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3 posters

    Need Help With Adding pagination to the mobile version!


    Posts : 329
    Reputation : 9
    Language : English

    Solved Need Help With Adding pagination to the mobile version!

    Post by Rukiafan February 20th 2016, 4:01 am

    I followed the tutorial in the tips & tricks section of this forum, but something seems to be preventing the code from working...@Ange Tuteur I summon you! Wink

    My forum version is PunBB.

    My forum url is

    Thanks in advance! Wink

    Last edited by Rukiafan on February 24th 2016, 8:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

    Male Posts : 13207
    Reputation : 3000
    Language : English & 日本語
    Location : Pennsylvania

    Solved Re: Need Help With Adding pagination to the mobile version!

    Post by Ange Tuteur February 22nd 2016, 5:11 pm

    Hi @Rukiafan,

    I believe some JavaScript errors are preventing the script from working correctly. Find the following scripts in JS codes management :
    Admin Panel > Modules > JS codes management

    1. Find this script :
      jQuery('.avt_recent').prepend('<div class="avt-r"><div>');
      jQuery('.avt_recent .avt-r').each(function(){
        var User Avatar=jQuery(this).parent().children('.recent_space').children('a:last').attr('href');
        jQuery(this).html('<a href="'+profileUserURL+'" class="avt-r-enlace"><img src="" alt="No Avatar" /></a>');
        jQuery(this).children('a').load(profileUserURL+' .module:eq(0) img:eq(0)');

    and replace it with this :
      jQuery('.avt_recent').prepend('<div class="avt-r"><div>');
      jQuery('.avt_recent .avt-r').each(function(){
        var profileUserURL=jQuery(this).parent().children('.recent_space').children('a:last').attr('href');
        jQuery(this).html('<a href="'+profileUserURL+'" class="avt-r-enlace"><img src="" alt="No Avatar" /></a>');
        jQuery(this).children('a').load(profileUserURL+' .module:eq(0) img:eq(0)');

    2. Find this script :
    $(function(){var CopyrightNotice='Quick Quote in Quick Reply for forumotion boards. Copyright ©️ by AvacWeb. All Rights Reserved. Use and  modification of this script is not allowed without this entire copyright notice in the original, copied, or modified script. No distribution without consent.';for(var quote=$('.i_icon_quote'),i=0,qr=document.getElementById('quick_reply'),q,t=qr.offsetTop-200;(q=quote[i++]);){$(q.parentNode).click(function(e){e.preventDefault();var selection=(function(){if(window.getSelection){var e=document.activeElement;return(e&&e.tagName.toLowerCase()in{textarea:1,input:1})?e.value.substring(e.selectionStart,e.selectionEnd):window.getSelection().toString()}else if(document.selection.createRange){return(document.selection.createRange()).text||''}return null})(),sc=$("#text_editor_textarea").sceditor("instance");if(selection&&selection.length)return sc.insert('[quote]'+selection+'[/quote]');var div=document.createElement('div'),s=setInterval(function(){document.body.scrollTop<t?document.body.scrollTop+=10:clearInterval(s)},5);$(div).load(this.href+' #text_editor_textarea',function(){sc.insert(div.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0].value)})})}});

    and replace it with this :
    $(function(){var qr=document.getElementById('quick_reply'), CopyrightNotice='Quick Quote in Quick Reply for forumotion boards. Copyright ©️ by AvacWeb. All Rights Reserved. Use and  modification of this script is not allowed without this entire copyright notice in the original, copied, or modified script. No distribution without consent.';if(!qr) return;for(var quote=$('.i_icon_quote'),i=0,q,t=qr.offsetTop-200;(q=quote[i++]);){$(q.parentNode).click(function(e){e.preventDefault();var selection=(function(){if(window.getSelection){var e=document.activeElement;return(e&&e.tagName.toLowerCase()in{textarea:1,input:1})?e.value.substring(e.selectionStart,e.selectionEnd):window.getSelection().toString()}else if(document.selection.createRange){return(document.selection.createRange()).text||''}return null})(),sc=$("#text_editor_textarea").sceditor("instance");if(selection&&selection.length)return sc.insert('[quote]'+selection+'[/quote]');var div=document.createElement('div'),s=setInterval(function(){document.body.scrollTop<t?document.body.scrollTop+=10:clearInterval(s)},5);$(div).load(this.href+' #text_editor_textarea',function(){sc.insert(div.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0].value)})})}});

    Those are the two errors my console are displaying. Think

    Posts : 329
    Reputation : 9
    Language : English

    Solved Re: Need Help With Adding pagination to the mobile version!

