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4 posters

    Profile Customisation


    Posts : 31
    Reputation : 4
    Language : English

    In progress Profile Customisation

    Post by \isogriv.\ January 11th 2015, 3:16 pm


    I've posted this topic to ask for a code that will transform the look of user's profiles in their posts in-thread. I already have a vague sense of how it can be accomplished, but not the specific codes. The profiles in posts currently look like so:

    Profile Customisation Screenshot2015-01-11at52108AM_zps2deb5c59

    I would instead like for the profile to be only the avatar, and upon hovering over the avatar, for it to fade into the following:

    Profile Customisation Fadeffinto_zpsdcbe5bb8

    Following the example given, here's a summarised list of what I want:

    • Upon hovering over the image, "background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.87);" or similar to be activated
    • over the "background-color" element, there should be an custom profile field which displays a secondary-image, like the one labeled "125x300".
    • Bordering the custom-profile field is a "border: 1px solid #000;"
    • Below is the username in garamond font, which I believe is pre-installed into Forumotion
    • Below the username is the profile rank
    • Below the rest of the Profile Fields should be lines up
    • The preferred order of the Profile Fields is
      1. Posts
      2. Join Date
      3. Points
      4. Reputation

    • When moving the mouse away from the avatar, it should fade out as well.

    If a customary profile field is not possible, other fields aside from those explicitly listed are fine to change. I would like for the customary profile field to be max-width'd at 125 and max-height'd at 300, not including the 1px border. The Rank simple needs to be placed under the name; I can take care of the font. All other profile fields should be "Times New Roman". I would like for the profile fields and name to be forced-uppercase. Most of the minute details such as font and text transformation are things I can do myself, but the placement of all these values and a customary profile-field are things I am foreign to.

    A link to my site is provided below; the site is now taken off of construction mode, so guest-access is available.

    Posts : 81
    Reputation : 3
    Language : Dutch and English

    In progress Re: Profile Customisation

    Post by Hert January 11th 2015, 3:29 pm

    I think I might be able to help you with this ^^
    I've done something similar to this on one of my test forums:
    You can hover over the avatar etc.
    Is that the kind of think you want? I do have the codes ready, it has to be done in CSS and HTML.
    However I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, giving the images that confuse me a little ^^'

    Male Posts : 2083
    Reputation : 336
    Language : English
    Location : Ms

    In progress Re: Profile Customisation

    Post by _Twisted_Mods_ January 11th 2015, 3:34 pm

    ok so you want a custom profile field that the user can add a image to and it will be the background for the whole profile? and also you want the avatar to fade in and out on hover?

    Posts : 31
    Reputation : 4
    Language : English

    In progress Re: Profile Customisation

    Post by \isogriv.\ January 11th 2015, 3:41 pm

    @Hert YES. THAT IS ESSENTIALLY PRECISELY WHAT I WANT. Could you also change a profile field to fit another image, or add another profile field into the forum as well? With that, my request would be solved to perfection. By the way, your forum is absolutely gorgeous. Reminiscent of jcink and proboard forums. In fact, if you wouldn't mind could we discuss some more forum customisations through PM?

    @_Twisted_Mods_ Yes, I would like a custom profile field in which the user may input the URL (or if possible, upload an image from their device) of an image; however, instead of a background for the whole profile, I would like for it to be placed over the avatar in generally the same area as shown in the example-image in my first post. I would like for all of these things to show upon hovering over the avatar by fading in, and upon taking the mouse off of the avatar, for all these things to fade out.

    Last edited by isogriv. on January 11th 2015, 5:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 81
    Reputation : 3
    Language : Dutch and English

    In progress Re: Profile Customisation

    Post by Hert January 11th 2015, 3:47 pm

    @ Isogriv: Well I do find my inspiration on proboards and then try to do it on actieforum, while giving it my own twist of course (;
    Changing the size won't be a problem I think, but adding another profile field... Not sure if that is possible giving the default codes from actieforum (like the {.USERNAME} code).

