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Ch@lo Valdez
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    Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax)

    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 3 Empty Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax)

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez November 1st 2016, 2:15 am

    First topic message reminder :

    Hi, i made this code, is a "all in one" you can do all without change the current page, works in all version.

    1.- First, crate a new javascript file in your administration panel in all pages.
    2.- In your security, you must be allow external forms

    Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 3 Captur25

    3.- You can change all:
    1 is true and 0 is false

    config: {
            reply: 1,
            edit: 1,
            quote: 1,
            delete: 1,
            preview: 1,
            beroreunload: 1,
            placeholder: 1,
            letters: 5, //words before reply
            time: 3000,
            speed: 400, //speed of scroll animation
            color_a: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffff88 0%,#ffff88 100%)',
            color_b: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffaf4b 0%,#ff920a 100%)',
            color_c: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #87e0fd 0%,#53cbf1 40%,#05abe0 100%)',
            color_d: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ff3019 0%,#cf0404 100%)',
            color_e: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #d2ff52 0%,#91e842 100%)'
    update 11.10.2016 16:02:40

    console.log('//-----Written by Chalo ------- Open Source 2014-2016 -----//');
    console.log('//------------ ------------//');
    console.log('//--------------------- Version: 1.5b  ---------------------------//');
    console.log('//Reply, preview, quote, delete and more, without reload  //');
    var os = {
        config: {
            beroreunload: 1,
            edit: 1,
            quote: 1,
            delete: 1,
            preview: 1,
            reply: 1,
            placeholder: 1,
            letters: 5, //min words in the textarea before reply
            time: 3000,
            speed: 400,
            color_a: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffff88 0%,#ffff88 100%)',
            color_b: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffaf4b 0%,#ff920a 100%)',
            color_c: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #87e0fd 0%,#53cbf1 40%,#05abe0 100%)',
            color_d: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ff3019 0%,#cf0404 100%)',
            color_e: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #d2ff52 0%,#91e842 100%)'
        lang: {
            success_reply: 'Your message has been entered successfully', // <--- change this text exactly like is display in your language board
            flood: 'Flood control is active on this forum, please wait 10 second(s) before replying or posting',
            newpost: 'A new message has been posted',
            error_reply: 'Try again',
            reply_words: 'You must write ',
            reply_btn_send: 'Send data...',
            notice_default: 'No predefined text',
            no_message: 'There is nothing written in the editor',
            no_subject: 'You must specify a subject for your message.',
            pm_error_a: 'You must specify a username to whom to send this message.',
            pm_error_b: 'This or these user(s) do not exist',
            pm_error_c: 'You cannot make another post so soon after your last',
            pm_success: 'Your message has been sent',
            placeholder: 'write something here...',
            edit_subject_placeholder: 'The length of the title for this topic must be ranging between 10 and 255 characters',
            delete_main: 'Do you want delete the post #',
            delete_yes: 'Delete',
            delete_cancel: 'Cancel',
            edit_mode: 'Editing post #',
            quote_mode: 'Quoting post #',
            loading: 'Loading...',
            save: 'Save',
            notice_wait: 'Please be patient, sending data to the server',
        previewHTML: '<div id="preview_content"><a id="close" style="float:right;cursor:pointer;" onclick="os.close(\'preview\')"><img src=""></a></div>',
        delete_style: '#confirm_content { color: #fff; margin-bottom: 7px; padding-bottom: 5px; font-size: 30px}#confirm >a { display: inline-block; padding: 4px 12px; margin-bottom: 0; font-size: 12px; line-height: 20px; color: #333; text-align: center; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75); vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none!important;}#yes { color: #fff!important; text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); background-color: #5bb75b; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #62c462, #51a351)!important; background-repeat: repeat-x; border-color: #51a351 #51a351 #387038; border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)!important;}#cancel { margin-left: 5px; color: #fff!important; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #db5530 5%, #db1f1f 100%)!important; background-color: #db5530; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #854629;}',
        init: function () {
            os.isTheme = /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname);
            os.isPost = /\/post\?f=(\d+)&mode=(newtopic)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.isNewReply = /\/post\?t=(\d+)&mode=(reply)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.isEditPost = /\/post\?p=(\d+)&mode=(editpost)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.isMP = /\/privmsg\?mode=(post|reply|edit)/.test(window.location.href);
            os.phpbb2 = os.getEl('.bodylinewidth').length;
            os.phpbb3 = os.getEl('#phpbb');
            os.invision = os.getEl('#ipbwrapper');
            os.punbb = os.getEl('#pun-intro');
            os.subject = os.isTheme && os.getEl('h1')[0].textContent;
            os.body = os.getEl('body');
            os.form = os.getEl('forms').post;
            os.b_r =;
            os.b_r_v =;
            os.textarea = os.form.message;
            os.action = os.form.action;
   = os.getEl('.sceditor-group')[0];
            os.b_p = os.form.preview;
            os.b_p_v = os.b_p.value;
            os.url = os.isTheme ? '/post?t=' + os.form.t.value + '&mode=reply' : os.isPost && document.location.href;
            os.sceditor = $(os.textarea).sceditor('instance');
            os.content = os.punbb ? '.entry-content' : os.phpbb3 ? '.content' : os.invision ? '.post-entry' : os.phpbb2 && '.postbody';
            os.a = os.getEl('a');
            os.config.placeholder == 1 && (os.getEl('.sceditor-grip', os.form)[0].previousElementSibling.placeholder = os.lang.placeholder);
        buttons: function (a) {
            var b = 'os.get(this, \'quote\');return false',
                c = 'os.set_delete(this);return false',
                d = 'os.get(this,\'edit\');return false',
                e = ', \'preview\');return false',
                f = os.isMP ? ', \'mp\');return false' : ', \'reply\');return false',
            for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
                os.config.quote == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&mode\=(quote)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', b);
                os.config.delete == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&tid=(\w+)\&mode\=(delete)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', c);
                os.config.edit == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&mode\=(editpost)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', d);
            os.config.preview == 1 && os.b_p.setAttribute('onclick', e);
            os.config.reply == 1 && os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', f);
        get: function (c, d) {
            os.url_universal = 'undefined' != typeof c.href ? c.href : c;
            var a = os.url_universal.match(/(?!\/post\?p=(\w+)\&mode=)(editpost|quote)|viewtopic/)[0],
                b = os.post_number(os.url_universal),
                f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, t, u, x;
            os.XML('', os.url_universal, function (e) {
                x = e.responseXML;
                switch (a) {
                case 'editpost':
                    f =;
                    m = os.getEl('.post--' + b);
                    g = os.cr_el('input');
                    g.className = 'inputbox medium edit_subject';
                    g.placeholder = os.lang.edit_subject_placeholder;
           = 'subject';
           = 'display:table;margin:0 auto;width: 99%;margin-bottom: 5px';
                    g.value =;
                    !os.getEl('.edit_subject').length &&,;
                    os.edit_subject = os.getEl('.edit_subject')[0];
                    m.length && (m[0].style.border = '1px solid orange!important');
                    os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', ', \'edit\');return false');
                    os.encode_edit = os.serialize(;
                    os.url_edit = c.href, os.edit_number = b;
                    os.b_r.value =;
                    os.notice(os.lang.edit_mode + b, os.config.color_b, 'false');
                    os.scroll(os.form, os.config.speed);
                case 'quote':
                    os.scroll(os.form, os.config.speed);
                    f =;
                    h = os.sceditor.val();
                    os.sceditor.val(h + f);
                    os.notice(os.lang.quote_mode + b, os.config.color_a, 'false');
                case 'viewtopic':
                    k = os.getEl('.post--' + b, x)[0];
           = 'none';
                    k.className += ' new_ajax_post';
                    j = os.getEl('.post--' + b)[0];
                    'reply' == d && (os.buttons(os.getEl('a', k)), os.set_post(k));
                    'edit' == d && (t = os.getEl(os.content, k), u = t[0].innerHTML, os.getEl(os.content, j)[0].innerHTML = u, os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', ', \'reply\');return false'), os.fadeIn(j, 500), os.scroll(j, os.config.speed));
                    os.notice(os.lang.success_reply, os.config.color_e, 'true');
        post: function (e, o) {
            var t, s, r, n, i, l, a, c, p, d, f, u, g, _, b, m, h, v, y, h;
            os.sceditor.updateOriginal(), clearInterval(t), p = 'edit' == o && encodeURIComponent(os.sceditor.val()), v = 'edit' == o && encodeURIComponent(os.edit_subject.value), os.url_post = 'delete' == o ? e.href : os.form.action, os.uritexto = 'reply' == o || 'mp' == o ? os.serialize(os.form) + '&post=1&prevent_post=1' : 'preview' == o ? os.serialize(os.form) + '&preview=Preview' : 'delete' == o ? '&confirm=1' : '&subject=' + v + '&message=' + p + '&mode=editpost&p=' + os.edit_number + '&notify=on&&post=1&prevent_post=1', a = os.getEl('.new_ajax_post'), a.length && a[0].classList.remove('new_ajax_post'), y = os.sceditor.val(), y.length > 0 && y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g).length >= os.config.letters || 'delete' == o ? (os.isPost || os.isMP) && os.form.subject && os.form.subject.value.length >= 10 || 'preview' == o || os.isEditPost || os.isNewReply || os.isTheme ? ('delete' != o && (e.value = 'preview' == o ? os.lang.loading : os.lang.reply_btn_send, 'preview' == o ? = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d : = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d), os.XML(os.uritexto, os.url_post, function (e) {
