some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme Hitskin_logo

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4 posters

    some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme


    Male Posts : 67
    Reputation : 1
    Language : eng

    In progress some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme

    Post by Jade~Prince June 25th 2016, 9:00 am

    Hi Frenz,
    today I was testing the new modern mobile theme on my test forum. however while trying to mess around I by mistake edited the " viewtopic_body" in my original forum ( I was copying sum codes from the original forum templete). having learned my lesson the last time I did had the backup codes of my modified templete and corrected the mistake.

    how ever now in my mobile theme " "/> " this code is coming next to every image and the images are hotlinking by itself. I tried to delete the edited template & use default but still the code is there. any clue why it's coming and how to get rid of it.
    Below is the image showing the problem


    P.S.: forum link is

    some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme Mobile10

    Last edited by Jade~Prince on June 28th 2016, 7:24 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : pressed "solved" by mistake)

    Male Posts : 67
    Reputation : 1
    Language : eng

    In progress Re: some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme

    Post by Jade~Prince June 27th 2016, 8:28 am

    BUMP ?
    Ace 1
    Ace 1

    Male Posts : 843
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    Location : Druid Hill Park

    In progress Re: some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme

    Post by Ace 1 June 27th 2016, 8:39 am

    Do you think you can post your version of the "viewtopic_body" template?

    Male Posts : 67
    Reputation : 1
    Language : eng

    In progress Re: some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme

    Post by Jade~Prince June 27th 2016, 8:50 am

    Here is the "viewtopic_body" template codes:

            <style type="text/css">.mobile-actions{float:right;padding-top:3px}
            .mobile-actions li{float:left;list-style:none}
            #mobile_editor {text-align:center}
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            #mobile_editor textarea {width:100%;height:100px}
            #post_status {color:#000;background:#FFF;border:1px solid #2F6BC2;border-left-width:4px;margin:4px auto;padding:4px;width:90%}
            #post_status.post_progress {background-color:#FFE;border-color:#990}
            #post_status.post_done {background-color:#EFE;border-color:#090}
            #post_status.post_fail {background-color:#FEE;border-color:#C33}
            blockquote {display:block}</style>
            <script type="text/javascript">
            var hiddenMsgLabel = { visible:'{JS_HIDE_HIDDEN_MESSAGE}', hidden:'{JS_SHOW_HIDDEN_MESSAGE}' };
            showHiddenMessage = function(id)
                    var regId = parseInt(id, 10);
                    if( isNaN(regId) ) { regId = 0; }
                    if( regId > 0)
                        $('.post--' + id).toggle(0, function()
                        if( $(this).is(":visible") )
                          $('#hidden-title--' + id).html(hiddenMsgLabel.visible);
                          $('#hidden-title--' + id).html(hiddenMsgLabel.hidden);
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                                            {postrow.displayed.switch_attachments.switch_post_attachments.switch_no_dl_att.ATTACHMENT} {postrow.displayed.switch_attachments.switch_post_attachments.switch_no_dl_att.ATTACHMENT_DEL}
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                              <p>(<span class="ltr">{postrow.displayed.switch_attachments.switch_post_attachments.FILE_SIZE}</span>) {postrow.displayed.switch_attachments.switch_post_attachments.NB_DL}</p>
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                  <!-- END first_post_br -->
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            <!-- END topicpagination -->
                    <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
            (function() {
              'ForumActif Mobile Actions';
              window.$FAMA = {
                lang : {
                  title_reply : '<b>Post a reply</b>',
                  title_edit : '<b>Edit post</b>',
                  status_progress : 'Sending, please wait...',
                  status_done : function(url) {
                    return 'Your message has been submitted successfully. Please <a href="' + url + '">click here</a> if you\'re not redirected.'
                  status_fail : 'An error has occurred, please try again later.',
                  delete_warning : 'Are you sure you want to delete this post ?',
                  delete_done : 'The message has been deleted successfully.',
                  delete_fail : 'The message could not be deleted, please try again later.',
                  textarea_placeholder : 'Message body..',
                  button_submit : 'Submit',
                  fatal_error : 'In case of error : ',
                  button_force : 'Force submit'
                node : null,
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                encode : function(string) {
                  return encodeURIComponent(escape(this.message.value).replace(/%u[A-F0-9]{4}/g, function(match) {
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                  })).replace(/%25/g, '%');
                create : function(node, href) {
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                  form.innerHTML = '<div id="editor_title" class="post_header"></div><div id="text_box"><textarea placeholder="' + $FAMA.lang.textarea_placeholder + '" name="message"></textarea></div><div><input type="submit" value="' + $FAMA.lang.button_submit + '" name="post" class="defaultBtn"/><div id="post_status" style="display:none"></div></div><div id="mobile_data" style="display:none"></div>';
                  form.onsubmit = function(e) {
                    try {
                      var t = this,
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                        if (t.subject) data = data.replace(/subject=.*?&/, 'subject=' + $FAMA.encode(t.subject.value) + '&');
             = 'none';
             = 'block';
                      status.className = 'post_progress';
                      status.innerHTML = $FAMA.lang.status_progress;
                      $.post('/post', data, function(d) {
                        var redir = d.match(/.*content="\d;url=(.*?)".*/i, '$1'),
                            url = (redir && redir[1]) ? redir[1].replace(/&amp;/g, '&') : window.location.pathname + (/mode=reply/.test(data) ? '?view=newest' : '');
                        status.className = 'post_done';
                        status.innerHTML = $FAMA.lang.status_done(url);
                        window.setTimeout(function() {
                          window.location.href = url;
                        }, 1500);
                      }).fail(function() {
                        status.className = 'post_fail';
                        status.innerHTML = $FAMA.lang.status_fail;
               = '';
                    } catch (err) {
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             = 'block';
                  $FAMA.node = form;
                  $FAMA.change(node, href);
                change : function(node, href) {
                  if ($FAMA.node.mode) {
                    var oldid = document.getElementById('old_post_id');
                    if ($FAMA.node.mode.value == 'reply' && oldid)  {
                      if (!$['post_' + oldid.value]) $['post_' + oldid.value] = new Object();
                      $['post_' + oldid.value].reply = $FAMA.node.message.value;
                    else if ($FAMA.node.mode.value == 'editpost' && $FAMA.node.p) {
                      if (!$['post_' + $FAMA.node.p.value]) $['post_' + $FAMA.node.p.value] = new Object();
                      $['post_' + $FAMA.node.p.value].editpost = $FAMA.node.message.value;
                  $FAMA.node.message.value = '';
                  var mode = href.replace(/.*?mode=(.*)/, '$1'),
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                    title.innerHTML = $FAMA.lang.title_reply;
                    data.innerHTML = '<input id="old_post_id" type="hidden" value="' + pid + '"/><input type="hidden" name="mode" value="reply"/><input type="hidden" name="t" value="' + $ + '"/>';
                  } else {
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                  $.get(href, function(d) {
                    var titre = $('input[name="subject"]', d)[0],
                        editer = $('input[name="edit_reason"]', d)[0];
                    $('input[name="auth[]"]', d).appendTo(data);
                    if (!$FAMA.node.message.value) $FAMA.node.message.value = $('#text_editor_textarea', d)[0].value;
                    if (titre && titre.value) data.appendChild(titre);
                    if (editer && editer.value) data.appendChild(editer);
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                      var node = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode, href = this.href;
                      $FAMA.node ? $FAMA.change(node, href) : $FAMA.create(node, href);
                  } else if (/mode=delete/.test(a[i].href)) {
                    a[i].onclick = function(e) {
                      var del = confirm($FAMA.lang.delete_warning);
                      if (del) {
                        $.post('/post', 'p=' + this.href.replace(/.*?p=(\d+).*/, '$1') + '&mode=delete&confirm=1', function(d) {
                        }).fail(function() {
    Ace 1
    Ace 1