    You can send me a message if you want, but I'm not an expert and this isn't my work - sadly - so I won't always be here or have all the answers, hihi

    Posts : 31
    Reputation : 4
    Language : English

    In progress Re: Profile Customisation

    Post by \isogriv.\ January 11th 2015, 3:56 pm

    No wonder it seemed so familiar. As for the additional profile field, I don't need it right away. If you could give me the codes on the rest of it, hopefully at a later time I or someone else finds out how to do so, or a staff member comments confirming your suspicions.

    In terms of it not being your code, do you at least know how to modify the banner and put things inside of it? I would specifically like to place the menu and toolbar into it, and perhaps some other elements.

    Posts : 81
    Reputation : 3
    Language : Dutch and English

    In progress Re: Profile Customisation

    Post by Hert January 11th 2015, 4:07 pm

    Ehm... It IS my code.
    I look for a layout on proboards, when I find a design I like I try to get it working with codes - so in fact it is my code.

    However, I never touch the toolbar since I do not like it in anyway and thus never work with it.
    For moving the menu you can use the following CSS code:
    a.mainmenu {
      top: XXXpx;
      Left: XXXpx;

    You can use negative numbers, if I'm correct the bigger the negative number inserted with top the higher the menu will get - but since I haven't touched this code in ages you might have to see for yourself what happens (;

    + as for the avatar hover thingy: I need to know the size you want so I can already insert it etc.
    Saves you alot of trouble searching in the template.

    Posts : 31
    Reputation : 4
    Language : English

    In progress Re: Profile Customisation

    Post by \isogriv.\ January 11th 2015, 4:14 pm

    Sorry about that statement, I misspoke. I meant the initial design of the banner elements wasn't yours as opposed to a general statement on your codes.

    And thank you for the instructions on the menu! As for including elements into the banner, how is that done? And since you said you have the codes ready on the matter regarding the avatar, may I have please have them? Naturally, you will receive due crediting for the coding.

    Posts : 81
    Reputation : 3
    Language : Dutch and English

    In progress Re: Profile Customisation

    Post by Hert January 11th 2015, 4:19 pm

    It is done with a hover code, some tables and ehm... Divs.
    No it is done with CSS and HTML again, but I don't know if you're familiar with hover codes - they aren't that hard and very handy.

    And yes you can have them, AFTER I have tested it with the format you want. I would like to test my stuff first before giving it to others, because actieforum can be very 'whiny' with these things. So again: can you please give me the format of the avatars?

    Posts : 31
    Reputation : 4
    Language : English

    In progress Re: Profile Customisation

    Post by \isogriv.\ January 11th 2015, 4:51 pm

    I am indeed familiar with hover codes, but I am unsure of how to put any elements inside the site's banner, such as the one in your test forum. I'm fine with waiting, and as for the format of the avatars, forgive me if I misunderstand what you wanted. Assuming you mean how I want the avatar to look, I'd essentially like it to look like the result of the follow code:

    <div style="background-image:url(; width:150px; height:400px;">
    <div id="profile_custom"><div style="height:25px;"></div>
    <div style="padding:5px;">
    <img src="" style=";border:1px solid #000;height:250px;width:125px;">

    <div style="padding-top:20px;font-family:serif;font-size:17px;text-transform:uppercase;color:#000;"><a href="">profile name</a></div>
    <div style="font-family:arial;font-size:15px;color:black;text-transform:uppercase;">user rank</div>
    <div style="padding-top:5px;text-align:left;font-size:8px;text-transform:uppercase;colorblack;font-family:times;">
    Posts: 404
    <br>Join Date: 2015-01-11
    <br>Points: 1
    <br>Reputation: 1121



    #profile_custom {
    background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.47);
    width: 150px;
    height: 400px;
    -webkit-transition: all 0.9s ease;
    -moz-transition: all 0.9s ease;
    -o-transition: all 0.9s ease;
    opacity: 0;