                i = e.responseXML, l = os.getEl(os.phpbb2 ? '#page-body' : '#main', i), d = os.getEl('.postbody', i)[0], t = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.success_reply), s = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.flood), c = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.newpost), _ = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_b), b = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_c), m = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_success), h = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_a), /mp/.test(o) ? h > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_a, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : _ > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_b, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : b > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_c, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : m > 0 && (os.sceditor.val(''), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v), setTimeout(function () {
                    document.location.href = '/privmsg?folder=inbox'
                }, 2e3)) : /(reply|edit)/.test(o) ? (os.viewtopic(i), r = os.view_url, = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d, s > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.flood, os.config.color_b, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : c > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.newpost, os.config.color_b, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : 0 > t ? (os.notice(os.lang.error_reply, '', 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : os.isTheme ? ('undefined' != typeof r && os.get(r, o), 'edit' == o && os.edit_subject.remove(), os.notice(os.lang.notice_wait, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : (os.overlay(os.lang.loading), os.sceditor.val(''), setTimeout(function () {
                    document.location.href = r
                }, 2e3), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v))) : /preview/.test(o) ? (os.create_preview(), f = os.getEl('#preview_content'), f.appendChild(d), os.fadeIn(d, 500), os.b_p.value = os.b_p_v, = '') : /delete/.test(o) && (n = os.getEl('.post--' + os.post_number(os.url_post)), g = os.getEl('#confirm_wrap'), u = os.getEl('#overlay'), n.length && (os.phpbb2 ? (os.fadeOut(n[0].nextElementSibling, 500), os.fadeOut(n[0], 500)) : os.fadeOut(n[0], 500)), g && g.remove(), u && u.remove())
            })) : (os.notice(os.lang.no_subject, os.config.color_d, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v), = '') : (h = y.length > 0 && null != y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g) ? os.config.letters - y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g).length : 5, os.notice(os.lang.reply_words + h + ' word' + (h > 1 ? 's' : ''), os.config.color_d, 'true'), 'reply' == o ? os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v) : os.refresh(os.b_p, os.b_p_v))
        refresh: function (c, d) {
            c.value = d;
   = '';
        overlay: function (c) {
            var a = os.cr_el('div');
   = 'font-family:arial;display:block;position:fixed;top:0;left:0;min-height:101%;width:100%;background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);z-index:999;color:#fff;font-size: 45px; text-align: center; line-height: 13';
   = 'overlay';
            'undefined' != typeof c && (a.textContent = c);
        create_preview: function () {
            var m = os.cr_el('div');
   = 'background:#fff;left:15%;position:fixed;top:10%;width:70%;height:65%;overflow:auto;z-index:999;box-shadow:10px 10px 40px black;border-radius:3px;font-size:1.2em;padding:10px;font-family:Arial;text-shadow:0 1px 1px white;color:#666;';
   = 'preview_content';
            m.innerHTML = os.previewHTML;
        set_delete: function (f) {
            var d, b, c;
            b = os.cr_el('div');
            c = os.cr_el('style');
            b.innerHTML = '<div id="confirm_content">' + os.lang.delete_main + os.post_number(f.href) + '?' + '</div><div id="confirm"><a id="yes" class="yes" href="' + f.href + '" onclick=",\'delete\');return false">' + os.lang.delete_yes + '</a><a id="cancel" onclick="os.close(\'delete\')">' + os.lang.delete_cancel + '</a></div>';
   = 'confirm_wrap';
   = 'font-family:arial;display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; width: auto; text-align: center; z-index: 9999; padding: 7px 13px; position: fixed; top: 35%; left: 30%';
            c.innerHTML = os.delete_style;
            c.type = 'text/css';
   = 'd_style';
            !os.getEl('#d_style') && os.getEl('head').appendChild(c);
            d = os.getEl('#yes');
        set_post: function (h) {
            var e = os.punbb ? os.getEl('.topic')[0] : os.phpbb2 ? os.getEl('.catBottom')[0].parentNode.previousElementSibling : os.phpbb3 ? os.getEl('*bottomtitle')[0].previousElementSibling : os.invision && os.getEl('.topic-footer')[0].previousElementSibling;
            os.punbb ? e.appendChild(h) : e.parentNode.insertBefore(h, e.nextSibling);
            os.scroll(h, os.config.speed);
            os.fadeIn(h, 500);
        XML: function (a, b, f) {
            var c;
            c = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest : window.ActiveXObject && (new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'));
            'undefined' != typeof a ?'POST', b) :'GET', b, true);
            c.responseType = 'document';
            c.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
            c.send('undefined' != typeof a ? a : '');
            c.onreadystatechange = function () {
                this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200 && (f(this));
        serialize: function (b) {
            var a, i, j, l, s = [];
            if ('object' == typeof b && 'FORM' == b.nodeName) {
                l = b.elements.length;
                for (i = 0; l > i; i++)
                    if (a = b.elements[i], && !a.disabled && 'file' != a.type && 'reset' != a.type && 'submit' != a.type && 'button' != a.type)
                        if ('select-multiple' == a.type)
                            for (j = b.elements[i].options.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) a.options[j].selected && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.options[j].value));
                        else('checkbox' != a.type && 'radio' != a.type || a.checked) && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.value))
            return s.join('&').replace(/%20/g, '+');
        notice: function (c, f, h) {
            var a, b, d, e, g;
            g = os.getEl('.notice_reply');
            b =;
            d = b.parentNode;
            a = !g.length ? os.cr_el('DIV') : g[0];
            e = 'height:20px;line-height: 1.5;border-radius: 3px; text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.46);text-align:center';
            !g.length && (a.classList.add('notice_reply'), a.setAttribute('style', e), d.insertBefore(a, b));
   = 'block';
            a.innerHTML = 'undefined' == typeof c ? os.lang.notice_default : c;
   = ('undefined' == typeof f || f == '') ? os.config.color_a : f;
            'false' != h && setTimeout(function () {
                'block' == && ( = 'none')
            }, os.config.time);
        fadeIn: function (a, b) {
            var e, d;
            if (!a) return;
   = 0, = 'alpha(opacity=0)', = '', = 'visible',
                b ? (e = 0, d = setInterval(function () {
                    e += 50 / b, e >= 1 && (clearInterval(d), e = 1), = e, = 'alpha(opacity=' + e * 100 + ')'
                }, 50)) : ( = 1, = 'alpha(opacity=1)')
        fadeOut: function (o, e) {
            if (o)
                if (e) var s = 1,
                    t = setInterval(function () {
                        s -= 50 / e, s > 0 || (clearInterval(t), s = 0, = 'none', = 'hidden'), = s, = 'alpha(opacity=' + 100 * s + ')'
                    }, 50);
                else = 0, = 'alpha(opacity=0)', = 'none', = 'hidden'
        close: function (c) {
            var a = os.getEl(c == 'delete' ? '#confirm_wrap' : '#preview_content'),
                b = os.getEl('#overlay');
        scroll: function (o, e, t, s) {
            e = e || 500, s = s || window;
            var n = s.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset;
            if ('number' == typeof o) var r = parseInt(o);
            else var r = os.getTop(o, n);
            var l =,
                i = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || function (o) {
                    window.setTimeout(o, 15)
                a = function () {
                    var c = - l;
                    s !== window ? s.scrollTop = os.position(n, r, c, e) : window.scroll(0, os.position(n, r, c, e)), c > e ? 'function' == typeof t && t(o) : i(a)
        beforeunload: function () {
            var a = os.sceditor;
            a && (window.onbeforeunload = function () {
                if (a.val().length) {
                    return 'ok'
        easeInOutCubic: function (t) {
            return t < .5 ? 4 * t * t * t : (t - 1) * (2 * t - 2) * (2 * t - 2) + 1
        position: function (o, e, s, t) {
            return s > t ? e : o + (e - o) * os.easeInOutCubic(s / t)
        getTop: function (o, e) {
            return 'HTML' === o.nodeName ? -e : o.getBoundingClientRect().top + e
        viewtopic: function (h) {
            var i, g = os.getEl('a', h);
            for (i = 0; i < g.length; i++) {
                /\/viewtopic/g.test(g[i].href) && (os.view_url = g[i].href)
        post_number: function (c) {
            return c.match(/viewtopic/) ? c.match(/(\w+)$/g)[0] : c.match(/[\p\=](\w+)(?=\&)/)[1]
        cr_el: function (o, e) {
            var t = document.createElement(o);
            if (e) {
                for (var s in e) 'style' != s && (t[s] = e[s]);
            return t
        getEl: function (o, e) {
            e = 'undefined' != typeof e ? e : document;
            switch (o.charAt(0).match(/\W/) ? o.charAt(0) : o) {
            case '#':
                return e.getElementById(o.substr(1));
            case '.':
                return e.getElementsByClassName(o.substr(1));
            case '*':
                return e.getElementsByName(o.substr(1));
            case 'body':
                return e.body;
            case 'head':
                return e.head;
            case 'forms':
                return e.forms;
                return e.getElementsByTagName(o)
    $(function () {
        $(function () {
            (document.getElementById('logout') && /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname) || /\/post/.test(window.location.pathname) || /\/privmsg\?mode=(post|reply|edit)/.test(window.location.href)) && os.init()

