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The forum of the forums
3 posters

    How do I make users see only their started threads in a forum?


    Male Posts : 38
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English
    Location : USA

    Solved How do I make users see only their started threads in a forum?

    Post by Zellogi February 24th 2015, 7:08 am

    Okay, I'm an administrator of a forum, me and my friend (he's the founder) are making it for a game we play, and we have a section where you can report other players for stuff like hacking or glitch abuse. We wanted to make it so threads can be seen by moderators, administrators, and only the user who started it. For example:

    We have Admin, Player 1, and Player 2.

    Player 1 reports Player 2 for hacking.
    Player 1 and Admin can see the thread, Player 2 cannot.

    Now, I know you can assign usergroups to prevent viewing, but that's not what I mean. I want the "Player Report" section to be visible, but not the threads inside. I want them to be viewable only by staff members and the user who started it. Kind of like a support ticket is only visible to the staff and person who created it. Is it possible to make a forum like this?

    Last edited by Zellogi on February 25th 2015, 11:13 am; edited 1 time in total

    Male Posts : 38
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English
    Location : USA

    Solved Re: How do I make users see only their started threads in a forum?

    Post by Zellogi February 25th 2015, 6:39 am

    Bump.. no response yet.

    Male Posts : 2083
    Reputation : 336
    Language : English
    Location : Ms

    Solved Re: How do I make users see only their started threads in a forum?

    Post by _Twisted_Mods_ February 25th 2015, 7:00 am

    i have posted a script for this before just give me time to search threw my post and see if i can find it

    Male Posts : 2083
    Reputation : 336
    Language : English
    Location : Ms

    Solved Re: How do I make users see only their started threads in a forum?

    Post by _Twisted_Mods_ February 25th 2015, 9:48 am

    ok well i never posted it because the issue was solved b4 i could they ended up useing groups

    before you decide to do this i just want to let you know this is going to be pointless if someone disables javascript 

    but anyways goto acp>modules>javascript management

    create a name script

    title:your choice
    placement : in sub forums

    copy and paste the code below
       if(_userdata.user_level==1) return;
    var   forumid = "/f6-spell-list";
          $('.forumline tbody > tr > td >.topictitle').each(function(){
       var aname   = $(this).parent().parent().find('.name').text();


    with the end of the forum url the topics will be in

    then save

    also something i would recommend that would be more secure is a html form that the user can fill out and it will send you a pm

    Male Posts : 38
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English
    Location : USA

    Solved Re: How do I make users see only their started threads in a forum?

    Post by Zellogi February 25th 2015, 10:20 am

    Thank you for your help, I will give the javascript a try. If you don't mind, can you also post how to create the HTML form, because I'm not sure how to do that. I appreciate your help though!

    After testing the JavaScript, it works in hiding the topic from the forum, but I can still access the topic I posted through the "Last Posts" section. Is there a way to disable that too?

    Male Posts : 2083
    Reputation : 336
    Language : English
    Location : Ms

    Solved Re: How do I make users see only their started threads in a forum?

    Post by _Twisted_Mods_ February 25th 2015, 10:43 am

    you will have to open a new topic for the html page

    but for the last post

    create a new script

       $('.forumline tr:contains(yourforumtitle) td:last').attr('style','display:none');

    replace yourforumtitle with the title of the forum .. its cap sensitive

    Male Posts : 38
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English
    Location : USA

    Solved Re: How do I make users see only their started threads in a forum?

    Post by Zellogi February 25th 2015, 11:12 am

    Thank you. This solves my question.

    Male Posts : 2431
    Reputation : 116
    Language : English, Greek

    Solved Re: How do I make users see only their started threads in a forum?

    Post by Van-Helsing February 25th 2015, 12:03 pm

    Hello @Zellogi,
    Another solution is to create a new javascript as a second solution:

    Placement: In the topics

    and add the following code:

        var login = _userdata["session_logged_in"];
        if(login === 0) {
        var message ='<img style="margin-right:6px;vertical-align: middle;" src="" /><p style="display:inline; position:relative; top:1px;">To view this post you need to <a href="/register">Register</a> or <a href="/login" rel="hideodsigin">Login</a> on your account.</p>';
        var p = $('.post').find('.postbody div:eq(0)');
        var post1 = $('.post').find('.postbody div:eq(0)')[0];
        $(p).not(post1).html('<div style="background-color:rgba(255,217,217,.5); border:1px solid rgba(255,100,100,.7); border-radius:2px; padding:8px 12px;">

    Male Posts : 2083
    Reputation : 336
    Language : English
    Location : Ms

    Solved Re: How do I make users see only their started threads in a forum?

    Post by _Twisted_Mods_ February 25th 2015, 12:16 pm

    thats for post not topics

    Male Posts : 2083
    Reputation : 336
    Language : English
    Location : Ms

    Solved Re: How do I make users see only their started threads in a forum?

    Post by _Twisted_Mods_ February 25th 2015, 12:16 pm

    Topic solved and archived

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