    #profile_custom:hover {
    background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.47);
    width: 150px;
    height: 400px;
    -webkit-transition: all 0.9s ease;
    -moz-transition: all 0.9s ease;
    -o-transition: all 0.9s ease;
    opacity: 1;

    a:link {
    color: black;
    text-decoration: none;
    -webkit-transition: all 0.9s ease;
    -moz-transition: all 0.9s ease;
    -o-transition: all 0.9s ease;

    a:hover {
    color: black;
    text-decoration: none;
    text-shadow: 0em 0em 0.5em #000;
    -webkit-transition: all 0.9s ease;
    -moz-transition: all 0.9s ease;
    -o-transition: all 0.9s ease;

    a:visted {
    color: black;
    text-decoration: none;
    -webkit-transition: all 0.9s ease;
    -moz-transition: all 0.9s ease;
    -o-transition: all 0.9s ease;

    a:active {
    color: black;
    text-decoration: none;
    -webkit-transition: all 0.9s ease;
    -moz-transition: all 0.9s ease;
    -o-transition: all 0.9s ease;
    Hert wrote:+ as for the avatar hover thingy: I need to know the size you want so I can already insert it etc.
    Saves you alot of trouble searching in the template.

    SO sorry for that, I only just realised you asked for it earlier.

    Posts : 81
    Reputation : 3
    Language : Dutch and English

    In progress Re: Profile Customisation

    Post by Hert January 11th 2015, 5:20 pm

    Hmm, okay.
    I might not make it today, but do not worry - I will get to it!
    Once I've finished it I will send you the codes (and where to put them) through a private message (;

    edit: O and as for the hover for the logo, it is kind of the same as you would do it with sheets. To be honest.

    Male Posts : 2083
    Reputation : 336
    Language : English
    Location : Ms

    In progress Re: Profile Customisation

    Post by _Twisted_Mods_ January 11th 2015, 6:08 pm

    if answers are given in pm and not in the topic a mod will trash this topic for not being helpful to others because no answer will be supplied
    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

    Male Posts : 13207
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    Location : Pennsylvania

    In progress Re: Profile Customisation

    Post by Ange Tuteur January 12th 2015, 12:07 pm

    Hello @\isogriv.\,

    This is what I came up with after reading over your post.
    Go to Administration panel > display > templates > general > viewtopic_body Edit

    Find :
          <td class="{postrow.displayed.ROW_CLASS}"{postrow.displayed.THANK_BGCOLOR} valign="top" width="150">
             <span class="name"><a name="{postrow.displayed.U_POST_ID}" style="position: relative; top: -30px; width: 1px;" id="{postrow.displayed.U_POST_ID}"></a><strong>{postrow.displayed.POSTER_NAME}</strong></span><br />
                <span class="postdetails poster-profile">
                {postrow.displayed.POSTER_RANK}<br />
                {postrow.displayed.RANK_IMAGE}{postrow.displayed.POSTER_AVATAR}<br /><br />
                <!-- BEGIN profile_field -->
                {postrow.displayed.profile_field.LABEL} {postrow.displayed.profile_field.CONTENT}{postrow.displayed.profile_field.SEPARATOR}
                <!-- END profile_field -->
             </span><br />
             <img src="" alt="" style="width:150px;height:1px" />

    Replace by :
          <td class="{postrow.displayed.ROW_CLASS}"{postrow.displayed.THANK_BGCOLOR} valign="top" width="150"><a name="{postrow.displayed.U_POST_ID}" style="position: relative; top: -30px; width: 1px;" id="{postrow.displayed.U_POST_ID}"></a>
                       <div class="postdetails poster-profile">
                                    {postrow.displayed.POSTER_AVATAR}<br />
                                    <div class="hidden">
                                      <span class="name"><strong>{postrow.displayed.POSTER_NAME}</strong></span><br />
                  {postrow.displayed.POSTER_RANK}<br />
                  <!-- BEGIN profile_field -->
                  {postrow.displayed.profile_field.LABEL} {postrow.displayed.profile_field.CONTENT}{postrow.displayed.profile_field.SEPARATOR}
                  <!-- END profile_field -->
             <img src="" alt="" style="width:150px;height:1px" />

    Save and publish the template. Add

    For your profile field order, you can manage that by going to Users and Groups > Profiles. There you should see your fields along with a column named "Order" which has arrows in it. Clicking those arrows will allow you to change the order of your fields.