    Please see my demo:


    Last edited by Ch@lo Valdez on November 22nd 2016, 6:36 am; edited 6 times in total (Reason for editing : minor fixes)

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    Post by Gwim_Weaper March 14th 2017, 6:07 pm

    In regard to the preview button on quick reply. How do I get rid of it?
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez March 14th 2017, 6:18 pm

    in config change preview: 0
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez March 14th 2017, 6:31 pm

    smurfavr wrote:What are these options?
    beroreunload: 1
    placeholder 1
    letters: 1,
    time: 3000,
    speed: 400,

    By writing a headline topic with less than 3 words show me this message. How do I remove the restriction on the number of words?
    no_subject: You must specify a subject for your message.

    beroreunload is the warnig text box before reload the page
    placeholder is the text in textarea
    letters is num of words in textarea before reply
    time is the time in disappears all notice
    speed is the time scrolliling the pag,e example after reply or quoting in a post

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    Post by Chelly March 25th 2017, 3:09 am

    Hey @Ch@lo Valdez

    I've put this code on my test forum (phpbb2) and everything works except for the quick reply. When I go to type in a message, it tells me it's sending but the page doesn't update with the new message. I have to refresh the page in order to get it to show. I've disabled all other scripts to make sure nothing was conflicting with it, but that didn't solve the issue either. I haven't changed any settings from your original code except for this:

    letters: 0, //min words in the textarea before reply

    This is what it's doing basically. It just.. does nothing after send goes away. When I refresh the page, the message does show up.

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    I have a couple of extra test accounts. I can give you access if you need it to troubleshoot. I've looked up and down the script and I can't see anything that would cause this not to work. Most of the customizations I've done on the forum are via CSS. Would that be conflicting?


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    Post by Milouze14 May 27th 2017, 7:59 pm

    thank my friend Wink .

    Ivan Ivanov
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    Post by Ivan Ivanov May 31st 2017, 5:30 pm

    Let me out of this big code to view a message in a popup window.

