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    Make your navbar sticky

    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

    Male Posts : 13207
    Reputation : 3000
    Language : English & 日本語
    Location : Pennsylvania

    Tutorial Make your navbar sticky

    Post by Ange Tuteur October 9th 2015, 10:58 am

    Make your navbar sticky

    This trick will help you make your navbar "sticky." What is a sticky navbar ? It's a navbar that sticks to the top of the screen once you scroll the default navigation out of view. It makes navigating websites a whole lot faster, because you don't have to scroll back to the top of the page to use the navbar.

    Make your navbar sticky Navbar10

    This plugin can be used on any forum version. However, if you modified the position or attributes of your default navbar you may need to make some modifications.

    Make your navbar sticky 09615110 1. Installing the navbar theme

    Firstly you'll need to add some CSS to your stylesheet for the sticky navigation's theme. Go to Administration Panel > Display > Colors > CSS stylesheet, then choose one of the themes below to paste into your stylesheet.

    Light theme : (Preview)
    /* sticky nav main */
    #fa_sticky_nav {
      font-size:0; /* hide whitespace */
      border-bottom:1px solid #CCC !important;
      transition:top 200ms linear, width 600ms ease-in-out;

    #fa_sticky_nav li { display:inline } /* navlist adjustment */

    /* sticky menu links */
    #fa_sticky_nav a.mainmenu {
      font-family:"Trebuchet MS", Arial, Verdana, Sans-serif;
      background:url('') repeat-x 0px 30px;
      padding:0 10px;

    #fa_sticky_nav a.mainmenu:hover, #fa_sticky_nav a.mainmenu.fa_navactif {
      background-position:0 25px;

    /* sticky nav toggler */
    #fa_sticky_toggle {
      background:url('') no-repeat 0 0 #FAFAFA;
      border:1px solid #CCC;
      transition:top 200ms linear;

    #fa_sticky_toggle:hover { background-position:-30px 0 }

    /* make hidden toolbar similar to toggler */
    #fa_toolbar_hidden {
      border-radius:0 !important;
      border:1px solid #CCC;

    /* post offset fix */
    .post div[style*="-30px;"] {
      top:-60px !important;

    Dark theme : (Preview)
    /* sticky nav main */
    #fa_sticky_nav {
      font-size:0; /* hide whitespace */
      border-bottom:1px solid #222 !important;
      transition:top 200ms linear, width 600ms ease-in-out;

    #fa_sticky_nav li { display:inline } /* navlist adjustment */

    /* sticky menu links */
    #fa_sticky_nav a.mainmenu {
      font-family:"Trebuchet MS", Arial, Verdana, Sans-serif;
      background:url('') repeat-x 0px 30px;
      padding:0 10px;

    #fa_sticky_nav a.mainmenu:hover, #fa_sticky_nav a.mainmenu.fa_navactif {
      background-position:0 25px;

    /* sticky nav toggler */
    #fa_sticky_toggle {
      background:url('') no-repeat 0 0 #333;
      border:1px solid #222;
      transition:top 200ms linear;

    #fa_sticky_toggle:hover { background-position:-30px 0 }

    /* make hidden toolbar similar to toggler */
    #fa_toolbar_hidden {
      border-radius:0 !important;
      border:1px solid #222;

    /* post offset fix */
    .post div[style*="-30px;"] {
      top:-60px !important;

    You can of course personalize the CSS to fit your forum. Wink

    Exclamation Note : The navbar is fixed to 30 pixels in height ( height:30px; ), you can increase or remove this limit if your navlinks are becoming cut off.

    Make your navbar sticky 09615110 2. Installing the JavaScript

    Now to install the sticky navbar go to Administration Panel > Modules > JavaScript codes management and create a new script.

    Title : Sticky Navbar
    Placement : In all the pages
    (function() {
      if (!window.FA) window.FA = {};
      if (FA.Nav) {
        if (window.console && console.warn) console.warn('FA.Nav has already been defined');