    You should probably already be where the profile fields are, so go ahead and click the plus Add to add a new field. Now for the custom field, the most I could think of at the moment would be to create a new profile field with the following content :

    Type : Text zone
    Name : Your choice
    Description : Your choice
    Icon : Your choice
    Necessarily filled ? : No
    Display : Messages
    Display type : icone
    Who can modify : Your choice
    Display for users who are : Your choice
    Separator : No choice

    For the default value, place this :
    [table class="customImage"][tr][td][img][/img][/td][/tr][/table]

    Change this image to the one you want as your default. Then save your settings, and edit the field Edit. Scroll to the bottom and click "Replace content" to force the default value for everyone.
    Profile Customisation Captur38

    Other than using javascript to replace the content and add a classname for it, using a table is the easiest choice. The table content will hold the custom image, and the CSS will resize it to the dimensions you specified. The only problem is that it's not too edit friendly.

    Then just add the following rulesets to your stylesheet.
    Display > Colors > CSS stylesheet
    .post .poster-profile, .post .poster-profile .hidden { transition:750ms }
    .post .poster-profile { position:relative }
    .post .poster-profile .hidden {

    .post .poster-profile .customImage img {
      border:1px solid #000;

    .post .poster-profile:hover { background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.87) }
    .post .poster-profile:hover .hidden {

    It's pretty bareboned, I included only what you described so you're free to change anything you like.. Smile

    @Hert support by PM is not allowed. We reply to these topics to ensure that members who have a similar question can find their answer via the search tool. If you're going to provide support, please do so in the member's support topic.

    Thank you.

    Posts : 81
    Reputation : 3
    Language : Dutch and English

    In progress Re: Profile Customisation

    Post by Hert January 13th 2015, 11:50 pm

    O I'm sorry, I've just had some issues before when I helped someone with some coding stuff (publicly) and am scared of things happening again - it wasn't my intention to break the rules!

    @ Isogriv; I don't know if you still need my help after what Ange gave you, but if you do I still want to share my codes: I have them ready now for you forum (;

    Posts : 31
    Reputation : 4
    Language : English

    In progress Re: Profile Customisation

    Post by \isogriv.\ January 14th 2015, 6:07 pm

    Profile Customisation Screen13
    Yes, I would appreciate receiving the code. As shown in the image above, the result wasn't really what I wanted; perhaps I had followed Ange's instructions improperly. In case I haven't, a second set of codes would be nice to have.

    Male Posts : 2083
    Reputation : 336
    Language : English
    Location : Ms

    In progress Re: Profile Customisation

    Post by _Twisted_Mods_ January 14th 2015, 9:39 pm

    try to replace

    [table class="customImage"][tr][td][img][/img][/td][/tr][/table]


    <table class="customImage"><tr><td><img src=""></td></tr></table>

    Posts : 81
    Reputation : 3
    Language : Dutch and English

    In progress Re: Profile Customisation

    Post by Hert January 15th 2015, 12:57 am

    In case it still doesn't work after the suggestion from Twisted_Mods, here are my codes:

    Replace the HTML codes in the viewtopic_body template with the following codes:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var multiquote_img_off = '{JS_MULTIQUOTE_IMG_OFF}', multiquote_img_on = '{JS_MULTIQUOTE_IMG_ON}', _atr = '{JS_DIR}addthis/', _ati = '{PATH_IMG_FA}addthis/'{ADDTHIS_LANG}, addthis_localize = { share_caption: "{L_SHARE_CAPTION}", email: "{L_EMAIL}", email_caption: "{L_EMAIL_CAPTION}", favorites: "{L_SHARE_BOOKMARKS}", print: "{L_PRINT}", more: "{L_MORE}" };
       _atc.cwait = 0;
          if ($('#at15s').css('display') == 'block') {