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    Post by Paradise February 19th 2018, 1:36 am

    @Ch@lo Valdez this code is working but there is some problems which is i need to refresh the page before i can see posted message via "quote" or "editing"
    Hardcore Gamer

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    Post by Hardcore Gamer February 26th 2018, 3:13 am

    Paradise wrote:@Ch@lo Valdez this code is working but there is some problems which is i need to refresh the page before i can see posted message via "quote" or "editing"

    Same here. I installed the code, working perfectly, when I post a message... I have to refresh the page in order to see said post. Using ModernBB.

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    Post by teliosmetonma1 March 22nd 2018, 4:55 pm

    Hello. Im using PunBB but it doesnt work. Can somebody answer me?
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    Post by Hardcore Gamer March 23rd 2018, 7:47 am

    I would love to use this with ModernBB but there are too many issues with this code.

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    Post by teliosmetonma1 April 7th 2018, 5:58 pm

    Sorry, im using php2. It doesnt work. It only works to punbb i think...
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    Post by SarkZKalie April 8th 2018, 8:16 am

    This script is only apply for default template.

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    Post by teliosmetonma1 April 9th 2018, 10:47 am

    Oh... Sorry then

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    Post by teliosmetonma1 April 15th 2018, 9:07 pm

    Is this possible for punbb?
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    Post by Nigrin May 8th 2018, 4:57 pm

    Hi Chalo!

    First of all congratulations for the script, it's fantastic!

    My problem is that when I post or edit, this message appears and it does not update.

    Although the page is stopped, when we enter the post the quick response appears.

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    Can you help me? I really liked the script.



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    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez May 8th 2018, 5:10 pm

    teliosmetonma1 wrote:Is this possible for punbb?

    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez May 8th 2018, 5:11 pm

    teliosmetonma1 wrote:Sorry, im using php2. It doesnt work. It only works to punbb i think...
    this script works in all forums without changes (phpbb3, 2, punbb, invision etc)

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    Post by teliosmetonma1 May 8th 2018, 6:36 pm

    Ch@lo Valdez wrote:
    teliosmetonma1 wrote:Sorry, im using php2. It doesnt work. It only works to punbb i think...
    this script works in all forums without changes (phpbb3, 2, punbb, invision etc)

    My problem is that you cannot double post and it doesnt work this non-reload content when you post. Also my browser is asking me if i want to stay or leave the page sometimes when i post.

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    Post by Ritsu June 2nd 2018, 12:47 am

    @Ch@lo Valdez, it works for ModernBB, but it makes a conflict with this. Can you attach a new script to this?

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    Post by TheCrow June 2nd 2018, 12:50 am

    Ritsu wrote:@Ch@lo Valdez, it works for ModernBB, but it makes a conflict with this. Can you attach a new script to this?

    But this code contains the reply using ajax. Why would you use this if you will be using this one. This one contains everything so there's no need to use the other one! Wink


    Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 3 Thecro10
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    Post by Ritsu June 2nd 2018, 2:24 am

    Yes, it does. But it's not a new version, working on ModernBB.
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez June 2nd 2018, 9:15 am

    Ritsu wrote:@Ch@lo Valdez, it works for ModernBB, but it makes a conflict with this. Can you attach a new script to this?

    it's a different script, it's not easy to do, maybe later, sorry i have not time in this moment, maybe later Sad

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    Post by Ritsu June 2nd 2018, 9:34 am

    That's okay. I'll wait untill you'll manage to do this ^^
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez June 2nd 2018, 9:45 am

