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3 posters

    IP Location


    Male Posts : 460
    Reputation : 12
    Language : english

    IP Location Empty IP Location

    Post by FrOsTyXi April 30th 2015, 5:12 am

    @JScript I enabled my FaceBook Connect and when clicking Connect VIA FaceBook at registration there is a line to fill out for the ip location here in the image

    IP Location Ajscri10

    Can this be fixed?

    Code I am using.

     * Application: Location IP.
     * Description: Shows the user's IP in the profile.
     * Version: RC2 - Beta tester only!
     * Made and Optimizations by JScript - 2014/12/10, 11, 13
     * Copyright (c) 2014 JScript <jscriptbrasil at live dot com>
     * This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it
     * under the terms of the WTFPL, Version 2
    Variables that can be changed by the user:
    1- profile_field (change the value profile_field_XX_XX by your profile field!)
    2- error_msg
    3- tTimeOut
    4- checkTime
    Note: For those variables "tTimeout" and "checkTime" ->
          - to avoid the "Request Limit" the lowest value should be 5 seconds and 10 seconds respectively!
    var IPLocation = {
      profile_field: 'profile_field_13_1',
      error_msg: "Warning!\n\nAn error occurred while requesting registration, wait 10 seconds and refresh the page to re-register!",
      setLoop: 0,
      lInterval: 10,
      tTimeOut: 10000, // Min is 10 seconds to start check.
      checkTime: 300000, // Min is 5 minutes of interval to check a new IP.
      TID: 0

     * jQuery.ajaxCORS - Cross Domain Ajax - Version: RC1
     * Using:, based on James Padolsey
     * Made and Optimizations by JScript - 2014/12/13
    jQuery.ajaxCORS = (function(_cors) {
      var protocol = location.protocol,
          hostname = location.hostname,
          patt = RegExp(protocol + '//' + hostname),
          YQL = 'http' + (/^https/.test(protocol) ? 's' : '') + '://',
          query = 'select * from html where url="{URL}" and xpath="*"';

      function isExternal(url) {
          return !patt.test(url) && /:\/\//.test(url);
      return function(Obj) {
          var url = Obj.url;

          if (/get/i.test(Obj.type) && !/json/i.test(Obj.dataType) && isExternal(url)) {
            // Manipulate options so that JSONP-x request is made to YQL
            Obj.url = YQL;
            Obj.dataType = 'json';
   = {
                q: query.replace(
                  url + ( ?
                      (/\?/.test(url) ? '&' : '?') + jQuery.param( : '')
                format: 'xml'
            // Since it's a JSONP request, then complete === success
            if (!Obj.success && Obj.complete) {
                Obj.success = Obj.complete;
                delete Obj.complete;
            Obj.success = (function(_success) {
                return function(data) {
                  if (_success) {
                      // Fake XHR callback.
            , {
                        responseText: (data.results[0] || '')
                            // YQL screws with tag <script>, then get rid of them...
                            .replace(/<script[^>]+?\/>|<script(.|\s)*?\/script>/gi, '')
                      }, 'success');
          return _cors.apply(this, arguments);

     * Waits for a user registers to record the initial IP!
    if ( == "?agreed=true\x26step=2") {
      IPLocation.setLoop = setInterval(function() {
          if (document.getElementById(IPLocation.profile_field) !== null) {
            jQuery("#" + IPLocation.profile_field).closest("dl").hide();
                type: "GET",
                // url: '',
                url: '',
                dataType: "json",
                success: function(data) {
                  // var ip = jQuery(data.responseText).find('h1:first input').val(); // ->
                  var ip = data.YourFuckingIPAddress; // ->
                  jQuery("#" + IPLocation.profile_field).val(ip);
                error: function(data) {
                  // console.log(data);
                  jQuery("#" + IPLocation.profile_field).val('');
                  alert("Warning!\n\nAn error occurred while requesting registration, wait 10 seconds and refresh the page to re-register!");
      }, IPLocation.lInterval);
    } else {
      jQuery(function() {
          if (!_userdata.session_logged_in) {
            return false;
          * If you are logged in, writes the current IP in the profile field...
          setTimeout(function() {
            setInterval(function() {
            }, IPLocation.checkTime);
          }, IPLocation.tTimeOut);

          function _SaveIPInProfile() {
            IPLocation.TID = jQuery('a[href*="tid="]').attr('href').split('tid=')[1].split('&')[0];
                type: "GET",
                // url: '',
                url: '',
                dataType: "json",
                success: function(data) {
                  // var ip = jQuery(data.responseText).find('h1:first input').val(); // ->
                  var ip = data.YourFuckingIPAddress; // ->
        "/", {
                      id: IPLocation.profile_field.substring(17, IPLocation.profile_field.length),
                      user: _userdata.user_id,
                      active: "1",
                      content: '[["' + IPLocation.profile_field + '", "' + ip + '"]]',
                      tid: IPLocation.TID
                  }, function(data) {
                      console.log("The IP was saved in profile!");
                  }, "json").fail(function() {
                      console.log("Error saving the IP to profile!");
                error: function(data) {
                  console.log("Error getting public IP!");