    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">
          <td align="left" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap">
             <span class="nav">
             <!-- BEGIN switch_user_authpost -->
             <a href="{U_POST_NEW_TOPIC}" rel="nofollow"><img src="{POST_IMG}" id="{POST_IMG_ID}one" alt="{L_POST_NEW_TOPIC}" align="middle" border="0" /></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
             <!-- END switch_user_authpost -->
             <!-- BEGIN switch_user_authreply -->
             <a href="{U_POST_REPLY_TOPIC}"><img src="{REPLY_IMG}" id="i_reply" alt="{L_POST_REPLY_TOPIC}" align="middle" border="0" /></a>
             <!-- END switch_user_authreply -->
          <td align="left" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap">
          <td class="nav" valign="middle" width="100%"><span class="nav"><a class="nav" href="{U_INDEX}">{L_INDEX}</a>{NAV_SEP}<a class="nav" href="{U_ALBUM}">{L_ALBUM}</a>{NAV_CAT_DESC_SECOND}</span></td>
          <td align="right" valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap" width="100%">
             <span class="gensmall bold">
                <a class="addthis_button" href=";pub=forumotion">{L_SHARE}</a>
                <!-- BEGIN switch_plus_menu -->
                <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
                   var url_favourite = '{U_FAVOURITE_JS_PLUS_MENU}';
                   var url_newposts = '{U_NEWPOSTS_JS_PLUS_MENU}';
                   var url_egosearch = '{U_EGOSEARCH_JS_PLUS_MENU}';
                   var url_unanswered = '{U_UNANSWERED_JS_PLUS_MENU}';
                   var url_watchsearch = '{U_WATCHSEARCH_JS_PLUS_MENU}';
                   var url_tellfriend = '{U_TELLFRIEND_JS_PLUS_MENU}';
                   insert_plus_menu('f{FORUM_ID}&amp;t={TOPIC_ID}','{JS_SESSION_ID}', {JS_AUTH_FAVOURITES});
                <!-- END switch_plus_menu -->

    <table class="forumline" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" style="border-bottom: 0px;">
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                   <td width="9%" class="noprint">&nbsp;</td>
                   <td align="center" class="t-title">
                      <h1 class="cattitle">&nbsp;{TOPIC_TITLE}</h1>
                   <td align="right" width="9%" class="browse-arrows"><a href="{U_VIEW_OLDER_TOPIC}">{L_VIEW_PREVIOUS_TOPIC}</a>&nbsp;<a href="{U_VIEW_NEWER_TOPIC}">{L_VIEW_NEXT_TOPIC}</a>&nbsp;<a href="#bottom">{L_GOTO_DOWN}</a>&nbsp;</td>
       <!-- BEGIN topicpagination -->
          <td class="row1 pagination" colspan="2" align="right" valign="top"><span class="gensmall">{PAGINATION}</span></td>
       <!-- END topicpagination -->
          <th class="thLeft" nowrap="nowrap" width="150px" height="26">{L_AUTHOR}</th>
          <th class="thRight" nowrap="nowrap" colspan="2">{L_MESSAGE}</th>
       <!-- BEGIN postrow -->
       <!-- BEGIN displayed -->
       <tr class="post">
          <td class="{postrow.displayed.ROW_CLASS}"{postrow.displayed.THANK_BGCOLOR} valign="top" width="150">
             <div class="poster-profile">
                <span class="postdetails poster-profile" align="center">
                                      <div class="posavatar" style="width: 150px; height: 400px; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: 0px; text-align:justify; color: #80c449; line-height: 100%;">
                                        <div class="hoverz"><br /><br />
                                          <!-- BEGIN profile_field -->
                {postrow.displayed.profile_field.LABEL} {postrow.displayed.profile_field.CONTENT}{postrow.displayed.profile_field.SEPARATOR}
                <!-- END profile_field -->