    i have this beta version is you want to try be my guess


    console.log("//-----Written by Chalo ------- Open Source 2014-2018 -----//"),
        console.log("//------------ ------------//"),
        console.log("//--------------------- Version: 2.0-----------------------//"),
        console.log("//Reply, preview, quote, delete and more, without reload  //");
    var _ = {
        config: {
            beroreunload: 1,
            edit: 1,
            quote: 1,
            delete: 1,
            preview: 1,
            reply: 1,
            vote: 0,
            voteImg: "",
            placeholder: 1,
            words: 2,
            noticeTime: 3e3,
            scrollSpeed: 400,
            color_a: "linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffff88 0%,#ffff88 100%)",
            color_b: "linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffaf4b 0%,#ff920a 100%)",
            color_c: "linear-gradient(to bottom, #87e0fd 0%,#53cbf1 40%,#05abe0 100%)",
            color_d: "linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255,26,0,0.5) 0%,rgba(255,26,0,0.5) 100%)",
            color_e: "linear-gradient(to bottom, #d2ff52 0%,#91e842 100%)",
            textareaHeight: 250,
            closeImg: "",
            color_border_edit: "darkorange",
            voteLocation: ".profile-icons",
            votePosition: "append",
            editor_id: 1,
            autofocus: 1,
            autoexpand: 1,
            id: "fm_editor",
            staff: [{
                name: "ok",
                bg_button: "",
                bgc_post: "#effeb9",
                bg_post: "",
                color: "#84c754"
            }, {
                name: "info",
                bg_button: "",
                bgc_post: "#d1e4f3",
                bg_post: "",
                color: "blue"
            }, {
                name: "alert",
                bg_button: "",
                bgc_post: "#ffeaa9",
                bg_post: "",
                color: "brown"
            }, {
                name: "warning",
                bg_button: "",
                bgc_post: "#fccac3",
                bg_post: "",
                color: "red"
            }, {
                name: "tip",
                bg_button: "",
                bgc_post: "#f2f2f2",
                bg_post: "",
                color: "#aaa"
            sr: "entered successfully",
            fd: "Flood control is active",
            nt: "A new message",
            tg: "is too long",
            pa: "You must specify",
            pb: "do not exist",
            pc: "You cannot",
            ps: "has been sent",
            da: "delete"
        lang: {
            success_reply: "Your message has been entered successfully",
            flood: "Flood control is active on this forum, please wait 10 second(s) before replying or posting",
            newpost: "A new message has been posted",
            too_long: "The posted message is too long.",
            error_reply: "Try again",
            reply_words: "Must write",
            reply_btn_send: "Send data...",
            notice_default: "No predefined text",
            no_message: "There is nothing written in the editor",
            no_subject: "You must specify a subject for your message.",
            pm_error_a: "You must specify a username to whom to send this message.",
            pm_error_b: "This or these user(s) do not exist",
            pm_error_c: "You cannot make another post so soon after your last",
            pm_success: "Your message has been sent",
            placeholder: "Write something...",
            edit_subject_placeholder: "The length of the title for this topic must be ranging between 10 and 255 characters",
            delete_main: "Do you want delete the post #",
            delete_yes: "Delete",
            delete_cancel: "Cancel",
            edit_mode: "Editing post #",
            quote_mode: "Quoting post #",
            loading: "Loading...",
            save: "Save",
            wait: "Please be patient, sending data to the server",
            doubleclick: "Be patient",
            vote: "Like",
            QuoteButton: "",
            DeleteButton: "",
            EditButton: "",
            replyButton: "",
            newtopicButton: ""
        init: function () {
            _.cel = document.getElementById("mpage-body-modern"), _.loc = window.location.href, _.isTheme = /\/t\d+/g.test(_.loc), _.isPost = /\/post\?f=(\d+)&mode=(newtopic)/.test(_.loc), _.isEditPost = /\/post\?p=(\d+)&mode=(editpost)/.test(_.loc), _.isNewReply = /\/post\?t=(\d+)&mode=(reply)/.test(_.loc), _.isMP = /\/privmsg\?mode=(post|reply|edit)/.test(_.loc), _.phpbb2 = _.e(".bodylinewidth").length, _.phpbb3 = _.e("#phpbb"), _.invision = _.e("#ipbwrapper"), _.punbb = _.e("#pun-intro"), _.modernbb = _.e(".modernbb"), _.subject = _.isTheme && _.e("h1")[0], _.body = _.e("body"), _.form = _.e("forms").post, _.b_r =, _.b_r_v =, _.textarea = _.form.message, _.action = _.form.action, _.b_p = _.form.preview, _.b_p_v = _.b_p.value, _.url = _.isTheme ? "/post?t=" + _.form.t.value + "&mode=reply" : _.isPost && _.loc, _.content = _.punbb ? ".entry-content" : _.modernbb ? ".content" : _.phpbb3 ? ".content" : _.invision ? ".post-entry" : _.phpbb2 && ".postbody", _.a = _.e("a"), 1 == && _.setVote(), _.oc_a = "_.get(this, 'quote');return false", _.oc_b = "_.get(this);return false", _.oc_c = "_.get(this,'edit');return false", _.oc_d = "_.send(this, 'preview');return false", _.oc_e = _.isMP ? "_.send(this, 'mp');return false" : "_.send(this, 'reply');return false", _.oc_f = "_.send(this, 'edit');return false", !_.cel && _.setButtons(_.a), !_.cel && _.initSceditor(), _.celOptions()
        setButtons: function (e) {
            var o, t;
            for (t in e) o = e[t], /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&mode\=(quote)/.test(o.href) && (1 == _.config.quote && _.attr(o, {
                onclick: _.oc_a,
                className: "quote Button"
            }), "" != _.lang.QuoteButton && (o.innerHTML = _.lang.QuoteButton)), /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&tid=(\w+)\&mode\=(delete)/.test(o.href) && (1 == _.config["delete"] && _.attr(o, {
                onclick: _.oc_b,
                className: "delete Button"
            }), "" != _.lang.DeleteButton && (o.innerHTML = _.lang.DeleteButton)), /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&mode\=(editpost)/.test(o.href) && (1 == _.config.edit && _.attr(o, {
                onclick: _.oc_c,
                className: "edit Button"
            }), "" != _.lang.EditButton && (o.innerHTML = _.lang.EditButton)), /\/post\?t=(\d+)\&mode\=(reply)/.test(o.href) && (_.attr(o, {
                className: "reply Button ion-reply button1"
            }), "" != _.lang.replyButton && (o.innerHTML = _.lang.replyButton)), /\/post\?f=(\d+)\&mode\=(newtopic)/.test(o.href) && (_.attr(o, {
                className: "newtopic Button ion-edit button1"
            }), "" != _.lang.newtopicButton && (o.innerHTML = _.lang.newtopicButton));
            1 == _.config.preview && _.b_p && _.b_p.setAttribute("onclick", _.oc_d), 1 == _.config.reply && _.b_r && _.b_r.setAttribute("onclick", _.oc_e)
        whereiam: function (e) {
            return url_newposts.match(/(?!search_where=f)(\d+)/g)[0] == e
        scrollDownload: function () {
            if (_.whereiam(22) && _.e(".descargar").length) {
                for (var e = _.e(".descargar"), o = e.length, t = 0; o > t; t++) _.e(".no_code", e[t])[0].style.display = "block";
                _.scroll(e[0], 300)
        celOptions: function () {
            _.e(".box-subtle").length && setTimeout(function () {
                var e, o, t, n = _.e(".box-subtle")[0],
                    a = n.lastChild;
                _.e(".btn")[0].onclick = function () {
                    return e = _.serialize(a), _.XML(e, a.action, function (e) {
                        o = e.responseXML, t = _.e("#mpage-body-modern", o), console.log(o), t.innerHTML.indexOf( ? (_.getViewtopic(o), _.e("textarea", a)[0].value = "", _.XML("", _.view_url, function (e) {
                            var o = e.responseXML,
                                t = _.last(_.e(".post-section", o)),
                                n = _.last(_.e(".post-section"));
                            _.move(t, n, "after"), _.fadeIn(t, "300"), _.scroll(t, _.config.scrollSpeed)
                        })) : alert("Ocurrio un error")
                    }), !1
            }, 9e3)
        get: function (e, o) {
            _.url = "undefined" != typeof e.href ? e.href : e;
            var s, c, l, p, g, b, h, w, t = _.url.match(/(?!\/post\?p=(\w+)\&mode=)(editpost|quote|vote|delete)|viewtopic/)[0],
                n = _.postNumber(_.url);
            _.post_target = null != _.closest(e, ".post") ? _.closest(e, ".post") : _.e(".post--" + n)[0], l = _.post_target, !/viewtopic/.test(t) && e.setAttribute("onclick", "_.wait();return false"), /quote/.test(t) && 0 != _.selection() ? _.quickQuote( : /delete/.test(t) ? _.setDelete(_.url) : _.XML("", _.url, function (a) {
                switch (w = a.responseXML, s = "vote" != t &&, a = "vote" != t && &&, t) {
                    case "editpost":
                        _.setCancel(), _.notice(_.lang.edit_mode + n, _.config.color_b, "false"), _.preEdit(l, a), _.hold = _.e(".vote", l).length && _.e(".vote", l)[0], _.edit_subject = _.e(".edit_subject")[0], _.edit_subject.val = _.edit_subject.value, _.sceditor.val(s), _.b_r.setAttribute("onclick", _.oc_f), _.edit_number = n, _.b_r.value =, _.scroll(_.form, _.config.scrollSpeed);
                    case "quote":
                        _.setCancel(), _.scroll(_.form, _.config.scrollSpeed), _.insert(s), _.notice(_.lang.quote_mode + n, _.config.color_a, "false");
