APE wrote:Sounds like a ISP problem not our end.
Actually, this is VERY SPECIFICALLY a Forumotion problem. Something about the way your software is written REQUIRES a certain, open, and probably very insecure, connection type, which is why many people don't have problems connecting, but anyone behind anything that's secured in some way, firewalls, public wifi connections, etc, you guys have somehow either intentionally disallowed, or my mistake, have declined connections from folks like myself who depend on public wifi for the time being.
I have been testing this problem from many places, in 2 states as I've travelled so far, while trying to figure it out. There are times when I can connect with a Tor browser via a public wifi space, but even then, I often get disconnected mid stream and have to jump through some hoops to get it reconnected.
At all of these places and times, I'm able to connect, with not problems, via my phone browser, but always have problems with my computers browsers... Firefox, IE, Chrome, Tor, etc...
I'm not sure if you're familiar with the Programming side of things, or just helpful tech support folks who wouldn't have intimate knowledge of such things, but I do, even if not of Forumotion, directly. I've been programming for over 30 years, much of it internet based.
Again, I'm not sure if this is just and oversight on the part of the programmers or owners of the software, but I rather expect you could begin losing clients fairly easily as word of this problem has been getting out, and you're likely to start recipient more complaints about it in the future.
I'm quite certain whatever the problem is, it would not be that difficult to remedy, once the offending code has been identified and corrected.
As things are now, I'm having to help a dear friend move to a new webhosting provider and forum software, because too many folks are unable to access what is a very important site to them. It's unfortunate we're probably going to have to start from scratch in doing so, unless this is something you folks are aware of and can provide a work around at least.
Thanks for your time and attention,