                                      <br />
                                      <span class="name"><a name="{postrow.displayed.U_POST_ID}"></a><strong><div style="letter-spacing: 2px;">{postrow.displayed.POSTER_NAME}</div></strong></span>
                              </span></div><br />
             <img src="" alt="" style="width:150px;height:1px" />
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                   <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap" class="post-options">
                      {postrow.displayed.THANK_IMG} {postrow.displayed.QUOTE_IMG} {postrow.displayed.EDIT_IMG} {postrow.displayed.DELETE_IMG} {postrow.displayed.IP_IMG} {postrow.displayed.REPORT_IMG}
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                         <!-- END switch_vote -->

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                         <!-- BEGIN switch_no_bar -->
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                         <!-- END switch_no_bar -->

                         <!-- BEGIN switch_vote -->
                         <div class="vote-button"><a href="{postrow.displayed.switch_vote_active.switch_vote.U_VOTE_MINUS}">-</a></div>
                         <!-- END switch_vote -->
                      <!-- END switch_vote_active -->

                      <div class="postbody">


                         <!-- BEGIN switch_attachments -->
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                                     <!-- END switch_no_dl_att -->

                                  <!-- BEGIN switch_no_comment -->
                                  <!-- END switch_no_comment -->

                                  <!-- BEGIN switch_no_dl_att -->
                                  <!-- END switch_no_dl_att -->

                                  <dd>({postrow.displayed.switch_attachments.switch_post_attachments.FILE_SIZE}) {postrow.displayed.switch_attachments.switch_post_attachments.NB_DL}</dd>
                               <!-- END switch_post_attachments -->
                         <!-- END switch_attachments -->

                         <div class="clear"></div>
                         <div class="signature_div">

                      <span class="gensmall">{postrow.displayed.EDITED_MESSAGE}</span>
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             <a href="#top">{L_BACK_TO_TOP}</a>&nbsp;<a href="#bottom">{L_GOTO_DOWN}</a>
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             <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                   <td valign="middle">
                       {postrow.displayed.PROFILE_IMG} {postrow.displayed.PM_IMG} {postrow.displayed.ONLINE_IMG}
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    <br />
    <table class="forumline" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">
          <th class="thLeft" nowrap="nowrap" width="150px" height="26">{L_AUTHOR}</th>
          <th class="thRight" nowrap="nowrap" colspan="2">{L_MESSAGE}</th>
       <!-- END first_post_br -->
       <!-- END displayed -->
       <!-- BEGIN hidden -->
          <td class="postdetails {postrow.hidden.ROW_CLASS}" colspan="2" align="center">{postrow.hidden.MESSAGE}</td>
       <!-- END hidden -->
       <!-- END postrow -->
       <!-- BEGIN no_post -->
       <tr align="center">
          <td class="row1" colspan="3" height="28">
             <span class="genmed">{no_post.L_NO_POST}</span>
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             <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
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                   <td align="center" class="t-title"><a name="bottomtitle"></a><h1 class="cattitle">{TOPIC_TITLE}</h1></td>
                   <td align="right" nowrap="nowrap" width="9%" class="browse-arrows"><a href="{U_VIEW_OLDER_TOPIC}">{L_VIEW_PREVIOUS_TOPIC}</a>&nbsp;<a href="{U_VIEW_NEWER_TOPIC}">{L_VIEW_NEXT_TOPIC}</a>&nbsp;<a href="#top">{L_BACK_TO_TOP}</a>&nbsp;</td>
    <table class="forumline noprint" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin: 0 0 1px 0; border-top: 0px;">
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       <!-- BEGIN switch_user_logged_in -->
       <!-- BEGIN watchtopic -->
          <td class="row2" colspan="2" align="right" valign="top"><span class="gensmall">{S_WATCH_TOPIC}</span></td>
       <!-- END watchtopic -->
       <!-- END switch_user_logged_in -->