                    case "viewtopic":
                        switch (p = _.e(".post--" + n, w)[0], _.attr(p, {
                            style: {
                                display: "none"
                            className: p.className + " new_ajax_post",
                            innerHTML: _.parse(p.innerHTML)
                        }), _.setButtons(_.e("a", p)), _.setButtons(_.a, l), setTimeout(function () {
                        }, 500), o) {
                            case "reply":
                            case "edit":
                                b = _.e(_.content, p), h = b[0].innerHTML;
                                var i = _.e(".vote", l);
                                _.e(_.content, l)[0].innerHTML = h, i.length && _.move(_.hold, i[0], "replaceWith"), _.edit_subject.val != _.edit_subject.value && (_.h2(l).textContent = _.edit_subject.value, _.cTitle(l, _.edit_subject.value)), _.remove(_.edit_subject), _.b_r.setAttribute("onclick", _.oc_e), _.fadeIn(l, 500), _.scroll(l, _.config.scrollSpeed)
                        _.sceditor.val(""), _.e("#cancel_form") && _.remove(_.e("#cancel_form")), _.backColor("#000"), _.editorOverlay(!1), _.notice(_.lang.success_reply, _.config.color_e, "true");
                    case "vote":
                        c = _.e("span", e.parentNode), g = parseInt(c[0].innerHTML) + parseInt(1), c.length && (c[0].innerHTML = g + " " + + (1 == g ? "" : "s")), _.e("img", e)[0].style.opacity = ".3", e.removeAttribute("onclick"), e.removeAttribute("href")
        send: function (e, o) {
            var t, n, a, s, r, l, p, d, m, u, f, b, h, w, v, y, x, N, C, x, T, M;
            _.E = "edit" == o, _.R = "reply" == o, _.D = "delete" == o, _.Q = "quote" == o, _.M = "mp" == o, _.P = "preview" == o, _.regex = /\w{2,}\b/g, m = _.E && encodeURIComponent(_.sceditor.val()), N = _.E && encodeURIComponent(_.edit_subject.value), p = _.e(".new_ajax_post"), p.length && p[0].classList.remove("new_ajax_post"), C = _.sceditor.val(), _.url_post = _.D ? e.href : _.form.action, _.uritexto = _.M || _.R ? _.serialize(_.form) + "&post=1&prevent_post=1" : _.P ? _.serialize(_.form) + "&preview=Preview" : _.D ? "&confirm=1" : "&subject=" + N + "&message=" + m + "&mode=editpost&p=" + _.edit_number + "&notify=on&&post=1&prevent_post=1", C.length > 0 && null != C.match(_.regex) && C.match(_.regex).length >= _.config.words || _.D ? (_.isPost || _.isMP) && _.form.subject && _.form.subject.value.length >= 10 || _.isNewReply || _.P || _.isEditPost || _.isTheme ? (!_.D && _.prePost(e), _.XML(_.uritexto, _.url_post, function (e) {
                switch (r = e.responseXML, l = _.e(_.phpbb2 ? "#page-body" : "#main", r), u = _.e(_.content, r).length && _.e(_.content, r)[0], w = l.innerHTML, t = w.indexOf(, n = w.indexOf(_.config.fd), d = w.indexOf(_.config.nt), h = w.indexOf(_.config.pb), v = w.indexOf(_.config.pc), y = w.indexOf(, x = w.indexOf(, T = w.indexOf(, M = w.indexOf(_.config.da), o) {
                    case "mp":
                        x > 0 ? _.response(_.lang.pm_error_a, _.config.color_c, "true", _.b_r, _.b_r_v, "#000", 1) : h > 0 ? _.response(_.lang.pm_error_b, _.config.color_c, "true", _.b_r, _.b_r_v, "#000", 1) : v > 0 ? _.response(_.lang.pm_error_c, _.config.color_c, "true", _.b_r, _.b_r_v, "#000", 1) : y > 0 && (_.sceditor.val(""), _.rF(_.b_r, _.b_r_v), setTimeout(function () {
                            document.location.href = "/privmsg?folder=inbox"
                        }, 2e3));
                    case "reply":
                    case "edit":
                        _.getViewtopic(r), a = _.view_url,, {
                            color: "#fff",
                            background: _.config.color_d
                        }), n > 0 ? _.response(_.lang.flood, _.config.color_b, "true", _.b_r, _.b_r_v, "#000", 1) : d > 0 ? _.response(_.lang.newpost, _.config.color_b, "true", _.b_r, _.b_r_v, "#000", 1) : 0 > t ? _.response(_.lang.error_reply, "", "true", _.b_r, _.b_r_v, "#000", 1) : _.isTheme ? ("undefined" != typeof a && _.get(a, o), _.response(_.lang.wait, _.config.color_c, "true", _.b_r, _.b_r_v, "#dededf", 0)) : (_.overlay(_.lang.loading), _.backColor("#dededf"), setTimeout(function () {
                            window.onbeforeunload = !1, document.location.href = a
                        }, 2e3), _.rF(_.b_r, _.b_r_v));
                    case "preview":
                        !u || T > 0 ? _.response(_.lang.too_long, _.config.color_d, "true", _.b_p, _.b_p_v, "#000", 1) : (_.setPreview(u), _.rF(_.b_p, _.b_p_v));
                    case "delete":
                        s = _.post_target, b = _.e("#confirm_wrap"), f = _.e("#overlay"), M > 0 ? (s && (_.phpbb2 ? (_.fadeOut(s.nextElementSibling, 500), _.fadeOut(s, 500)) : _.fadeOut(s, 500)), b && _.remove(b), f && _.remove(f)) : _.text_init(_.e("#confirm_content"), "Error, try again or later")
            })) : (_.response(_.lang.no_subject, _.config.color_d, "true", _.b_r, _.b_r_v, "#000", 1), _.b_r.removeAttribute("style")) : (x = C.length > 0 && null != C.match(_.regex) ? _.config.words - C.match(_.regex).length : _.config.words, _.notice(0 == C.length ? _.lang.no_message : _.lang.reply_words + x + " more word" + (1 >= x ? "" : "s"), _.config.color_d, "true"), _.R ? _.rF(_.b_r, _.b_r_v) : _.rF(_.b_p, _.b_p_v))
        prePost: function (e) {
            e.value = _.P ? _.lang.loading : _.lang.reply_btn_send, (_.isTheme || _.isPost && _.P) && (_.editorOverlay(_.lang.loading), _.backColor("#dededf")), _.P ? _.attr(_.b_p, {
                onclick: "",
                style: {
                    color: "#fff",
                    background: _.config.color_d
            }) : _.attr(_.b_r, {
                onclick: "",
                style: {
                    color: "#fff",
                    background: _.config.color_d
        preEdit: function (e, o) {
  , {
                border: "1px solid " + _.config.color_border_edit
            }), !_.e(".edit_subject").length && _.create("input", {
                className: "inputbox medium edit_subject",
                placeholder: _.lang.edit_subject_placeholder,
                name: "subject",
                value: o,
                style: {
                    display: "table",
                    margin: "3px auto 5px",
                    width: "99%"
            },, "before")
        cancel: function (e) {
            var o = _.e(".notice_reply"),
                t = _.e(".edit_subject");
            _.setButtons(_.e("a", _.post_target)), _.remove(e), o.length && _.remove(o[0]), t.length && _.remove(t[0]), _.b_r.value == && _.rF(_.b_r, _.b_r_v), _.sceditor.val("")
        close: function (e) {
            var t = _.e(/delete/.test(e) ? "#confirm_wrap" : "#preview_content"),
                n = _.e("#overlay");
            _.fadeOut(t, 500), _.fadeOut(n, 500), setTimeout(function () {
                _.remove(t), _.remove(n)
            }, 600), = = "none", /preview/.test(e) && _.backColor("#000")
        setCancel: function () {
            var e = document.createTextNode(" "),
                o = _.e("#cancel_form");
            !o && (_.create("input", {
                id: "cancel_form",
                className: "button",
                type: "submit",
                name: "cancel",
                value: _.lang.delete_cancel,
                onclick: "_.cancel(this);return false"
            }, _.b_p, "before"), _.move(e, _.b_p, "before"))
        setVote: function () {
            var e, o, t, a, i, l, d, u, g, f = _.config.voteImg,
                b = _.e(".vote");
            for (e = 0; e < b.length; e++) i = b[e], l = _.closest(i, ".post"), o = _.e("a", i), t = o.length && o[0], u = t.href, a = _.e(".vote-bar", i)[0] || _.e(".vote-bar-desc", i)[0], d = i.childNodes, _.nv = _.e(".vote-bar", i).length || _.e(".vote-bar-desc", i).length && a.title.match(/(\d+)/g)[1], _.attr(i, {
                className: "vote new_vote",
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                    marginBottom: "20px",
                    "float": "inherit",
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                    width: "18px",
                    height: "18px"
            }, g, "append"), _.create("span", {
                className: "counter",
                innerHTML: _.nv + " " + + (1 == _.nv ? "" : "s"),
                style: {
                    marginLeft: "5px",
                    "float": "right",
                    lineHeight: "1.7",
                    fontSize: "11px"
            }, g, "append"), 1 == d.length ? (_.move(g, a, "replaceWith"), _.e("img", i)[0].style.opacity = "0.4") : (_.create("a", {
                className: "like",
                href: u,
                onclick: "_.get(this,'vote');return false",
                innerHTML: "",
                style: {
                    "float": "right",
                    display: "inline-block",
                    fontSize: "11px"
            }, g, "append"), i.innerHTML = "", _.move(g.firstChild, g.lastChild, "append"), _.move(g, i, "append")), 0 != _.config.voteLocation && _.e(_.config.voteLocation, l).length && _.move(i, _.e(_.config.voteLocation, l)[0], _.config.votePosition)
        setPreview: function (e) {
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        setDelete: function (e) {
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                onclick: "_.send(this, 'delete');return false",
                innerHTML: _.lang.delete_yes,
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        setPost: function (e) {
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        overlay: function (e) {
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        XML: function (e, o, t) {
