Hello, recently I've been having a few issues with the code in my chatbox.
Currently, I've used the codes from @Buttercup (I believe) to personalize my chat, but a few errors in certain codes have caused some scripts to stop working. I was wondering if anyone could resolve this problem.
When I use the code to make the avatars display in the memberlist, the code to make these notifications disappear began to show again.
Example: http://prntscr.com/8drwqf
But when I remove the code for the avatars to be shown in the memberlist, the notifications disappear and the code functions once again.
Example: http://prntscr.com/8drymm
I hope someone could resolve this problem, as it's getting quite annoying.
Tagging: @Ange Tuteur @Buttercup
These are the 2 scripts I am using at the moment:
This is the one to remove the little notifications in the chat.
This is the one I'm using for the avatars to display in the memberlist.
Thanks for the reminder! @APE
Currently, I've used the codes from @Buttercup (I believe) to personalize my chat, but a few errors in certain codes have caused some scripts to stop working. I was wondering if anyone could resolve this problem.
When I use the code to make the avatars display in the memberlist, the code to make these notifications disappear began to show again.
Example: http://prntscr.com/8drwqf
But when I remove the code for the avatars to be shown in the memberlist, the notifications disappear and the code functions once again.
Example: http://prntscr.com/8drymm
I hope someone could resolve this problem, as it's getting quite annoying.
Tagging: @Ange Tuteur @Buttercup
These are the 2 scripts I am using at the moment:
This is the one to remove the little notifications in the chat.
- Code:
$(window).load(function() {
var chatbox_script = function() {
$('#chatbox > p > .msg > span').filter('[style="color:green"],[style="color:red"]').closest('p').remove();
var overrided = Chatbox.prototype.refresh;
Chatbox.prototype.refresh = function(data) {
if (data.messages && data.messages.length) {
data.messages = $.grep(data.messages, function(v) {
return v.userId != -10 || $.inArray(v.msgColor, ["red", "green"]) == -1;
overrided.call(this, data);
This is the one I'm using for the avatars to display in the memberlist.
- Code:
$(window).load(function() {
var chatbox_script = function() {
var default_avatar = 'http://2img.net/i/fa/invision/pp-blank-thumb-38px.png';
var ava_in_member_list = true;
var ava_in_indirect_message = true;
var avatars = {};
var d;
var set_avatar = function(pseudo, elem_to_prepend){
var avatar = avatars[pseudo];
var el = $(this);
elem_to_prepend.prepend('<span class="cb-avatar"><img src="'+(avatar||default_avatar)+'"></span> ');
if(!avatar) {
if(!d) {
d = $.get('/memberlist?change_version=prosilver').done(function(c){
$('.avatar-mini img', c).each(function(){
avatars[$(this).parent().text().substr(1)]= $(this).attr('src')
var avatar = avatars[pseudo];
elem_to_prepend.find('.cb-avatar img').attr('src', avatar||default_avatar)
var overrided = Chatbox.prototype.refresh;
Chatbox.prototype.refresh = function(data) {
var next_scroll = false;
if (data.messages && data.messages.length) {
$.each(data.messages, function(_,m){
m.msgColor+='\' data-username=\''+$('<div/>').text(m.username).html();
if(m.user && m.user.avatar)
avatars[m.username] = m.user.avatar
next_scroll = !this.messages || this.messages.length != data.messages.length;
overrided.call(this, data);
d = null;
ava_in_member_list && $('#chatbox_members .chatbox-username').each(function(){
set_avatar($(this).text(), $(this).parent());
ava_in_indirect_message && $('#chatbox p > .msg').wrap('<span class="user-msg indirect-user-msg" />').each(function(){
set_avatar($(this).children().attr('data-username'), $(this).parent());
if(next_scroll) $("#chatbox")[0].scrollTop = $("#chatbox").prop('scrollHeight') * 2
var s=document.createElement('script');s.text="("+chatbox_script.toString()+")();";$('object[data^="/chatbox/index.forum"],iframe[src^="/chatbox/index.forum"]').each(function(){try{$(this.contentDocument||this.contentWindow.document).find("#chatbox").closest("html").find("head").first().each(function(){this.appendChild(s.cloneNode(true))})}catch(a){}})
Thanks for the reminder! @APE
Last edited by Luke Spike on September 8th 2015, 12:16 am; edited 2 times in total