    <!-- BEGIN promot_trafic -->
    <table class="forumline" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" id="ptrafic_close" style="display:none;margin: 1px 0px 1px 0px">
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                   <td valign="top"><h1 class="cattitle">&nbsp;{PROMOT_TRAFIC_TITLE}</h1></td>
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          <td class="row2 postbody" valign="top">
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             Â»&nbsp;<a style="text-decoration:none" href="{}" target="_blank" title="{}">{}</a><br />
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    <!-- END promot_trafic -->

    <!-- BEGIN switch_forum_rules -->
    <table id="forum_rules" class="forumline" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin: 1px 0px 1px 0px">
             <td class="catBottom">
                <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
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                            <h1 class="cattitle">&nbsp;{L_FORUM_RULES}</h1>
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                      <!-- BEGIN switch_forum_rule_image -->
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    <table class="forumline noprint" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
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             <a name="quickreply"></a>
             {QUICK_REPLY_FORM}<br />
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             <table border="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" id="info_open" style="display:''">
          <!-- BEGIN show_permissions -->
             <td class="row2" valign="top" width="25%"><span class="gensmall">{L_TABS_PERMISSIONS}</span></td>
             <td class="row1" valign="top" width="75%"><span class="gensmall">{S_AUTH_LIST}</span></td>
          <!-- END show_permissions -->
             <td class="catBottom" colspan="2" height="28">
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             <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" id="info_close" style="display:none;">
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    <form action="{S_JUMPBOX_ACTION}" method="get" name="jumpbox" onsubmit="if(document.jumpbox.f.value == -1){return false;}">
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             <span class="gensmall">{moderation_panel.U_YOUR_PERSONAL_MODERATE}</span>
          <td align="center" width="250">
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                <span class="gen">{L_MOD_TOOLS}<br />{S_SELECT_MOD}&nbsp;<input class="liteoption" type="submit" value="{L_GO}" /></span>
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    $(resize_images({ 'selector' : '.postbody', 'max_width' : {switch_image_resize.IMG_RESIZE_WIDTH}, 'max_height' : {switch_image_resize.IMG_RESIZE_HEIGHT} }));
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    <script src="{JS_DIR}addthis/addthis_widget.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    Add these codes to your CSS:
    * -------------------------------- topic messages avatar*/

    .name {
      width: 150px;
      text-align: center;
      font-size: 16px;
      font-family: Open sans condensed;
      text-transform: uppercase;

    .poster-profile {
      text-align: center;
    .label {
      margin-top: -10px;

    .hoverz{ text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #424141;
      opacity: 0.0;
      transition-duration: 0.6s;-moz-transition-duration: 0.6s;-webkit-transition-duration: 0.6s;-o-transition-duration: 0.6s;
      overflow: auto;
      width: 150px;
      height: 400px;
      color: #ffffff;
      background-color: #787878;
      text-align: center;
    .hoverz:hover {
      opacity: 0.8;
    .posavatar {
      position: absolute;
    .poster-profile img {
    width: 150px;
      height: 400px;

    If you were to apply changes to the colors, please inform me FIRST - the code is very 'fragile', if you know what I mean.

    Last edited by Hert on January 15th 2015, 4:51 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

    Male Posts : 13207
    Reputation : 3000
    Language : English & 日本語
    Location : Pennsylvania

    In progress Re: Profile Customisation

    Post by Ange Tuteur January 15th 2015, 3:45 am

    @\isogriv.\, For the profile field type, did you select text field instead of text zone ? Textzone formats bbcode unlike textfield.

    @Hert very nice. loove

    I had to remove this from the bottom, it wouldn't save because it wasn't closed.
    <!-- BEGIN switch_image_resize -->

    Posts : 81
    Reputation : 3
    Language : Dutch and English

    In progress Re: Profile Customisation

    Post by Hert January 15th 2015, 4:52 pm

    @ Ange; O, my bad!
    I didn't copy the code all the way, appearently - it should be okay now ^^
    Thank you ~

      Current date/time is September 23rd 2024, 12:26 pm