mobile header problem notification not working with it Hitskin_logo

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    mobile header problem notification not working with it


    Male Posts : 659
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    mobile header problem notification not working with it Empty mobile header problem notification not working with it

    Post by Michael_vx October 12th 2016, 3:28 pm

    mobile header problem notification not working with it

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    the request owner cannot speak English so i`m requesting the help instead of him
    the problem owner wrote:بروفسير

    Male Posts : 659
    Reputation : 29
    Language : Arabic and some English
    Location : Egypt

    mobile header problem notification not working with it Empty Re: mobile header problem notification not working with it

    Post by Michael_vx October 14th 2016, 6:59 pm


    Male Posts : 659
    Reputation : 29
    Language : Arabic and some English
    Location : Egypt

    mobile header problem notification not working with it Empty Re: mobile header problem notification not working with it

    Post by Michael_vx October 16th 2016, 8:31 am

    close the topic to the Garbage
    no need for that request
    thanks and sorry for bothering

    Male Posts : 19324
    Reputation : 2005
    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    mobile header problem notification not working with it Empty Re: mobile header problem notification not working with it

    Post by Ape October 16th 2016, 3:26 pm

    Topic moved to the garbage.
    Please read our forum rules: ESF General Rules

    mobile header problem notification not working with it Left1212mobile header problem notification not working with it Center11mobile header problem notification not working with it Right112
    mobile header problem notification not working with it Ape_b110
    mobile header problem notification not working with it Ape1010