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        serialize: function (e) {
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        notice: function (e, o, t) {
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                "" == a[0].style.display && _.fadeOut(a[0], 500)
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        last: function (e) {
            return e[e.length - 1]
        fadeIn: function (e, o) {
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                t += 50 / o, t >= 1 && (clearInterval(n), t = 1),, {
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        fadeOut: function (e, o) {
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        closest: function (e, o) {
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                e = n
            return null
        scroll: function (e, o, t, n) {
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            var r =,
                c = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || function (e) {
                    window.setTimeout(e, 15)
                a = function () {
                    var l = - r;
                    n !== window ? n.scrollTop = _.pS(s, i, l, o) : window.scroll(0, _.pS(s, i, l, o)), l > o ? "function" == typeof t && t(e) : c(a)
        parseBBcode: function () {
            var e, t, n, a, i = _.e(".post"),
                r = i.length;
            for (_.post_data = [], e = 0; r > e; e++) a = i[e], t = a.className, n = /post--/.test(t), n && (a.innerHTML = _.parse(a.innerHTML)), n && Array.isArray([t]) && _.post_data.push({
                "class": [t.match(/(\d+)$/)[0]],
                position: e
        parse: function (e) {
            var t, o, n, a, s, i, r, c, l, o = _.config.staff,
                p = "text-align: justify;padding: 8px 8px 8px 40px;min-height: 20px;margin-top: 5px; font-size: 14px; font-style: initial; width: 90.5%; margin-left: 14px;display:block;line-height: 1.6;text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.68);border-radius: 5px;";
            _.compreg = [], _.bbhtml = [];
            for (t in o) n = o[t].name, i = o[t].bg_post, r = o[t].color, l = o[t].bgc_post, c = '<span class="' + n + '" style="background: url(' + i + ") no-repeat 6px " + l + ";border:1px solid " + r + ";color:" + r + ";" + p + '">$1</span>', a = "[" + n + "]", s = "[/" + n + "]", _.compreg.push(_.reg(a, s)), _.bbhtml.push(c);
            var d = _.compreg,
                m = _.bbhtml;
            for (t in d) e = e.replace(d[t], m[t]);
            return e
        initSceditor: function () {
            $.sceditor && toolbar && (_.opts = $.sceditor.defaultOptions, 1 == _.config.editor_id && ( =, 1 == _.config.autofocus && (_.opts.autofocus = !0), 1 == _.config.autoExpand && (_.opts.autoExpand = !0), _.opts.autoUpdate = !0, _.setBBcode())
        setBBcode: function () {
            var e, o, t, n, s;
            if ($.sceditor && toolbar && _.config.staff.length && _userdata.user_level > 0) {
                _.trp = [], s = _.config.staff, o = s.length, t = [];
                for (e in s) n = s[e].name, _.trp.push(n), t.push(function (e) {
                    $.sceditor.command.set(e, {
                        exec: function () {
                            this.insertText("[" + e + "]", "[/" + e + "]")
                        txtExec: function () {
                            this.insertText("[" + e + "]", "[/" + e + "]")
                        tooltip: "Mod tool " + e
                for (e in t) t[e](s[e].name)
            toolbar = _userdata.user_level > 0 ? toolbar.replace(/source/, "maximize,source|" + _.trp.join()) : toolbar.replace(/source/, "maximize,source"), $(document).ready(function (e) {
        sc: function () {
            if (_.sceditor = $(_.textarea).sceditor("instance"), = _.e(".sceditor-group")[0], _.rC = _.e(".sceditor-resize-cover")[0], _.bM = _.e(".sceditor-button-maximize"), _.fa = _.e("#fa_toolbar"), _.text_a = _.e("textarea", _.form)[1], 1 == _.config.placeholder && (_.text_a.placeholder = _.lang.placeholder), 1 == _.config.beroreunload && _.beforeunload(), _.isTheme && (_.sceditor.height(_.config.textareaHeight), _.parseBBcode()), _.bM.length && (_.bM[0].onclick = function () {
                    _.fa && (_.sceditor.maximize() && _.fadeOut(_.fa, 300), !_.sceditor.maximize() && _.fadeIn(_.fa, 300))
                }), _userdata.user_level > 0) {
                var e, o, t;
                e = _.config.staff, o = e.length;
                for (t in e) _.e("div", _.e(".sceditor-button-" + e[t].name)[0])[0].style.backgroundImage = "url(" + e[t].bg_button + ")"
        text_int: function (e, o) {
            return e.textContent = o
        insert: function (e) {
            insertIntoEditor(e + "\n")
        cTitle: function (e, o) {
            !location.href.match(/p(\d+)/) && _.checkFirst(e) && (_.subject.textContent = o)
        checkFirst: function (e) {
            var o = _.post_data[0]["class"][0];
            return o == e.className.match(/(\d+)/)[0]
        regexEscaped: function (e) {
            return e.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&")
        quickQuote: function (e) {
            _.setCancel(), _.scroll(_.form, _.config.scrollSpeed), _.insert('[quote="' + e + '"]' + _.selection() + "[/quote]")
        reg: function (e, o) {
            var t;
            return t = "gm", e = _.regexEscaped(e), o = _.regexEscaped(o), new RegExp(e + "(.*?)" + o, t)
        postNumber: function (e) {
            return e.match(/viewtopic/) ? e.match(/(\w+)$/g)[0] : e.match(/[\p\=](\w+)(?=\&)/)[1]
        move: function (e, o, t) {
            switch (t) {
                case "append":
                case "prepend":
                    o.insertBefore(e, o.childNodes[0]);
                case "before":
                    o.parentNode.insertBefore(e, o);
                case "after":
                    o.parentNode.insertBefore(e, o.nextSibling);
                case "replaceWith":
                    o.parentNode.replaceChild(e, o)
        beforeunload: function () {
            var e = _.sceditor;
            e && (window.onbeforeunload = function () {
                return e.val().length ? "" : void 0
        editorOverlay: function (e) {
            _.attr(_.rC, {
                innerHTML: 0 != e ? e : "",
                style: {
                    display: 0 != e ? "block" : "none",
                    color: "#fff",
                    fontSize: "20px",
                    lineHeight: "12",
                    textAlign: "center"
        wait: function () {
            _.overlay(_.lang.doubleclick), setTimeout(function () {
            }, _.config.noticeTime)
        name: function (e) {
            var o, t, n = _.modernbb ? ".postprofile-name" : _.punbb ? ".username" : _.invision || _.phpbb3 ? ".author" : _.phpbb2 && ".name";
            return o = _.e(n, e)[0], t = _.punbb || _.modernbb ? o.childNodes[0] : _.invision || _.phpbb3 ? o.childNodes[2] : _.phpbb2 && o.childNodes[1], t.textContent
        response: function (e, o, t, n, a, s, i) {
            _.notice(e, o, t), _.rF(n, a), _.backColor(s), 1 == i && _.editorOverlay(!1)
        backColor: function (e) {
            _.sceditor.css("body { color: " + e + "; }"), = e
        create: function (e, o, t, n) {
            var a = 1 == e.nodeType ? e : document.createElement(e);
            _.attr(a, o), _.move(a, t, n)
        remove: function (e) {
        attr: function (e, o) {
            for (var t in o) "style" != t && (e[t] = o[t], /^on/.test(t) && e.setAttribute(t, o[t]));
        style: function (e, o) {
            if ("string" == typeof e && (e = _.e(e)),
                for (var t in o)[t] = o[t];
            return this
        selection: function () {
            var e = "";
            return window.getSelection ? e = window.getSelection().toString() : document.selection && "Control" != document.selection.type && (e = document.selection.createRange().text), e
        rF: function (e, o) {
            _.attr(e, {
                value: o,
                onclick: _.R ? _.oc_e : _.oc_d
            }), e.removeAttribute("style")
        eC: function (e) {
            return .5 > e ? 4 * e * e * e : (e - 1) * (2 * e - 2) * (2 * e - 2) + 1
        pS: function (e, o, t, n) {
            return e + (o - e) * _.eC(t / n)
        gT: function (e, o) {
            return "HTML" === e.nodeName ? -o : e.getBoundingClientRect().top + o
        h2: function (e) {
            return _.modernbb || _.punbb || _.phpbb3 ? _.e("a", _.e("h2", e)[0])[0] : _.invision ? _.e("a", _.e("h3", e)[0])[0] : _.phpbb2 && _.e(".postdetails", e)[1].childNodes[1]
        getViewtopic: function (e) {
            var o, t = _.e("a", e);
            for (o in t) /\/viewtopic/g.test(t[o].href) && (_.view_url = t[o].href)
        e: function (e, o) {
            switch (o = "undefined" != typeof o ? o : document, e.charAt(0).match(/\W/) ? e.charAt(0) : e) {
                case "#":
                    return o.getElementById(e.substr(1));
                case ".":
                    return o.getElementsByClassName(e.substr(1));
                case "*":
                    return o.getElementsByName(e.substr(1));
                case "body":
                    return o.body;
                case "head":
                    return o.head;
                case "forms":
                    return o.forms;
                    return o.getElementsByTagName(e)
    $(function () {
        (document.getElementById("logout") && /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname) || /\/post/.test(window.location.pathname) || /\/privmsg\?mode=(post|reply|edit)/.test(window.location.href)) && _.init()