    Male Posts : 843
    Reputation : 64
    Language : English - French?
    Location : Druid Hill Park

    In progress Re: some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme

    Post by Ace 1 June 28th 2016, 1:01 am

    Sorry @Jade~Prince I thought there would be an easy-to-find problem, but it seems it lies deeper than that sole template.

    Male Posts : 51497
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    Location : United States

    In progress Re: some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme

    Post by SLGray June 28th 2016, 1:38 am

    You could delete the modified template and start again on modifying it.

    some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme Slgray10

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    Male Posts : 67
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    In progress Re: some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme

    Post by Jade~Prince June 28th 2016, 4:48 am

    @Ace1 yes the problem looks deeper than the template itself. Could it be the script of making image visible in the mobiles? Coz if u see on this support Forum also in mobile, the images are automatically hotlinking to itself which wasn't the case b4, but not giving that additional code which is in my forum. I'll post the js also which I'm using.

    @SLGray: I did deleted the modified template and used the default 1 but d same result. I even tried using modern template still getting the additional code

    JS for mobile image setting

    $(function() {
              var mode = 0;
              /* -- Mode Options -- */
              // 0 : Shows all images by default
              // 1 : Shows images only when clicked
              if (!_userdata.page_desktop) return;
              var a = document.getElementsByTagName('A'), i = 0, j = a.length,
                  showImage = function() {
                    if (/img_link/.test(this.className)) {
                      this.onclick = null;
                      this.innerHTML = '<img class="mobile_image" src="' + this.href + '" alt="' + this.innerHTML + '" />';
                      return false;
              for (; i < j; i++) {
                if (/img_link/.test(a[i].className)) {
                  switch (mode) {
                    case 0 :
                      a[i].innerHTML = '<img class="mobile_image" src="' + a[i].href + '" alt="' + a[i].innerHTML + '" />';
                    case 1 :
                      a[i].onclick = showImage;
                    default :
                      a[i].onclick = showImage;

    P.S : 1 more thing I just found is that this is effecting the images with bbcodes only. if I post with html code it comes properly without the "/'>" and also no hotlinking. if I removed the above JS, I get [ ] <-- brackets before & after the image. ( only with bbcode)

    Male Posts : 67
    Reputation : 1
    Language : eng

    In progress Re: some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme

    Post by Jade~Prince June 29th 2016, 9:53 am


    if this is of any help, this is the error I am getting when tested in IE (with F12)

    some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme Error10

    I am almost sure this problem is coz of images hotlinking. so how do I disable it ?