      FA.Nav = {
        // PHPBB2   : .bodyline > table + table
        // PHPBB3   : #page-header .navlinks
        // PUNBB    : #pun-navlinks
        // INVISION : #submenu
        targetNode : '#page-header .navlinks',
        customNav : '', // custom navlinks
        keepDefault : true, // keep the default navlinks
        collapsible : true, // show hide button
        // offset states
        offsets : {
          tbVisible : {
            bottom : 30,
            top : '30px'
          tbHidden : {
            bottom : 0,
            top : '0px'
          toggler : '30px'
        activeOffset : {}, // active offset for the sticky nav
        visible : false, // sticky nav is visible
        // check the state of the static nav
        checkState : function() {
          if (!FA.Nav.animating) {
            var hidden = FA.Nav.barStatic.getBoundingClientRect().bottom <= FA.Nav.activeOffset.bottom;
            if (hidden && != {
              if (FA.Nav.toggler) = FA.Nav.offsets.toggler;
              FA.Nav.visible = true;
            } else if (!hidden && != '-30px') {
              if (FA.Nav.toggler) = '-30px';
     = '-30px';
              FA.Nav.visible = false;
        animating : false, // sticky nav is animating
        // animate the sticky nav when the toolbar is toggled
        animate : function() {
          if (FA.Nav.visible) {
            FA.Nav.animating = true;
   = 'none';
              top :
            }, function() {
     = '';
              FA.Nav.animating = false;
        // toggle sticky navigation and remember preference via cookies
        toggle : function() {
          if ( == '100%') {
            my_setcookie('fa_sticky_nav', 'hidden');
   = '0%';
          } else {
            my_setcookie('fa_sticky_nav', 'shown');
   = '100%';
          return false;
      $(function() {
        // set default offsets based on toolbar state
        FA.Nav.activeOffset = (my_getcookie('toolbar_state') == 'fa_hide' || !_userdata.activate_toolbar) ? FA.Nav.offsets.tbHidden : FA.Nav.offsets.tbVisible;
        if (!_userdata.activate_toolbar) FA.Nav.offsets.toggler = '0px';
        // find the static nav
        FA.Nav.barStatic = document.querySelector ? document.querySelector(FA.Nav.targetNode) : $(FA.Nav.targetNode)[0]; // static nav
        if (FA.Nav.barStatic) {
          FA.Nav.barSticky = FA.Nav.barStatic.cloneNode(FA.Nav.keepDefault); // clone static nav
          if (FA.Nav.customNav) FA.Nav.barSticky.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', FA.Nav.customNav);
 = 'fa_sticky_nav';
 = my_getcookie('fa_sticky_nav') == 'hidden' ? '0%' : '100%';
 = '-30px';
          document.body.appendChild(FA.Nav.barSticky); // append the sticky one
          // sticky nav toggler
          if (FA.Nav.collapsible) {
            FA.Nav.toggler = document.createElement('A');
   = 'fa_sticky_toggle';
            FA.Nav.toggler.href = '#';
   = '-30px';
            FA.Nav.toggler.onclick = FA.Nav.toggle;
          window.onscroll = FA.Nav.checkState; // check state on scroll
          FA.Nav.checkState(); // startup check
          // toolbar modifications
          $(function() {
            // animate sticky nav and change offsets when the toolbar is toggled
            $('#fa_hide').click(function() {
              FA.Nav.activeOffset = FA.Nav.offsets.tbHidden;
            $('#fa_show').click(function() {
              FA.Nav.activeOffset = FA.Nav.offsets.tbVisible;

    Save the script when you're finished and your navbar should now stick to the top of the screen when it's scrolled out of view ! The script is setup for phpbb3 so you'll need to make a small modification for the other forum versions, please see the next section for that.

    Make your navbar sticky 09615110 3. Modifications

    This plugin has 5 settings that you can modify at the top of the script. I'll go over each one so you can have a good understanding of what you can do.

    targetNode : targetNode is the target element that will be turned into a sticky item. ( the navbar in this case ) Depending on your version, you should replace #page-header .navlinks by :

    phpbb2 : .bodyline > table + table
    phpbb3 : Leave it as is. Wink
    punbb : #pun-navlinks
    invision : #submenu
    This is already installed on ModernBB

    customNav : This is a string which allows you to insert additional nav links into the sticky navbar. For example, if you wanted to add a top and bottom button it would look like this :
    customNav : '<a class="mainmenu" href="#top">Top</a><a class="mainmenu" href="#bottom">Bottom</a>',

    Remember to include class="mainmenu" as one of your link's attributes, as it's used to style the link.

    keepDefault : This option allows you to decide if you want to keep all the default navlinks for the sticky navbar. Setting this option to false will not keep any of the default links. Instead, you can use the previously mentioned customNav option to define the content of the sticky navbar.

    collapsible : This option allows you to decide if the toggle button for the sticky navbar appears. Make your navbar sticky Captur82 Setting this option to false will hide the toggle button.

    offsets : This option contains two objects for the position offsets of the sticky navbar.

    tbVisible : Offsets to be applied if the toolbar is visible
    tbHidden : Offsets to be applied if the toolbar is hidden or not enabled

    Inside these two objects are two properties :
    top : Defines the top offset of the toolbar. ( e.g. displays 30 pixels from the top of the screen )
    bottom : Defines the gap for when the sticky nav should show. Since the toolbar takes up 30 pixels of the screen on top, we added a 30 pixel offset. So, when the default navbar disappears behind the toolbar the sticky nav drops down.

    toggler : This defines the top offset for the toggler. When the toolbar is enabled, it stays 30px from the top of the screen by default.

    That is it for the options, but if you have any questions feel free to ask us on the forum. Smile

    TonnyKamper likes this post


    Female Posts : 15311
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    Location : Greece

    Tutorial Re: Make your navbar sticky

    Post by skouliki February 11th 2020, 10:22 am

    This code was updated to fit in with the new HTTPS address

    updated 11.02.2020 by skouliki

    TonnyKamper likes this post

      Current date/time is September 22nd 2024, 8:27 pm