So, whenever I go to type a post out the words come out fine for a few then the little line showing where you are when you're typing suddenly switches back to the very top of the field before the very first word. Plus my spellcheck isn't working. (Yes my Firefox browser plugin and such are fine as it works on all other websites like facebook and this site, just not on mine) I don't have either of these problems on any other website but my own site. It's been doing this for a while but it's become more frequent tonight.
Is there maybe some type of code that I messed up on in the CSS or something that might cause this? I can provide a test account if requested.
My site can be found here if it's needed.
Any help is much appreciated.
EDIT:: I inspected the page with my text editor and checked the debugger section. It showed this
There's a few red spots in the code but I'm not sure how to fix it x,x The red spots seem to be the text editor part.
EDIT 2:: I did a little checking and the issue seems to be with the word counter. I followed Ange's tutorial on it. But it seems to be conflicting and causing the errors I listed at the top of this page.
Is the code. Can anyone see where the error is? x,x I'm afraid I'm still learning to read HTML and Java so I'm unsure where the confliction is coming from.
Is there maybe some type of code that I messed up on in the CSS or something that might cause this? I can provide a test account if requested.
My site can be found here if it's needed.
Any help is much appreciated.
EDIT:: I inspected the page with my text editor and checked the debugger section. It showed this
- Code:
$(function(){if(!document.getElementById('text_editor_textarea'))return;window.$fa_char={area:document.getElementById('text_editor_textarea'),current:0,maximum:/page_profil=signature/.test(,used:null,remain:null,instance:null,calculate:function(){$fa_char.current=($fa_char.instance?$fa_char.instance.val():$fa_char.area.value).length;$fa_char.used.innerHTML=$fa_char.current;$fa_char.remain.innerHTML='<span '+($fa_char.current>=$fa_char.maximum?'style="color:#F00"':'')+'>'+($fa_char.maximum-$fa_char.current)+'</span>'}};var node=document.createElement('DIV');'faCharCounter';node.innerHTML='<span id="faCharUsed">0</span> characters used out of '+$fa_char.maximum+' (<span id="faCharRemain" style="color:#090">'+$fa_char.maximum+'</span> remaining)';$fa_char.area.parentNode.insertBefore(node,$fa_char.area);$fa_char.used=document.getElementById('faCharUsed');$fa_char.remain=document.getElementById('faCharRemain');$(function(){if($.sceditor){var container=$('.sceditor-container');$fa_char.instance=$($fa_char.area).sceditor('instance');$('textarea',container)[0].oninput=$fa_char.calculate;$('iframe',container).contents()[0].body.oninput=$fa_char.calculate}else $fa_char.area.oninput=$fa_char.calculate;$fa_char.calculate()})});
There's a few red spots in the code but I'm not sure how to fix it x,x The red spots seem to be the text editor part.
EDIT 2:: I did a little checking and the issue seems to be with the word counter. I followed Ange's tutorial on it. But it seems to be conflicting and causing the errors I listed at the top of this page.
- Code:
$(function() {
if (!document.getElementById('text_editor_textarea')) return; // no textarea ? better not continue
// define global data to be cached and reused
window.$fa_char = {
area : document.getElementById('text_editor_textarea'), // message textarea
current : 0, // current characters typed
maximum : /page_profil=signature/.test( ? 1000 : 60000, // maximum characters allowed
used : null, // node cache for used characters
remain : null, // node cache for remaining characters
instance : null, // sceditor instance
// calculate the characters used and remaining
calculate : function() {
$fa_char.current = ($fa_char.instance ? $fa_char.instance.val() : $fa_char.area.value).length; // get the message length
$fa_char.used.innerHTML = $fa_char.current; // update the current count
$fa_char.remain.innerHTML = '<span ' + ($fa_char.current >= $fa_char.maximum ? 'style="color:#F00"' : '') + '>' + ($fa_char.maximum - $fa_char.current) + '</span>'; // update the remaining characters
var node = document.createElement('DIV'); // container for the chararacter data = 'faCharCounter'; // the id is mostly used for user defined styles
node.innerHTML = '<span id="faCharUsed">0</span> characters used out of ' + $fa_char.maximum + ' (<span id="faCharRemain" style="color:#090">' + $fa_char.maximum + '</span> remaining)'; // define our character data
$fa_char.area.parentNode.insertBefore(node, $fa_char.area); // insert the container before the textarea
// update the node caches so we don't have to keep getting these elements
$fa_char.used = document.getElementById('faCharUsed');
$fa_char.remain = document.getElementById('faCharRemain');
// execute another doc ready to match up with the sceditor
$(function() {
// depending if the sceditor is present, one of these events will be attached
if ($.sceditor) {
var container = $('.sceditor-container');
$fa_char.instance = $($fa_char.area).sceditor('instance');
$('textarea', container)[0].oninput = $fa_char.calculate; // source
$('iframe', container).contents()[0].body.oninput = $fa_char.calculate; // wysiwyg
} else $fa_char.area.oninput = $fa_char.calculate;
$fa_char.calculate(); // get the current character count on page load
Is the code. Can anyone see where the error is? x,x I'm afraid I'm still learning to read HTML and Java so I'm unsure where the confliction is coming from.