    Male Posts : 51497
    Reputation : 3523
    Language : English
    Location : United States

    In progress Re: some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme

    Post by SLGray June 29th 2016, 12:07 pm

    I still believe there is an error in the template.  Did you not say that you have modified it?

    some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme Slgray10

    When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
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    Male Posts : 67
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    In progress Re: some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme

    Post by Jade~Prince June 29th 2016, 6:08 pm

    yes I had modified the template. I have posted the codes in above post but I cant find were the mistake has happened. also I found on yet another forum with regular version of mobile theme with similar problem. however I changed both the forums themes to modern. all is well with it only the images are getting hotlinked by itself. I want that image should not get hotlinked unless a url is put in post.
    i guess i can close this topic now as i am ok with the modern theme. but wud like to sumhow stop the images getting hotlinked.

    Thanks for all the helps frenz

    P.S: if any1 understand the problem do let me know were the mistake was, but no need to put special efforts there Smile

    Male Posts : 51497
    Reputation : 3523
    Language : English
    Location : United States

    In progress Re: some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme

    Post by SLGray June 29th 2016, 8:25 pm

    Please post the default template.

    some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme Slgray10

    When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
    Never post your email in public.

    Male Posts : 67
    Reputation : 1
    Language : eng

    In progress Re: some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme

    Post by Jade~Prince July 1st 2016, 1:39 pm

    ok here is the default templete of the regular mobile version.

    <script type="text/javascript">
    var hiddenMsgLabel = { visible:'{JS_HIDE_HIDDEN_MESSAGE}', hidden:'{JS_SHOW_HIDDEN_MESSAGE}' };
    showHiddenMessage = function(id)
            var regId = parseInt(id, 10);
            if( isNaN(regId) ) { regId = 0; }
            if( regId > 0)
                $('.post--' + id).toggle(0, function()
                if( $(this).is(":visible") )
                   $('#hidden-title--' + id).html(hiddenMsgLabel.visible);
                   $('#hidden-title--' + id).html(hiddenMsgLabel.hidden);
        catch(e) { }
       return false;


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                                     {postrow.displayed.switch_attachments.switch_post_attachments.switch_no_dl_att.ATTACHMENT} {postrow.displayed.switch_attachments.switch_post_attachments.switch_no_dl_att.ATTACHMENT_DEL}
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                                     <!-- BEGIN switch_no_comment -->
                                     <!-- END switch_no_comment -->
                                     <!-- BEGIN switch_no_dl_att -->
                                     <!-- END switch_no_dl_att -->
                      <p>(<span class="ltr">{postrow.displayed.switch_attachments.switch_post_attachments.FILE_SIZE}</span>) {postrow.displayed.switch_attachments.switch_post_attachments.NB_DL}</p>
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                         <!-- END switch_attachments -->
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    somewhere something is clashing which I cant figure out. also another problem m facing is I have added "Quote" "Edit" &"Delete" button following a simple tut when I tested in my test forum as well as added it to another forum (a friend's) it's working flawlessly. but whenever I edit post in my main forum (Frenz 4 Ever) I get error and have to force edit it. cant figure out why only tis forum is making mess Evil or Very Mad

    some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme Error110

    Last edited by Jade~Prince on July 1st 2016, 1:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Male Posts : 6916
    Reputation : 795
    Language : Greek, English

    In progress Re: some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme

    Post by TheCrow July 1st 2016, 1:49 pm

    Hi @Jade~Prince,

    This seem to not show up to my screen. Maybe it's your phone and you'll need to clear your browser cookies and cashe..

    some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme Thecro10
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    Male Posts : 67
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    In progress Re: some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme

    Post by Jade~Prince July 1st 2016, 1:56 pm

    @luffy that's coz I changed the theme to modern now. The code was showing up in regular version of mobile theme. in modern one I hav the trouble of only images hotlinking to it's own direct like i.e; if anyone clicks on the images the image opens in next tab even though ther is no hotlink in the post or siggy for that matter. however if I use html code to post it works perfectly fine.

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    In progress Re: some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme

    Post by SLGray July 1st 2016, 8:57 pm

    Where did you get the modified template from?

    some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme Slgray10

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    Male Posts : 67
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    In progress Re: some wierd code showing next to images in mobile theme

    Post by Jade~Prince July 2nd 2016, 10:27 am

    I edited it bit by bit following few tuts from here, editing few stuff myself. btw the code issue is still there in default template also