    Post by Rukiafan February 22nd 2016, 7:10 pm

    Uh...I can't find that Javascript in any of my codes...scratch

    @Ange Tuteur I replaced those Javascripts, but it didn't add the new pagination now my recent topics "new system" widget is messed up a bit visually due to a new alignment issue...:/
    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

    Male Posts : 13207
    Reputation : 3000
    Language : English & 日本語
    Location : Pennsylvania

    Solved Re: Need Help With Adding pagination to the mobile version!

    Post by Ange Tuteur February 23rd 2016, 3:52 pm

    That cleans up most of the errors, but you're right that the script doesn't work still. Try replacing it with this :
    $(function() {
      var perpage = 15, // amount of messages before a new page is added
      p = document.getElementsByTagName('P'), l = window.location.pathname, current, last, tid = l.replace(/\/t(\d+).*/,'$1'), tname = l.replace(/(\/t\d+|\/t\d+p\d+)(-.*)/,'$2'), style = document.createElement('STYLE'), css = '.pagi {height:auto;color:#FFF;position:static;margin:2px}.pagactif{color:#FF8;cursor:default}.scroller{position:absolute;width:18px;height:28px;cursor:pointer}.left.scroller{background:url( no-repeat center #444;left:65px}.right.scroller{background:url( no-repeat center #444;right:65px}', i,j;
      if (typeof _userdata.page_desktop === 'undefined') return;
      style.type = 'text/css';
      if (style.styleSheet) style.styleSheet.cssText = css;
      else style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css));
      for (i=0; i<p.length; i++) {
        if (/mobile_title_content/.test(p[i].className)) {
          current = Number(p[i].innerHTML.replace(/.*?<strong>(\d+)<\/strong>.*?<strong>\d+<\/strong>/i,'$1'));
          last = Number(p[i].innerHTML.replace(/.*?<strong>\d+<\/strong>.*?<strong>(\d+)<\/strong>/i,'$1'));
      if (last >= current) {
        var b = document.getElementsByTagName('DIV'), title = document.createElement('DIV'), cen = document.createElement('DIV'), left = document.createElement('DIV'), right = document.createElement('DIV'), c = 1, d = 0;
        title.className = 'mobile_title', left.className = 'left scroller', right.className = 'right scroller', cen.className = 'mobile_title_content', cen.setAttribute('style','left:85px;right:85px;text-overflow:clip;line-height:26px;');
        for (j=0; j<b.length; j++) if (/mobile_title/.test(b[j].className)) if (/\d+/.test($(b[j]).next()[0].id) || /poll/.test($(b[j]).next()[0].className)) b[j].parentNode.insertBefore(title,$(b[j]).next()[0]);
        title.appendChild(cen), title.appendChild(left), title.appendChild(right);
        left.onmousedown = function() { cen.scrollLeft -= 100 };
        right.onmousedown = function() { cen.scrollLeft += 100 };
        while (d < 2) {
          if (d == 0 && current > 1) newPage('mobile_prev_button block', '<p>First</p>', '/t' + tid + tname, title);
          else if (d == 1 && current != last) newPage('mobile_next_button block', '<p>Last</p>', '/t' + tid + 'p' + Number(perpage * last - perpage) + tname, title);
          d += 1;
        } while (last + 1 > c) {
          if (c == current) newPage('mobile_next_button block pagi pagactif', c, 'javascript:void(0);', cen, 'currentPage');
          else newPage('mobile_next_button block pagi', c, '/t' + tid + 'p' + Number(perpage * c - perpage) + tname, cen);
          c += 1;
        cen.scrollLeft = document.getElementById('currentPage').offsetLeft;
      function newPage(classname, html, href, par, id) {var page = document.createElement('A'); page.className = classname, page.innerHTML = html, page.href = href, par.appendChild(page); if (id) = id}

    Posts : 329
    Reputation : 9
    Language : English

    Solved Re: Need Help With Adding pagination to the mobile version!

