Unable to Make Usernames Glow Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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4 posters

    Unable to Make Usernames Glow

    New Member

    Female Posts : 16
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    Unable to Make Usernames Glow Empty Unable to Make Usernames Glow

    Post by Rayth October 31st 2015, 10:36 pm

    I posted the code to make my username glow, but nothing happened. I assume womething is in my CSS Stylesheet that is preventing the glow. The site is http://turningsupernatural.forumotion.com/.

    The username used to glow, but then I changed the forum theme. Now, the username just won't glow.

    Just in case it's needed, I have included the CSS Stylesheet using code.

    /* Begin CSS for print media */
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    /* Fixes 3-column negative margins float clearing bug: http://archivist.incutio.com/viewlist/css-discuss/97678 Thanks Georg! */
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    * html #chatbox-members

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    /*hover commands by niquon715*/
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        -moz-transition: 200ms linear 0s; 
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    a:link:hover, a:link:focus 

        color: #00ffff
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    /*glowcommands by niquon715*/
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    background: url(http://forum.ragezone.com/images/backround6.gif) repeat-x;

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    /*multicolor for chatbox by niquon715*/
    span[data-user="173"]:before {
      content:"[Finalpain] ";
    span[data-user="173"]:after {

    span[data-user="341"] { font-size:0 }
    span[data-user="341"]:before {
      content:"puzzel ";
    span[data-user="341"]:after {

    /*affiliates box*/

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    /**************************************** Stitch */

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    ul.drop li a:hover {
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    /*advanced profile*/
    .viewing a, .viewing .lastactive { color:#999; text-shadow:1px 1px 0 #FFF; text-decoration:none; text-align:center; font-size:11px; font-weight:bold; background:#EEE; border:1px solid #CCC; border-radius:3px; display:block; padding:5px 3px; margin:5px 0; }
    .viewing a { color:#696 !important }
    .viewing a.loading { color:#996 !important }
    .viewing a.inactive { color:#C66 !important }

    /* control panel */
    font-family: "Avant Garde", Avantgarde, "Century Gothic", CenturyGothic, "AppleGothic", sans-serif;
    /* Administration link */
    p.copyright strong a { color:#007FFF;
      background:url(http://i38.servimg.com/u/f38/18/21/41/30/couron11.png) no-repeat 3px center #B9D3EE;
      border:1px solid #007FFF;
      padding:4px 6px 4px 25px;}
    p.copyright strong a:hover {color:#007FFF; background-color:#B9D3EE; border-color:#007FFF;}
    /*sidebar needs gfx */
    #scroller img { height: 48px; width: 48px;}
    #scroller img:hover {height: 50px; width: 50px;}
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    /* pop up content */
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    background: black;
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    #box {
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    background: white;
    font-size: 15px!Important;}

    /*select content*/
    .selectCode { float:right; text-transform: uppercase; cursor:pointer; } div.cont_code { clear: right; }


    Male Posts : 51556
    Reputation : 3519
    Language : English
    Location : United States

    Unable to Make Usernames Glow Empty Re: Unable to Make Usernames Glow

    Post by SLGray October 31st 2015, 10:38 pm

    If you are in a group that group color will override the code.

    Unable to Make Usernames Glow Slgray10

    When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
    Never post your email in public.
    New Member

    Female Posts : 16
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Unable to Make Usernames Glow Empty Re: Unable to Make Usernames Glow

    Post by Rayth October 31st 2015, 10:42 pm

    I am in two groups, the Demon and the Admin group. But before I got the new theme, I was able to have a glow around my username.

    Male Posts : 664
    Reputation : 29
    Language : Arabic and some English
    Location : Egypt

    Unable to Make Usernames Glow Empty Re: Unable to Make Usernames Glow

    Post by Michael_vx November 3rd 2015, 9:14 am

    if you say you lost the glow after the theme change then its so obvious that there is a Script with in the new theme prevent the script of username glow from operating
    before you changed the theme did you get a backup of your old CSS ?
    New Member

    Female Posts : 16
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Unable to Make Usernames Glow Empty Re: Unable to Make Usernames Glow

    Post by Rayth November 3rd 2015, 11:18 pm

    No, I didn't. Something went wrong with the original theme I had (links and pictures started to disappear), so I just went and changed it. I had dome that for some other sites and worked fine.

    Male Posts : 51556
    Reputation : 3519
    Language : English
    Location : United States

    Unable to Make Usernames Glow Empty Re: Unable to Make Usernames Glow

    Post by SLGray November 4th 2015, 4:06 am

    Changing themes erases your CSS stylesheet.

    Unable to Make Usernames Glow Slgray10

    When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
    Never post your email in public.

    Male Posts : 107
    Reputation : 22
    Language : English, Spanish, Serbian

    Unable to Make Usernames Glow Empty Re: Unable to Make Usernames Glow

    Post by EndlessDream November 4th 2015, 4:56 am

    I see the code for it in your CSS, but it's most likely interrupted by other code.. I don't have time to go through all, so I just added declaration.

    Before replacing the code, make sure you have a backup of your current CSS sheet.

    Try replacing your CSS with this:


            /* Begin CSS for print media */
              * {
              background-image: none;
              background-color: #1a1a1a;
              color: #1a1a1a;}
            body {
              padding: 0;
                margin: 0;
                font-size: 10pt;}
            body#phpbb div#wrap {
              width: 85%;
                margin: 0;}
            span.corners-top,span.corners-bottom {
              display: none;}
            /* Header */
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            /* **************************************************************************Most stable Standards-compliant 3-column layout by Ryan Brillhttp://www.alistapart.com/articles/negativemargins
            /************************************************************************** */
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            /* Fixes 3-column negative margins float clearing bug: http://archivist.incutio.com/viewlist/css-discuss/97678 Thanks Georg! */
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            /* Hack IE layout */
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            /* Administration link */
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    I'm not sure if it's gonna work, but you can try.