How to receive my password or get my email changed as a founder. (Incase of an unreachable email) Hitskin_logo

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    How to receive my password or get my email changed as a founder. (Incase of an unreachable email)


    Male Posts : 118
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    Language : English / Hindi / Spam / Stutter
    Location : Lol...Chinese zodiac...'Pig' haha I feel flattered for some reason.

    In progress How to receive my password or get my email changed as a founder. (Incase of an unreachable email)

    Post by Fred1000 April 10th 2015, 3:43 am

    I used to run the forum Art Castle , since 2009.
    Until recently a few years ago when I stopped coming and it got inactive (It had 500+ members and 49000+ posts). I just thought of reviving it again with a few other people , but the issue was that I had forgotten my password. I put in the mail service I used while getting my password back for the site , but sadly forumotion changed the password for it and the mail service that I used ( is now dissolved and I can't access any of the mails sent to it. I have all the proof that I used to own the site (For example , the facebook page is still under my control). I please please please beg of you to help me with this issue of mine. If it is possible for me to contact the official authorities to gain back control or least get the email which will receive the changed password to be changed it would really mean the world to me! I spent a lot of work previously on the site and even held a .biz domain for it for approx 3 years until it expired like last year. PLEASE , I beg of you to help me with my issue!

    Last edited by Fred1000 on April 10th 2015, 3:46 am; edited 1 time in total

    In progress Re: How to receive my password or get my email changed as a founder. (Incase of an unreachable email)

    Post by Guest April 10th 2015, 3:46 am

    Hello @Fred1000,
    Simply follow the steps provided in the link below to regain access to your forum. The link provided will allow you to recover your password or get a new one made and grant you access back to your forum. If you have any questions, feel free to ask or just ask in the PM you send by following those steps!


    Hope this helps you out!


    Male Posts : 118
    Reputation : 50
    Language : English / Hindi / Spam / Stutter
    Location : Lol...Chinese zodiac...'Pig' haha I feel flattered for some reason.

    In progress Re: How to receive my password or get my email changed as a founder. (Incase of an unreachable email)

    Post by Fred1000 April 10th 2015, 3:50 am

    I see my problem fits into the Case 5!
    Thank you so much my friend. I'm glad forumotion came up with solutions for issues like such! Thanks a ton!

    In progress Re: How to receive my password or get my email changed as a founder. (Incase of an unreachable email)

    Post by Guest April 10th 2015, 3:53 am

    Hey there @Fred1000,
    No worries! Glad I was able to help point you in the right direction to getting your issue fixed up. Hope it all goes smoothly and you are able to get your forum back! If there is anything else you need help with I would be more then happy to help.

    New Member

    Posts : 1
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    In progress Re: How to receive my password or get my email changed as a founder. (Incase of an unreachable email)

    Post by hilary31 April 23rd 2015, 9:05 am

    Hi, you may check out if  SmartKey Password Recovery Bundle program about how to recover lost password can help you.