cleanStyle();if (window.localStorage) localStorage.selectedTheme = $('#themeStyle').html()})}
document.cookie = 'newtheme='+v+'; expires='+date.toGMTString()+';';
function newSheet(){var t=document.createElement('STYLE'); t.id='themeStyle'; document.getElementsByTagName('HEAD')[0].appendChild(t)};
function cleanStyle(){if($('head link[href$="-ltr.css"]').length && dds==true) $('head link[href$="-ltr.css"]').remove(); $('#themeStyle').html($('#themeStyle').html().replace(/#hitskin_preview.*/,''))};
I have a modified "Overall_header" however I rest it to "default" to see if the code would work and it did not so it's currently set to what I normally use.
Do I need to do something else?