    Post by Rukiafan February 23rd 2016, 7:15 pm

    @Ange Tuteur That worked for the most part, but not fully. The new style pagination only occurs at the top of the page so users have to scroll all of the way back up to choose another page. Is there any way to get the new style pagination on both the top and bottom of the forum and blog topics? scratch

    Edit: Also could you please help me realign the recent topics "new system" Javascript that got broken by editing the code to fix the mobile pagination JS errors?
    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

    Male Posts : 13207
    Reputation : 3000
    Language : English & 日本語
    Location : Pennsylvania

    Solved Re: Need Help With Adding pagination to the mobile version!

    Post by Ange Tuteur February 24th 2016, 6:44 pm

    Change the script to this :
    $(function() {
      var perpage = 15, // amount of messages before a new page is added
      p = document.getElementsByTagName('P'), l = window.location.pathname, current, last, tid = l.replace(/\/t(\d+).*/,'$1'), tname = l.replace(/(\/t\d+|\/t\d+p\d+)(-.*)/,'$2'), style = document.createElement('STYLE'), css = '.pagi {height:auto;color:#FFF;position:static;margin:2px}.pagactif{color:#FF8;cursor:default}.scroller{position:absolute;width:18px;height:28px;cursor:pointer}.left.scroller{background:url( no-repeat center #444;left:65px}.right.scroller{background:url( no-repeat center #444;right:65px}', i,j;
      if (typeof _userdata.page_desktop === 'undefined') return;
      style.type = 'text/css';
      if (style.styleSheet) style.styleSheet.cssText = css;
      else style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css));
      for (i=0; i<p.length; i++) {
        if (/mobile_title_content/.test(p[i].className)) {
          current = Number(p[i].innerHTML.replace(/.*?<strong>(\d+)<\/strong>.*?<strong>\d+<\/strong>/i,'$1'));
          last = Number(p[i].innerHTML.replace(/.*?<strong>\d+<\/strong>.*?<strong>(\d+)<\/strong>/i,'$1'));
      if (last >= current) {
        var b = document.getElementsByTagName('DIV'), title = document.createElement('DIV'), cen = document.createElement('DIV'), left = document.createElement('DIV'), right = document.createElement('DIV'), c = 1, d = 0;
        title.className = 'mobile_title', left.className = 'left scroller', right.className = 'right scroller', cen.className = 'mobile_title_content', cen.setAttribute('style','left:85px;right:85px;text-overflow:clip;line-height:26px;');
        for (j=0; j<b.length; j++) if (/mobile_title/.test(b[j].className)) if (/\d+/.test($(b[j]).next()[0].id) || /poll/.test($(b[j]).next()[0].className)) b[j].parentNode.insertBefore(title,$(b[j]).next()[0]);
        title.appendChild(cen), title.appendChild(left), title.appendChild(right);
        $(left).mousedown(function() { this.parentNode.firstChild.scrollLeft -= 100 });
        $(right).mousedown(function() { this.parentNode.firstChild.scrollLeft += 100 });
        while (d < 2) {
          if (d == 0 && current > 1) newPage('mobile_prev_button block', '<p>First</p>', '/t' + tid + tname, title);
          else if (d == 1 && current != last) newPage('mobile_next_button block', '<p>Last</p>', '/t' + tid + 'p' + Number(perpage * last - perpage) + tname, title);
          d += 1;
        } while (last + 1 > c) {
          if (c == current) newPage('mobile_next_button block pagi pagactif', c, 'javascript:void(0);', cen, 'currentPage');
          else newPage('mobile_next_button block pagi', c, '/t' + tid + 'p' + Number(perpage * c - perpage) + tname, cen);
          c += 1;
        cen.scrollLeft = document.getElementById('currentPage').offsetLeft;

        $('.mobile_title:last')[0].firstChild.scrollLeft = $('.pagactif', '.mobile_title:last')[0].offsetLeft;
      function newPage(classname, html, href, par, id) {var page = document.createElement('A'); page.className = classname, page.innerHTML = html, page.href = href, par.appendChild(page); if (id) = id}

    It should add the pagination to the bottom.

    Posts : 329
    Reputation : 9
    Language : English

    Solved Re: Need Help With Adding pagination to the mobile version!

    Post by Rukiafan February 24th 2016, 8:12 pm

    @Ange Tuteur It worked thanks a bunch! Wink

    Male Posts : 51498
    Reputation : 3523
    Language : English
    Location : United States

    Solved Re: Need Help With Adding pagination to the mobile version!

    Post by SLGray February 24th 2016, 9:27 pm

    Topic solved and archived

    Need Help With Adding pagination to the mobile version! Slgray10

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