    Is experimental, have a lot of stuff, like vote system, extra bbcodes, and more


    remove all my codes before install this

    Male Posts : 63
    Reputation : 7
    Language : Polish, English
    Location : Poland

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    Post by Ritsu June 2nd 2018, 10:08 am

    But... it says "try again" in reply :/ I don't know what to change in translations to make it work correctly! My forum is Polish.
    Works like charm, I changed "sr", "ps" and "success_reply" vars.

    Actually, "delete" button seems not to work correctly. When you click "delete", it surely does it, but it has no effect on the screen. (after refresh message is deleted) It was a language problem.

    Now editing doesn't work. Says to try again. I tried it on English forum and it doesn't work, so it's not a language problem anymore.
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

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    Post by Ch@lo Valdez June 2nd 2018, 5:16 pm

    this lines changed exactly in your language


    sr: "entered successfully",
            fd: "Flood control is active",
            nt: "A new message",
            tg: "is too long",
            pa: "You must specify",
            pb: "do not exist",
            pc: "You cannot",
            ps: "has been sent",
            da: "delete"

    my code works fine in english version

    Male Posts : 63
    Reputation : 7
    Language : Polish, English
    Location : Poland

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    Post by Ritsu June 3rd 2018, 11:18 am

    Can you tell me where to find them? Because Polish forum is fifty-fifty translated :/
    New Member

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    Post by mrzang September 14th 2018, 10:37 pm

    When I used this code, I posted some comments, they didn't appear before I refreshed a page. Sad
    Support Moderator
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    Post by SarkZKalie September 14th 2018, 11:41 pm

    Could you please provide a test account and your forum URL?

    Reply, preview, delete, quote, create new post, edit, without change the page (ajax) - Page 3 Sarkzk10

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    Post by teliosmetonma1 September 15th 2018, 10:50 am

    Me too.

    It alerts me to refresh the page

      Current date/time is September 22nd 2024, 7:35 pm