     * If the member go on editing your profile and it is not a staff member, the IP field is removed!
    if (location.pathname.indexOf('/profile') == 0) {
      IPLocation.setLoop = setInterval(function() {
          if (document.getElementById(IPLocation.profile_field) !== null) {
            if (_userdata.user_level == 0) {
                jQuery("#" + IPLocation.profile_field).closest("dl").remove();
      }, IPLocation.lInterval);

     * If the member is viewing your profile and ->
    if (location.pathname.indexOf('/u') == 0) {
      IPLocation.setLoop = setInterval(function() {
          if (document.getElementById('profile-advanced-right') !== null) {
            if (!_userdata.session_logged_in) {
                return false;
            var forbid = jQuery('#field_id' + IPLocation.profile_field.substring(17, IPLocation.profile_field.length));
            if (forbid.length) {
                forbid.attr('id', 'forbid');
                * <- it is not a staff member, the IP field will be removed!
                if (_userdata.user_level == 0) {
              *      Since we do not have access to the template of the advanced profile,
              * then we have to modify the identifiers so we can intercept them in order
              * to avoid that members can modify the IP field!
            var oTarget = jQuery('[id^=field_id]'),
                iLen = oTarget.length,
                index = 0;
            for (; index < iLen; index++) {
                var oThis = jQuery(oTarget[index]);
                oThis.attr('id', 'JS_' + oThis.attr('id'));
            $('[id^=JS_field_id]').each(function() {
                if ($(this).find('.field_editable').is('span, div')) {
                  $(this).hover(function() {
                      if ($(this).find('.field_editable.invisible').is('span, div')) {
                        $(this).find('.field_editable').prev().addClass('ajax-profil_hover').parent().addClass('ajax-profil_parent').append('<div class="ajax-profil_edit"><img src="" /></div>');
                            alt: "{L_FIELD_EDIT_VALUE}",
                            title: "{L_FIELD_EDIT_VALUE}"
                        }).click(function() {
                            $(this).prev().prev().removeClass('ajax-profil_hover').addClass('invisible').next().removeClass('invisible').append('<img src="" class="ajax-profil_valid" />').find('input,select');
                              alt: "{L_VALIDATE}",
                              title: "{L_VALIDATE}"
                            }).click(function() {
                              var content = new Array();
                              $(this).parent().find('[name]').each(function() {
                                  var type_special = $(this).is('input[type=radio],input[type=checkbox]');
                                  if ((type_special && $(this).is(':checked')) || !type_special) {
                                    content.push(new Array($(this).attr('name'), $(this).attr('value')));
                              var id_name = $(this).parents('[id^=JS_field_id]').attr('id');
                              var id = id_name.substring(11, id_name.length);
                              // console.log('id_name: ' + id_name + '\n' + 'id: ' + id);
                                  "/", {
                                    id: id,
                                    user: _userdata.user_id,
                                    active: "1",
                                    content: $.toJSON(content),
                                    tid: jQuery('a[href*="tid="]').attr('href').split('tid=')[1].split('&')[0];
                                  function(data) {
                                    $.each(data, function(i, item) {
                                        $('[id=JS_field_id' + i + ']').find('.field_uneditable').html(item).end().find('.ajax-profil_valid').remove().end().find('.field_editable').addClass('invisible').end().find('.field_uneditable').removeClass('invisible');
                  }, function() {
                      if ($(this).find('.field_editable.invisible').is('span, div')) {

      }, 50);

    I await your response.

    Best Regards

    Male Posts : 741
    Reputation : 175
    Language : PT-BR, EN
    Location : Brazil

    IP Location Empty Re: IP Location

    Post by JScript April 30th 2015, 2:05 pm


    Male Posts : 460
    Reputation : 12
    Language : english

    IP Location Empty Re: IP Location

    Post by FrOsTyXi April 30th 2015, 2:34 pm

    @JScript sorry but I have no idea what that even means

    EDIT the app is in public mode now.


    Male Posts : 741
    Reputation : 175
    Language : PT-BR, EN
    Location : Brazil

    IP Location Empty Re: IP Location

    Post by JScript April 30th 2015, 7:15 pm

    I did all the procedures and the IP field does not appear here!


    Male Posts : 460
    Reputation : 12
    Language : english

    IP Location Empty Re: IP Location

    Post by FrOsTyXi April 30th 2015, 9:39 pm

    @JScript thank you must be for me only!!

    Male Posts : 741
    Reputation : 175
    Language : PT-BR, EN
    Location : Brazil

    IP Location Empty Re: IP Location

    Post by JScript April 30th 2015, 10:36 pm

    FrOsTyXi wrote:@JScript thank you must be for me only!!
    Correct, this is only for the admins!


    Male Posts : 51499
    Reputation : 3523
    Language : English
    Location : United States

    IP Location Empty Re: IP Location

    Post by SLGray May 1st 2015, 1:57 am

    Is this solved?

    IP Location Slgray10

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      Current date/time is September 23rd 2024, 6:29 pm